1. 기본 5문형
1) He goes to school every day.
2) She became a nurse.
3) John is playing football.
4) He gave me a watch.
5) She always makes me happy.
1) 1형식: 주어+완전자동사
2) 2형식: 주어+불완전동사+주격보어
3) 3형식: 주어+완전타종사+목적어
* * : do동사와 make동사의 구별
do동사: 일반적으로 " ∼의 행위를 하다"의 의미로 쓰임
do the shopping
do the ironing
do one's exercise
make동사: 전에 존재하지 않던 것을 새로이 만들어 낸다는 의미일 때 사용
make a fire
make a noise
4) 4형식: 주어+동사(수여동사)+간접목적어+직접목적어
5) 5형식: 주어+동사+목적어+목적보어
2. 불완전 자동사
1) She became a teacher.
2) This apple tastes good.
He seemed mad.
The audience remain silent all over concert.
She sat silent.
1) become동사군: ∼이 되다.
become rich
go mad, go naked (발가벗고 지내다). go red
turn red, turn pale (창백하게 되다)
prove fatal, turn out false
make a good wife (훌륭한 아내가 되다)
run asleep, fall ill (병나다)
get angry, get dark
come right, wear thin (닳아 얇아지게 되다)
2) be동사군
감각동사: smell, look, taste, sound, feel 등
This orange smells good.
"∼처럼 보이다" 의미의 동사군: seem, appear, look 등
He seems satisfied.
계속의 동사: keep, remain, continue 등
He contined obstinate.
위치동사: stand, lie 등
He stood leaning against the wall.
입증의 동사: prove, turn out, come out 등
He turned out a liar.
존재 변화의 동사: be born, live, die 등
Man is born crying, lives complaining and dies groaning.
He died young.
3. 자동사로 잘못 알기 쉬운 타동사
1) resemble: ∼를 닮다 (=take after)
He resembles his mother. ( )
He resembles with his mother.(×)
2) approach: ∼에게 다가가다.
The stranger approached me to talk. ( )
The stranger approached to me to talk.(×)
3) attend: ∼에 참석하다.
She attend the party last night. ( )
She attend at the party last night. (×)
4) await: ∼을 기다리다.
She awaited him all day long. ( )
She awaited for him all day long. (×)
5) discuss: ∼에 대해 토론하다.(=talk about)
They discussed the matter. ( )
They discussed about the matter. (×)
6) marry: ∼와 결혼하다.(=get married to)
She married him last year. ( )
She married to him last year. (×)
7) enter: ∼에 들어가다.
enter into: ∼을 시작(착수)하다.
He entered the room.
He entered into the business.
8) fell: ∼를 찍어 넘어뜨리다. (fell-felled-felled)
John felled a big tree.
9) reach: ∼에 도착하다.
reach for: ∼를 잡으려고 손을 뻗치다.
Finally, he reached a town.
He reached for his son.
** 목적어의 생략: 능동형 수동태의 경우 부사구와 결합할 경우와
진행형의 경우 목적어가 생략됨.
The book sells well. (그 책은 잘 팔린다.)
At last they gave in. (드디어 그들은 굴복했다.)
A house is building. (=being built)
The book is now printing. (=being printed)
4. 수여동사: 간목적어,직접목적어
1) She bought me a watch.
She bought a watch for me.
2) I owe him two thousand won.
I owe two thousand won to him.
3) He played me a trick.
He played a trick on me.
4) The teacher asked me an answer.
The teacher asked an answer of me.
5) I envy you your good luck
6) We finally convinced them of our innocence.
1) 4형식을 3형식으로 전환시 전치사 for를 취하는 동사: buy, get, make,
save, spare, obtain, sing 등
She made me a new suit. (4형식)
She made a new suit for me. (3형식)
2) 4형식을 3형식으로 전환시 전치사 to를 취하는 동사: give, send, offer,
owe, pay, show, teach, read, mail, bring 등
I offered him my help. (4형식)
I offered my help to him. (3형식)
3) 4형식을 3형식으로 전환시 on을 취하는 동사: play
He played her a joke. (4형식)
He played a joke on her. (3형식)
4) 4형식을 3형식으로 전환시 전치사 of를 취하는 동사: ask
He asked me an answer.(4형식)
He asked an answer of me.(3형식)
5) 4형식 동사를 3형식으로 전환하면 어색한 동사: envy, forgive, save,
take, cost, forget 등
I envy him his good luck. ( )
I envy his good luck of him. (×)
6) 주어+동사+직접목적어(that절) 주어+동사+目+of구 형태로 전환되는 동사:
inform, convince, assure, remind 등
He assured me that he would help. (4형식)
He assured me his help. (3형식)
5. 수여동사로 착각하기 쉬운 3형식 동사
: explain, admit, describe,
suggest, announce, introduce, confess 등
1) I explained the theory to them. ( )
I explained them the theory. (×)
2) She suggested to me that I go to her office. ( )
She suggested me that I go to her office. (×)
6. 사역동사, 지각동사
1) He let me go home.
