- 청새리상어 Shark, Blue
. 학명; Prionace glauca
. 서식지; 수심350미터인 16도내외의 물에서 해류를 통해 장거리 회유
. 통명; 청새리상어
. 특징; 가슴지느러미가 길고 몸은 매우 날씬하고 긴 유선형
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로, 조리하여 다양하게 식용가능
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Prionace glauca
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 수심350미터인 16도내외의 물에서 해류를 통해 장거리 회유
. 지역; 전세계 온대와 열대의 심해해역
A member of the requiem shark family, the blue shark is very slender and streamlined, with a long and pointed snout that is much longer than the width of its mouth. Appropriately, it is a deep, brilliant blue or a dark cobalt to indigo blue above, fading gradually to white below. With up to three rows of functional teeth in each jaw, the larger teeth in the upper jaw are “saber shaped,” or broadly convex on one side and concave on the other; the teeth are serrated along the edges, and those in the lower jaw are narrower.
2 통명
- 영어; bluedog, great blue shark, blue whaler.
- 한글; 청새리상어, 흉상어목 흉상어과
3 개요
- 길이; 380센티이내, 평균 250센티
- 무게; 862파운드이내, 평균 150파운드
Circumglobal in temperate and tropical waters, blue sharks hardly rate as fighters in comparison to makos and threshers, but they are much more abundant and provide fine sport on appropriate tackle in cooler temperate waters off the northeastern United States, England, and California, where there are large sportfisheries for them.
4 특징
- 성별과 무게에 따라 빠른 속도로 떼로 사냥하여 바다의 늑대라는 별명
- 가슴지느러미가 길고 몸은 매우 날씬하고 긴 유선형
- 길고 뾰족한 주둥이가 입의 너비보다 훨씬 김
- 등은 진청색, 옆은 밝아지고 배는 백색
- 가죽, 삭스핀, 스쿠알렌 등으로 남획
They usually swim slowly, and yet they can be one of the swiftest sharks. The largest fish exceed 400 pounds and are fairly strong fighters when taken from cool waters.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 작은 물고기와 문어, 오징어, 랍스터, 새우, 게를 주로 섭취
- 암컷이 5세가되면 6세이상의 수컷에게 물려 짝짓기
- 암컷은 짝짓기를 위해 수컷보다 3배인 두꺼운 피부 발달
- 평균 60마리내외를 나황낭 태반을 통해 11개월간 영양을 보급하여 키워 태생으로 출산
- 회로 혹은 조리하여 다양하게 식용가능
Viviparous, blue sharks bear live young in large litters, up to 54 at one time (135 have been recorded); they mature at a length of 7 or 8 feet but can reach upward of 13 feet. The all-tackle world record is a 528-pound fish taken off Montauk, New York, in 2001.
Blue sharks are potentially dangerous to humans because they are related to unprovoked attacks on both humans and boats, especially during accidents and disasters at sea when injured people are in the water. They are sometimes called blue whalers because of their habit of trailing whaling ships and feeding off whale carcasses and ship garbage.