Dear Donald John Trump (president)
<Make World Great Forever!>
I am a Korean pastor. I am writing this letter because I am deeply moved by your 2020 New Year message and because the many words you said hit my heart like a hammer. I am sending you this prayer letter because your words cannot silence me.
Your words were like the voice of God reaching mankind, sounding like a trumpet through your mouth.
Just one drop of rain can cause a river to overflow, or just one drop of rain can cause a dam to burst. Maybe a single snowflake can break a branch or a large tree can fall. Even one vote can help you win. So, I am sending you this letter while praying.
You are not only the President of the United States, but the President of all mankind. You will be the torch of humanity and the shining star forever, comparable to King Cyrus in human history.
"The LORD said to Cyrus, his chosen one: I have taken hold of your right hand to help you capture nations and remove kings from power. City gates will open for you: not one will stay closed. As I lead you, I will level mountains and break the iron bars on bronze gates of cities. I will give you treasures hidden in dark and secret places. Then you will know that I, the LORD God of Israel, have called you by name."(Isaiah 45:1-3)
"Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine like the stars." (Daniel 12:3)
I am convinced that there is a future for America, a future for mankind, and a hope for world peace because of your Excellency.
A knife can be a murder weapon when used by a robber, or a life-saving medical tool when used by a doctor. Nuclear weapons can destroy humanity, or they can become a tool for human peace. If people like you got nuclear weapons, war would end and the Earth would become a garden of peace.
I am confident that you will be re-elected as President of the United States, and I hope that you will be able to do more for humanity after your term ends.
Restoring human dignity is restoring morality, and this restoration of morality is possible only through education. Education for children (early childhood education) is the most effective, and all children in the world should be able to receive education.
Morality is human nature and the image in which God created humans. In order to restore humanity, Jesus Christ came to this earth and opened the way for restoration through his sacrifice on the cross.
God has given us everything to use for peace: life, health, authority, material things, wisdom, knowledge, and talent.
The human environment depends on the conditions of birth and education. There is a Korean proverb that says, ‘Habits formed at age 3 last until age 80.’
A large number of children around the world are growing up without receiving a proper education. I hope You become a global president and contribute to the education of American children and all children around the world. All human beings are children of one Heavenly God Father, born with dignity that transcends race, nation, religion, rich and poor.
If the morality of the leaders of each country is restored and the morality of the people of each country is restored, the world will become a second Garden of Eden.
Children do not have the right to vote. However, the parents have the right to vote. The parents love their children more than the president. If you love the children, the parents will love you.
Your mission is world peace. World peace begins with children's education (early childhood education). The spirit of peace must be planted in the pure hearts of children.
Please declare a children's education plan that transcends nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture, and region.
With proper leverage, you can easily roll large rocks. We need the means to educate children around the world. Educating children is an inexpensive and simple process, but it requires the wisdom of a crowbar.
Education should be able to achieve the maximum effect at a low cost, and educating children from all over the world, even if it is a vague abstract idea, will have a revolutionary educational effect with the wisdom to leverage modern scientific civilization as leverage. If we can use the Internet, broadcasting stations, and cutting-edge materials wisely, we can transcend time and space and share it with all humanity.
May the grace of Jesus Christ and the Love of God the Father and the Power of the Holy Spirit be with you all!
On Easter 2024
Rev. Immanuel Peter Kim