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마우스 우측 버튼을 누르시면 OS상의 기본 설정 언어로 번역됩니다.
* The Guardian
Senate overrides Donald Trump's veto of defense spending bill
Gibraltar hails 'historic day' as last-minute deal greeted with relief
Brexit is nothing to celebrate, says Ireland's foreign minister
Italy begins year of Dante anniversary events with virtual Uffizi exhibition
BioNTech criticises EU failure to order enough Covid vaccine
Extend Covid measures or households face 'cliff edges', says Labour
Alexander Wang denies 'grotesquely false' sexual assault claims
Journalist dies in Afghanistan as targeted killings continue
* BBC News
Iran nuclear crisis: Tehran to enrich uranium to 20%, UN says
Mohammad Hassan Rezaiee: UN condemns Iran over 'juvenile execution'
Wall Street to kick out (Three) Chinese telecom giants
Coronavirus: Israel leads vaccine race with 12% given jab - BBC News
Afghanistan violence: Bismillah Aimaq is fifth journalist to die
* The New York Times
Covid-19 News: 32 More Countries Have Found the More Contagious Virus Variant First Seen in Britain
A New Theory About the Monolith: We’re the Aliens
* Wall Street Journal
U.S., Iraq Warn Iran Against Attacks
Wave of Black Politicians Takes Office in Brazil
Canada’s Trudeau Confident in Strong Recovery for 2021
(QuantumScape) The Hot Battery Startup That Could Zap Tesla
Airlines Buckle Their Seat Belts for a Bumpy 2021
Pakistan Seeks to Continue Detention of Man Convicted of Murdering Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl
* Al Jazeera
Israel vaccinates a million against COVID in less than two weeks
A unified Cuban peso, the Times Square ball and cashless Sweden
Pope shares worries for Yemen war victims in New Year message
What will Cuba’s new single currency mean for the island?
Kazakhstan scraps death penalty after nearly 20-year moratorium
* Reuters
Pope reappears after pain flare-up, calls for peace in New Year message
Witness detentions cast shadow over Egyptian 'MeToo' movement
Iraq evacuates oil tanker after mine found attached to hull
Pakistan arrests alleged militant group leader on terrorism financing charge
Car bomb explodes in vegetable market in northern Syria - state media
Kashmir region seeks $4 billion in investments, to provide security
* AP (Associated Press News)
Iran plans 20% uranium enrichment 'as soon as possible'
China warns of retaliation for NYSE's delisting of companies (apnews.com)
'Our children die in our hands': Floods ravage South Sudan
Some Mexicans struggle to get oxygen amid virus case surge
Chewy sends pet paintings to keep customers from straying
NY: Bomb-sniffing dogs? Check. Times Square crowd? Not this year
Israel's virus surveillance tool tests its democratic norms (tracking cellphones)
* The Real News
Holding humanity hostage: Dangerous prospects for Biden's nuclear weapons policy
In mainstream media, capitalism’s failures are always your fault
How the US, Turkey, and Israel are fueling a forgotten war between Armenia and Azerbaijan
Nigerians reject US imperialism with #EndSARS protests
* 毎日新聞 (마이니치)
緊急事態宣言 政府なお慎重 経済打撃トラウマに 1都3県知事要請
東京オリンピックは本当にあるのか? 揺れるアスリート ほころぶ強化策
感染対策「東京が一番やっていない」 時短強化を渋る都 専門家がいらだつ理由とは
イランがウラン濃縮20%意向 IAEAに通知 中東の緊張激化必至
新年祝砲が難民キャンプに、1人死亡 航空機にも流れ弾 レバノン
* South China Morning Post
By air and sea: China’s two-pronged strategy to grind Japan down over the Senkakus
How will the US re-engage with its Middle East allies and Iran in a post-Trump world?
Beijing rejects Taiwan’s offer of talks, telling ruling party to stop using ‘cheap tricks’
China blasts Nato with British aircraft carrier ‘heading to South China Sea’
China’s economy may expand by 9 per cent in 2021, helping to overtake US sooner
Iran warns nuclear inspectors it plans to enrich uranium 20 per cent, one step below weapons-grade
* China Daily
30 officials punished over deadly tank blast in East China
Fresh opportunity to improve cross-Straits relations
* Le Monde
Le Congrès balaie le veto de Donald Trump sur le budget de la défense
Après le Brexit, les nouveaux défis de Boris Johnson
Pourquoi Angela Merkel s’est fait l’avocate de l’accord UE-Chine
En Biélorussie, le mouvement révolutionnaire implanté mais enlisé
Présidentielle au Niger: le favori Mohamed Bazoum en tête pour le deuxième tour
* Le Figaro
Fête sauvage près de Rennes : pourquoi les gendarmes ne sont-ils pas intervenus plus tôt ?
Iran: décès d'un ayatollah ultraconservateur proche de Khamenei
Pour Erdogan, 2021 sera l'année de la consolidation du pouvoir et de l'expansionnisme régional
* Libération
135 chevaux sont morts en pleine course hippique en 2019
Pour le Nouvel An, les Alsaciens s'offrent une nouvelle région
Quels vaccins ont été approuvés dans quels pays ?
* Le Nouvel Observateur
Taxe d’habitation, APL, Brexit : ce qui change au 1er janvier 2021
Une femme médecin ouïghoure est détenue en Chine pour « terrorisme »
30 000 nouvelles places en crèche, une promesse qui s’évanouit
La charia, histoire et fantasmes
* Der Spiegel
Jeremy Farrar über Corona: »Es ist unmöglich, die Schulen in Deutschland rasch wieder zu öffnen«
Corona-Shutdown: Mediziner fordern bundesweite Verlängerung
Corona-Krise: Wirtschaftsexperten warnen vor Insolvenzwelle in Deutschland
* Frankfurter Rundschau
Corona-Lockdown in Deutschland: Kliniken „ohne Atempause“ – Ärzte fordern einheitliche Verlängerung
Frankfurt: Fitnessstudios ohne Perspektive
Spezial-Auftrag bei der Lufthansa: Flugzeug muss spezielle Fracht nach Großbritannien bringen
Wer China kritisiert, muss mit Vergeltung rechnen - der Triumph des Drachen
* Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Obdachlose Migranten: Odyssee in Bosnien-Hercegovina
Brief aus Istanbul: Wie Erdogan und Putin sich gleichen
Über 250 Festnahmen wegen Terrorvorwürfen in der Türkei
Merz will keine Flüchtlinge aus Griechenland und Bosnien
* El País
Las tretas de las empresas para despedir a parte de su plantilla sin presentar un ERE
Quién es Peter Turchin, el Nostradamus de la historia que hace diez años ya predijo que 2020 sería atroz
México busca una relación más favorable a sus principios con la llegada de Biden
* Известия (Izvestia)
В Афганистане боевики угнали автобус с пассажирами
Миллер назвал увеличившие закупку газа у «Газпрома» страны Европы
Исследование выявило винные предпочтения россиян
Кто не рискует: как спасти торговые центры от огня
* Interfax (Интерфакс)
RDIF to supply 2.6 mln Sputnik V vaccine doses to Bolivia
Azerbaijan begins commercial gas deliveries to Europe - Energy Ministry
Russia registers 26,513 new Covid-19 cases, 599 deaths in past 24 hours
Belarus is first foreign country to start mass Covid-19 vaccination using Russian vaccine Sputnik V - RDIF
* RT
ISIS claims responsibility for brutal Grozny traffic police officer stabbing which shocked Chechnya & enraged Kadryov