She made me help him.
My mother had me clean my room.
She had her watch stolen.
2) I saw him walk on the street.
I saw him walking on the street.
I saw him carry the box.
→ He was made to carry the box by me.
I saw him to be pale.
1) 사역동사: let, make, have, bid 등으로 목적격 보어로 동사원형을 취함
let: 허락, 방법의 의미(목적어의 의지)
He allowed me to go home.
make: 강제의 의미(=compel)[목적어의 의지와 무관]
She compelled me to help him.
have: 명령, 부탁을 표시(=urge, cause)
have+目+원형동사: 목적어와 동사가 능동관계
My mother urged me to clean my room.
have(get)+目+p.p: 목적어와 동사가 수동관계
He has his hair cut.
** have동사가 사역동사로 쓰이면 수동태로 쓸 수가 없다.
I had my report typed.
My report was had to do typed by me. (×)
2) 지각동사: feel, hear, notice, smell, watch, see 등
목적어와 동사가 능동관계: 원형 또는 ∼ing형
목적어와 동사가 수동관계: p.p형
원형과 ∼ing형의 차이
He walked on the street, and I saw him do this. (완결된 동작)
I saw him while he was walking on the street. (진행중인 동작)
* have, let을 제외한 사역 동사와 지각동사가 목적어+원형동사 형태를
취할 때 수동태에서 원형동사가 to부정사로 바뀐다.
지각동사의 목적보어가 be인 경우 to be를 씀.
I saw him be pale. (×)
7. 목적격 보어를 필요로 하는 동사군
: think, believe, suppose,
find, define, imagine, fancy 등
1) He thought himself a great poet.
2) The jury believed her to be innocent.
3) We all supposed her beautiful.
8. 목적격보어를 필요로 하는 동사군
: render(cause to become), render, make, have, get,
keep, set, drive 등 (∼을 ∼한 상태로 하다.)
1) His poverty rendered him unable to go abroad.
2) Overeating made him fat.
9. 목적격 보어로 to부정사를 취하는 동사군
: advise, warn, ask, cause, enforce, encourge,
allow, enable, permit, forbid, remind, persuade, compel, force 등
1) I advised her to stop smoking.
2) He warned me not to drink heavily.
3) She forbade her clildern to play basketball.
cf. She dissuaded me from drinking.
10. would like, order, want의 특별용법
1) I'd like you to come here tomorrow.
I want the homework done immedietly.
2) The chief order me to bring her.
would like와 want는 목적어가 그 다음 동사의 의미상 주어가 되면
to부정사를, 목적어가 그 다음 동사의 대상이 되면 과거분사를 쓰며, order는 목적어 다음에 to부정사를 목적보어로 취함.
11. 타동사로 잘못 쓰기 쉬운 자동사
: complain, apologize, interfere, account, sympathize 등
1) They complained about the injustice of the of the government.
2) He apologized to me for being late.
3) The noise interfered with my sleep.
4) He accounted for being late.
5) She sympathized with his fate.
12. 주의를 요하는 동사
1) raise - 올리다(vt), 기르다, 모금하다(raise-raised-raised)
rise - 오르다(vi), 일어나다(rise-rose-risen)
He raised the flag.
The sun rises over the mountain.
cf. arise(vi)(=begin, appear)
arouse(vt)(=cause to become active)
2) set - 놓다(vt), 배치하다, ∼케 하다(set-set-set)
sit - 앉다(vi), 앉아있다(sit-sat-sat)
seat - 앉히다(vt), 수용하다(seat-seated-seated)
He set me free.
She was sitting on the chair.
She seated herself in the bed.
3) lie - 거짓말하다(vi), 거짓으로 속이다(lie-lied-lied)
눕다(vi), 누워있다(lie-lay-lain)
lay - 놓다(vt), 낳다(lay-laid-laid)
He lied to me.
She lay in the bed.
The man laid the bag on the table.
