- 결과를 나타내는 과거완료 : 과거보다 이전에 일어난 일이 과거의 결과에 영향을 미칠 때 사용한다.
When she arrived at the bus stop,she found she had lost her wallet.
I had left my umbrella at school, so came home all wet.
- 계속을 나타내는 과거완료 : 과거 이전부터 과거의 어느 시점까지 계속된 일을 나타낼 때 사용한다.
He had suffered from a headache before he went to the hospital.
David had lived in France before he moved to America.
Mr.Smith became a CEO three years after he started to work.
I had known her for many years before she became a singer.
그는 한 달 전에 다리가 부러져서 어제 오지 못했다. - He had borken his leg a month before, so he couldn't come yesterday.