- 황소상어 Shark, Bull
. 학명; Carcharhinus leucas
. 서식지; 따뜻하고 30미터이내의 얕은 해안, 호수, 강
. 통명; 황소상어
. 특징; 다부진 몸, 넓고 평평한 주둥이, 예측불가능한 행동
. 먹이와 요리법; 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Carcharhinus leucas
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻하고 30미터이내의 얕은 해안, 호수, 강
. 지역; 전세계의 강과 해안
A large member of the requiem shark family, the bull shark is also called the freshwater whaler and the river whaler because it is most common inshore around river mouths and can adapt to life in freshwater.
2 통명
- 영어; freshwater whaler, river whaler.
- 한글; 잠베지강상어, 갠지스강상어, 니카라과호수상어, 강상어, 민물고래, 하구고래, 스완강고래, 아기상어, 삽코상어, 흉상어목 흉상어과
3 개요
- 길이; 350센티이내, 평균 230센티
- 무게; 900파운드이내, 평균 200파운드
This is the species that is landlocked in Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua and has gained fame as a man-eater because it has been repeatedly implicated in attacks on humans. Also known as the Zambezi shark in southern African waters, the bull shark is one of the three most dangerous sharks in that area, along with great white and tiger sharks, due to its relative abundance in inshore habitats where people are more likely to be attacked.
4 특징
- 예측불가능한 행동과 포악하고 얕은 물에 서식하여 백상아리, 뱀상어와 같이 인간을 공격하는 위험한 상어
- 다부진 몸, 넓고 평평한 주둥이, 예측불가능한 행동에서 황소상어로 명명
- 등은 회색이고 배는 백색
- 길고 낮은 꼬리지느러미와 작은 2등지느러미
- 연골어류중 체중당 가장 큰 6천뉴톤에 가까운 무는 힘
The bull shark gets its name from its bull-like head and is known for its heavy body and short snout, the latter of which appears very broad and rounded from below. Gray to dull brown above and growing pale below, the bull shark has a large first dorsal fin that begins above the midpectoral fin, and the upper lobe of the tail is much larger than the lower.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 어류는 물론 거북, 새, 돌고래, 육상 포유류, 갑각류 등 거의 모든 동물
- 수컷은 15살이 되면 늦여름에 18세이상인 암컷의 꼬리를 물어 뒤집은후 짝짓기
- 12개월후 태생으로 70센티인 7마리내외를 출산
- 강어귀에서 태어난 치어는 먹이가 풍부한 사냥을 위해 바다로 이동
- 먹이가 부족하면 훨씬 더 오랜 시간동안 소화
- 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
The bull shark can be sluggish and unwilling to strike a fly or crankbait, but it will hit natural bait readily; unlike other sharks that rise to the surface, the bull shark often stays deep and fights hard. Like the hammerhead, it will frequently attack hooked tarpon.
Usually growing to a length of 6 to 9 feet, the bull shark can reach 12 feet and more than 500 pounds. The all-tackle world record was formerly a 490-pounder taken off Alabama in 1986, but it was superseded by a 697-pounder caught off Kenya in 2001.
Bull sharks are widespread; they inhabit the western Atlantic from Massachusetts to southern Brazil, and the eastern Pacific from southern Baja California, Mexico, to Ecuador and possibly Peru.