具菩薩道 得陀羅尼 無斷辯才 於佛滅後 以其所得神通總持辯才之力 滿十小劫 藥王如來所轉法輪 隨順分布
보살도를 갖추고 다라니를 얻어 변재가 끊어지지 아니하였느니라. 부처님이 열반에 드신 후에 그가 얻은 신통과 총지와 변재의 힘으로 10소겁이 차도록 약왕여래가 굴리신 법륜을 수순하여 널리 펼쳤느니라.
Carry out the bodhisattva way, and gain dharani power and unflagging eloquence. After the Buddha had passed into extinction, he exercised the transcendental powers he had acquired, the power to retain all he had heard, and the eloquence for fully ten small kalpas, continuing to turn the wheel of the Law turned by the Thus Come One Medicine King and spreading the teachings abroad.
Carry out the bodhisattva way; 보살도를 갖추고
gain dharani power; 다라니를 얻어
and unflagging eloquence; 변재가 끊어지지 아니하였느니라
After the Buddha had passed into extinction
; 부처님이 열반에 드신 후에
he had acquired; 그가 얻은
the power to retain all he had heard
; 신통과
the power to retain all he had heard; 총지와
and the eloquence; 변재의 힘으로
for fully ten small kalpas; 10소겁이 차도록
the Thus Come One Medicine King; 약왕여래가
continuing to turn the wheel of the Law turned
; 굴리신 법륜을 수순하여
spreading the teachings abroad; 널리 펼쳤느니라
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나무 대방광불화엄경