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안녕하세요 오늘 소개해 드릴 오퍼는 뉴욕 지역에서 선도적인 식료품 도매 유통 업체로 모지포지션은 business Admin 으로
100% 한국인이 근무하고 있기 때문에 특히 이번 오퍼는 취업비자(H1b) 지원이 가능하다고 하니 회사소개↓ Located in Long Isalnd City, we offer unparalleled customer service, providinga comprehensive listing of products for our clients to compete in the retail market. Abraham Natural Foods offers the highest quality certified organic products, as well as natural foods and specialty products. Our product listings are continuosly updated, as we aim for our clients to effectively compete in any market environment. We have established one of widest distribution networks and serve a wide variety of retail formats, including supermarkets, Health food store and extreme value stores in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Our delivery schedules are individually tailored to match each of our customer's needs. Every products is deliverd with the utmost care and is subject to enhanced technological inspection. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of customer service.
*** 본 채용정보는 노동부 산하 해외인턴쉽 및 해외취업 민간고용서비스전문기관인 ㈜이솔 (www.esolintern.com)에서 국내 지원자들의 해외 채용을 대행하는 해외취업 및 해외인턴쉽 채용정보이며, 각 국가별 채용 시에는 해당 국가의 합법적인 비자(VISA)가 필요하며 이에 따른 제반 관련 비용이 발생함을 알려드립니다.
www.esolintern.com http://cafe.naver.com/esolintern
E-mail : admin@esoledu.com TEL. 1661-2556 FAX. 02-6455-2557