The number of east and central Europeans registering to work in the UK has fallen to the lowest level since their countries joined the European Union four years ago, according to Home Office figures released on Wednesday.
The fall in the value of the pound, a worsening UK employment outlook and improved job prospects in their home countries have reduced the appeal of the UK to migrant workers from the so-called A8 accession countries – the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The decline in the number of migrants from the A8 countries should reduce competition for jobs as unemployment rises sharply, economists say. Even so, total unemployment is still expected by the CBI employers’ body to rise to 2.88m in 2010, short of the peak of 3m in the recessions of the early 1980s and 1990s.
The number of A8 migrants registering to work fell compared with the same period last year by more than 38 per cent to 35,000 in the third quarter, according to the Home Office. It was the biggest year-on-year fall since the UK opened its job market to A8 workers.
Almost 900,000 eastern and central Europeans, two-thirds of them from Poland, have registered to work in the UK since May 2004. The arrival of eastern and central Europeans was far greater than ministers had expected – research commissioned by the government originally predicted applications to register for work would be no more than 13,000 a year.
More Poles are now returning home as the value of sterling has fallen from more than 7 zlotys ($2) to the pound four years ago to just over 4.5. Wages in Poland have risen by almost 10 per cent in the past year alone.
The Polish unemployment rate – although still high in rural areas – has more than halved since 2004 to 8.9 per cent and was recently as low as 3 per cent in cities such as Warsaw and Poznan.
Separate figures published on Wednesday by the Office for National Statistics reported that the number of people coming to live in the UK for at least a year had dipped by 2.4 per cent to 577,000 last year. Numbers emigrating had also fallen, by 15 per cent to 340,000. Net immigration, however, still rose by 46,000 to 237,000.
요약 : 4년전 유럽연합에 가입한 이후로 영국에 일을 한다고 등록되어있는 동부 중심의 유럽인들의 수가 가장 낮은 정도로 떨여졌습니다.
실업이 급격하게 증가함으로써 A8나라(체코공화국,에스토니아,헝가리,라트비아,리투아니아,폴란드, 슬로바키아,슬로베니아)로의 이주자의 수의 감소는 직업에 대한 경쟁을 감소시킬 수 있다고 합니다.