June 30, 2024
Key verses: 1-3: "Therefore be strong, my son, through the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, command faithful men to teach others also. Suffer with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus."
At the beginning of Christianity, the word "Jesus' disciples" meant "all Christians", because at that time most Christians eagerly learned Jesus' teachings and followed them. For example, the man born blind in the 9th chapter of John's Gospel was called Jesus' disciple, who identified himself as Jesus' disciple despite persecution.
Throughout history, only people who faithfully follow Jesus are called Jesus' disciples.
In my sermon today, I use the term "Jesus' disciples" to refer to those who follow Jesus properly.
In a church there are both simple Christians and disciples of Jesus. If a church is to be healthy, the disciple group should lead the church and accept seekers and younger Christians in the faith and train them as disciples over time. Such a church can then be called a healthy, vibrant church.
To become such a church, the first step is for the church to have good disciples of Jesus.
We are to be good disciples ourselves as well as leading seekers to faith and raising them up as disciples of Jesus.
Today I would like to use the second chapter of 2 Timothy to explain what a good disciple of Jesus should look like.
Paul, who was in prison in Rome, knew that many Christians had denied their faith because of persecution. However, he encouraged Timothy to be a good disciple of Jesus himself according to the grace of Christ and to raise up other faithful disciples.
1 Who is a good disciple? (1-7)
(1) Two essential requirements for good disciples of Jesus (1-2)
Paul first tells us two essential requirements for good disciples of Christ:
First, 'Be strong through grace in Christ Jesus' (1).
Timothy could become weak for various reasons: Paul, his teacher and leader of Christianity, was in prison (1:16). And many coworkers had left the missionary work (1:15). In addition, Timothy's health was weak (1 Tim 5:23). It was therefore easy for Timothy to become spiritually weak.
We can also be weak and reluctant to share the gospel and make disciples for various reasons. For example, because of general opinions about the gospel. Today, postmodernism prevails. That is why people are afraid to preach the gospel. And the law forbids actively proclaiming the gospel. That's why people can hold back and not proclaim Jesus. And you don't try to educate Jesus' disciples.
But Paul says to Timothy in 1:12: "For this reason I suffer these things, but I am not ashamed of them, because I know in whom I believe and am sure that he is able to keep what has been entrusted to me until that day."
Paul encouraged Timothy and us to be strong through the grace in Christ Jesus.
To be strong through grace in Christ Jesus - that is the secret to becoming strong. If we want to be faithful laborers for the Lord, we must be strong in the grace of the Lord. We were not actually worthy to be God's children. But by God's grace, he has accepted us as his children and given us eternal life and the kingdom of heaven. If we remember this grace, our fears and worries will disappear and we will have peace and joy. So we should remember this grace and remain in his grace. In this way we can overcome all difficulties and be victorious.
Secondly, we are to 'command faithful men to preach the gospel'(2).
If we are strong, but if we do not share the gospel with others, we cannot say that we are good disciples of Jesus. And making more disciples is most important.
We remember the words of the risen Jesus:
"Go and make disciples of all nations... and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Mt 28:19-20)
We are to discover faithful people and command them to become Jesus' disciples and proclaim the gospel.
Raising up disciples and working dynamically to spread the gospel - that is Jesus' highest task to us.
From the very beginning, Jesus Christ both raised up disciples and taught the word of God to multitudes. And he encouraged these disciples to raise up other disciples.
Paul also says: "Command faithful men to preach the gospel (2).
Among Christians there are disciples and multitudes. There are multitudes who believe in Jesus Christ, but they do not actively share the gospel. Of course, it is good that they believe in Jesus Christ.
Disciples are the people who actively share the gospel with other people and hold on to their faith in all circumstances.
In a church there are generally disciples and simple believers. Without Jesus' disciples, a church will disintegrate over time. If there are disciples in the church, it becomes alive and grows in God's time.
(2) We can compare a good disciple with soldiers, athletes and farmers.
First: Like a devoted soldier (3-4)
A good disciple of Jesus should first of all be like a good soldier who is devoted to Christ (3-4):
Paul said:
"Suffer along as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. He who goes to war does not involve himself in the affairs of daily life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him."
When young people are called up by the state for military service, they have to let go of all their private pursuits and become soldiers. They concentrate on military training. They have to sacrifice all their time for this. If necessary, they should also sacrifice their lives if war breaks out.
Disciples of Jesus are soldiers of Christ, and Jesus Christ is their commander. He wants to save people from the power of sin and Satan and lead them into the blessed kingdom of God. He has called us to this battle (1 Tim 1:18; Eph 6:11-13). To this end, we are to live Christ-centered (Gal 1:10), free people from the power of sin and the devil and lead them to the Lord.
Therefore, we are to crucify our ego daily, become strong by the grace of the Lord and save ourselves with joy, people through the gospel.
Secondly, like a fair player (5) :
Athletes are to play according to the rule, as verse 5 says: "And though a man fight, yet is he not crowned, he fighteth but rightly"(5).