4) hire - 짧은 시간동안 탈 것 이나 장소 등을 「세내다」
rent - 장기간 동안에 걸쳐 집·방·물품 등을 「임대차하다」
let - 토지·집 따위를 「세내다」
lease - 사용료·기간 따위의 조건을 정식 계약서로 정하여 「임대차하다」
5) eat - (주로 사람이)먹다(vi), ∼을 먹다(vt)
feed - (주로 짐승이)먹다(vi), ∼에게 먹을 것을 주다(vt)
She was dating fish.
She fed her dog everyday.
6) take - (약을)먹다, (음식에 무엇을 타서) 먹다, 마시다
have - (음식을)먹다, 마시다(=drink)
Did you take the medicine?
I'm having breakfast now.
7) 공급동사군
She provided us with fresh water.
She conferred favor on me.
전치사 with를 쓰는 동사군: provide, furnish, present, supply,
endow, serve 등 provide
provide B to(for) A
A with B: A에게 B를 주다
전치사 on을 쓰는 동사군: confer, bestow 등
confer A on B에게 A를 주다
8) make의 여러 가지 용법
「작성하다」: make a bill, make one's will, make a bargain(계약하다)
「켜다」: make a fire
「벌다」: make a fortune, make one's living
「맺다」: I made friends with him.
「되다(=become)」: She made a good wife.
기타 : make arrangements(=prepare),
make the bed(잠자리를 정돈하다), make(=bake) a cake,
make believe(=pretend), make a mistake 등
** make A of(out of) B: B로 A를 만들다
(원료, 재료의 질을 변화시키지 않는 경우)
make A from B: B로 A를 만든다
(원료, 재료의 질이 변화하는 경우)
make A into B: A로 B를 만든다
(원료, 재료를 가공하거나 사람을 감화시키는 경우)
They made a desk of wood.
Wine is made from grapes.
We make rice into chungju.
9) 탈격동사: rod, clear, deprive, cure, relieve 등
rob A of B: A에게서 B를 강탈하다
steal B from A
He robbed me of my purse from me.
10) bear: 끌다, 참다(=carry, endure) (bear-bore-born)
낳다(=give rise to) (bear-bore-borne)
She has born her sorrows.
I was borne in Korea.
11) 기타동사의 용법
blame A for B: A에게 B의 책임을 묻다, B에 대해서 A를 비난하다.
= blamed B on A
I blamed him for his failure.
I blamed his failure on him.
oblige A to 부정사: A에게 ∼하도록 강요하다
oblige A with B : A에게 B를 베풀다
The law obliges parents to send their children to school.
Could you oblige me with some money.
convince A of B: A에게 B를 확신시키다
convince+目+that절: 目에게 that이하를 확신시키다.
be convinced that절 : that이하를 확신하다.
be convinced of+句
They convinced me of their win.
He convinced me that I was in the wrong.
I was convinced that he was guilty.
I convinced that he was guilty. (×)
** win: (경쟁, 내기에서)이기다. (승리, 상품을)획득하다.
win a prize, win a game, win a race
beat: 상대방을 최종적으로 이기다
He beat the opponent.
defeat: 상대방을 일시적으로 승리하다
see: (의지와 관계없이)보이다, 눈으로 경험하다
look at: (의도적으로 또는 어떤 목적으로 눈을 이용하여)∼을 바라보다
watch: (잠시동안 무엇인가 움직이는 물체를 찾아)
∼을 주의하여 바라보다
Can you see anything?
Don't look at me like that!
He is watching the TV show.
survive, outlive: ∼에서 살아남다, ∼보다 오래살다(vt) 전치사가 필요없음.
They survived the battle.
His mother survived her husband.
12) 주의해야 할 동사변화
cut-cut-cut, hit-hit-hit, cost-cost-cost, cast-cast-cast,
hurt-hurt-hurt, let-let-let, put-put-put, read-read[red]-read[red]
shut-shut-shut, shed-shed-shed
과거, 과거분사가 2개 이상 존재하는 동사
shine-shined-shined(vt): ∼을 닦다, 윤을 내다 shine-shone-shone(vi): 빛내다
hang-hanged-hanged: 교수형에 처하다
hang-hung-hung: 매달다
기타 주의할 동사활용
fall-fell-fallen(vi): 떨어지다
fell-felled-felled(vt): (찍어)넘어 뜨리다
fly-flew-flown: 날다
fly-fled-fled: 도망하다
flow-flowed-flowed: 흘러넘치다
find-found-found: 찾다
found-founded-founded: 설립하다
saw-sawed-sawn[sawed]: 톱질하다
sew-sewed-sewn[sewed]: 바느질하다
sow-sowed-sown[sowed]: (씨를)뿌리다