2010년 3월 2일, 서울 강남의 삼성타운 앞에서 "반도체 산재사망 노동자 추모주간"을 시작하는 기자회견을 갖는 자리에서
"삼성의 직업병 책임 인정과 안전하고 인간적인 노동조건 제공을 촉구하는 국제 청원 운동"이 시작되었습니다.
고맙게도 많은 해외 활동가들이 한국 삼성전자 노동자들의 직업병과 투쟁에 대해 연대하는 마음으로
이번 국제 청원서를 자기 나라에서 열심히 알리겠다는 격려의 편지들을 보내왔고,
만 하루도 안된 지금, 해외에서만 벌써 170명을 넘는 분들이 서명에 참여했습니다.
대만의 <Taiwan Environmental Action Network (TEAN)>이라는 단체에서
이 청원 운동을 알리기 위해 쓴 중국어 편지와
이번 청원운동의 공동 발기인인 <International Campaign for Responsible Technology(ICRT)>에서 보내온
영어판 청원서 내용을 아래에 소개합니다.
聲援韓國三星罹癌員工 國際連署行動正式展開
這個「三星負責運動」的新聯盟成員包括「半導體產業人健康與權益支持者」(SHARPs)、「韓國鋼鐵公會」(KMWU)、「工殤受難者權益亞洲連線」(ANROAV)、「責任科技國際運動」(ICRT)等團體。當日記者會將有受害員工家屬、矽谷毒物聯盟創辦人暨ICRT總召集人Ted Smith、韓國鋼鐵公會代表等發表聲明。
此聯盟也將公佈一波國際連署行動,要求致力行銷「綠色企業」的國際知名品牌三星電子對其員工的健康負責, 聯盟對三星的要求為:
1) 對其半導體製程所造成的危害負起責任
2) 對受害者進行賠償
3) 將三星電子轉變為無毒的標準工地,並有尊嚴地對待員工,以預防未來員工受到災害及虐待
· 韓國政府必須勒令三星對其員工的疾病要負責,並給付公平的賠償金額
· 韓國政府必須保護員工,並提供受害者及其家人一個發聲管道,要求三星負責
· 三星電子必須立即向員工及大眾公佈在半導體產業工作的傷害細節
· 三星電子必須立即停止迫害致力爭取安全公平的工作場所的員工
請大家踴躍上網連署,並將此信盡量轉寄出去-- http://www.anroav.org/content/view/98/1/
Petition Calling on Samsung to Accept Responsibility for Occupational Deaths and to Provide Safe and Decent Working Conditions
Addressed to:
Myung-bak Lee, the President of Korean Government
Gee-sung Choi, CEO of Samsung electronics
Tae-hee Yim, the Minister of Labor
Won-bae Kim, the President of COMWEL, the Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service
Min-ki Noh, CEO of KOSHA, the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency
Sponsored by: Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry (SHARPs), Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU), Asian Network for the Rights Of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV) and International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT)
The families and friends of electronics manufacturing workers at Samsung in Korea have discovered a cancer cluster among young workers exposed to toxic chemicals. The pattern of cancer deaths bears a striking resemblance to the pattern of cancer deaths among IBM “chip” workers in the US* and to other electronics cancer clusters around the world.
March 6th is the third anniversary of the death of Yu-mi Hwang, a Samsung semiconductor factory worker, who died from leukemia at age 22. Her death – and similar coworker deaths - has motivated people to demand that Samsung:
1) accept responsibility for the hazards of semiconductor manufacturing,
2) compensate those harmed; and
3) prevent future suffering and mistreatment of workers by making Samsung a toxics-free model workplace where workers are treated with dignity and respect.
Samsung denies all responsibility, and the Korean government has taken its side by denying compensation and even arresting and detaining the victims’ lawyer! Yu-mi’s family, co-workers, friends and other concerned people have formed SHARPs (Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry) to demand justice.
SHARPS is now asking concerned people around the world to join their campaign for international solidarity to raise awareness about occupational disease in the electronics industry and bring accountability to Samsung (and the rest of the electronics industry). In particular SHARPS is asking people to tell Samsung that people around the world endorse these just demands:
* The Korean government must determine that Samsung is responsible for causing the worker’s illnesses and fair compensation must be paid when workers get sick or are injured on the job
* The Korean government must protect the workers and give voice to the victims and their families who have suffered and bring accountability to Samsung
* Samsung Electronics must disclose to the workers and the public the truth about the hazards of working in the semiconductor industry
* Samsung Electronics must stop suppressing workers in their struggles for a safe and fair workplace.
Please add your voice by signing this petition to support SHARPs in their campaign for international solidarity.
첫댓글 한국사람들도 어떻게 참여할 수 있는지 쉽게 알리는것이 필요할 것 같습니다^^
참여하는 홈피가 영문이라 어려워 하시는 분이 있을거 같아 스샷을 첨부한 참여 안내 문서를 만들었습니다. http://noneway.tistory.com/570