A disciple of Jesus should work according to the rules of God. We should therefore love the divine ethic and act out of love for our neighbor. We are to act as salt of the earth and light of the world. Although we have become Christians by the grace of God, we are not completely free from the sinful human nature. Therefore, we should overcome our sinful nature and think of the glory of God and the well-being of our neighbor. This begins first in the family and in the church. It happens from time to time that we act according to human nature. But we are to become credible disciples of Jesus. To this end, we should act according to divine grace. We should also act according to the grace of God with our neighbors, colleagues and all people. As Jesus' disciples, our words and deeds should match.
Third: like a diligent, patient farmer
A disciple of Jesus is to be like a diligent farmer who works patiently with the hope of a good harvest. So Paul says in verse 6:
"Let the farmer who tills the field be the first to enjoy the fruit."
In order to enjoy the joy of the harvest, he must work diligently despite the hardship. This teaches us that a disciple of Jesus should work diligently.
A disciple of Jesus should also work patiently. We need to work faithfully with patience and vision.
This is why James says to us: "Therefore, brothers, be patient until the coming of the Lord! The farmer also waits for the precious fruit of the earth. He waits patiently until the rains come in the fall and spring" (James 5:7).
So we should work with patience and diligence.
2 What attitude to life does a disciple of Jesus need? (8-13)
(1) Look to Jesus (8)
Paul says to Timothy: "Remember Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead, of the seed of David, according to my gospel." (8).
Jesus' disciple should not fix his eyes on the world, but on Jesus Christ.
Christ left his heavenly glory and came into the world to save people. He then died on the cross, rose again on the third day and sits at the right hand of God.
Although Jesus could have joy in the world, he endured the cross for our salvation. Now he is seated at the right hand of God (Heb 12:2).
A disciple of Jesus does not forget that the Lord endured the agony of death in order to redeem us and bless us. This Jesus said to us:
"In the world you have fear; but take courage, I have overcome the world!" (John 16:33).
Jesus' disciples should look to Jesus and have the certainty of victory.
(2). Conviction of the powerful spread of the word (9)
Jesus' disciples are to have the conviction of the spread of the word of God.
Paul continues in verse 9: "For which I suffer until I am bound as an evildoer, but the word of God is not bound" (8-9).
Paul was often persecuted by the Jews and Gentiles. (2 Cor 11:23-28). He was also imprisoned twice in Rome (AD 61-62: Acts 28:16; AD 66-67) with chains.
Nevertheless, he said that the Word of God is not bound by chains (9). He was convinced that the gospel would spread powerfully in the world despite the various obstacles. Confident of victory, he prayed for the spread of the gospel even in prison. Even today, the gospel is being powerfully proclaimed to the world through his disciples. We need this conviction of victory.
(3) Endure all difficulties for the sake of heavenly glory (10)
Paul endured the difficulties because he was looking forward to heavenly glory (Mt 19:29). Believers have patience firstly because we believe in the future glory.
Secondly, because we have great hope for the salvation of many.
If a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, many wheat plants will come forth from it and bear much fruit (John 12:24) We are to have a great vision of world evangelization.
Third, we ourselves are to become an example for other Christians.
Our dying lives will become an empowerment to other Christians.
If we die for the gospel, we will live eternally with Christ in the kingdom of heaven. The Lord is faithful and will surely keep his pro
3 How can we be blameless gospel workers? (14-26)
(1) We should know the characteristics of false teachers and avoid them
Paul warns Timothy against false teachers and useless disputes. He names their characteristics:
First, useless strife (14).
By useless strife, Paul means the attack on others that comes from an evil heart.
Secondly, unspiritual gossip (16).
Whoever listens to such talk will be confused in his faith.
Third: Their word eats like the evil cancer (17).
Such false doctrine spreads quickly.
Fourth, they claim that the resurrection is over (18).
They deny the resurrection. But if we have no hope of resurrection, we will become hopeless and live corrupt lives.
(2) What qualifications do we need?
Paul continues to teach Timothy about the qualifications of gospel workers:
First, understand and teach God's Word correctly (15A).
Faced with the confusion of God's truth, the workers are to understand God's Word correctly and proclaim it clearly.
Second, be recognized as a righteous gospel worker (15B).
We should be vigilant both spiritually and personally and not blame. Gospel workers should be refined like pure gold. Without this purification, he can easily be seduced.
Third, we should strive to sacrifice ourselves to God (15C).
A gospel worker should be for God his whole life. Although it is widely recognized by people, not accepted by God, it becomes meaningless.
Fourth, we are to be clean, holy vessels for the Lord (20-21).
In other words, our lives should be morally and spiritually blameless. This should prepare us for God's work.
(3) We should avoid the following: Above all, we must avoid the lust of youth (22). By the desires of youth, Paul meant all evil desires, e.g. B. sexual, worldly and material desires. One cannot serve God freely with such desire. The best way to do this is to fight good fights for good goals. That is why disciples should avoid useless arguments (16; 23). Anyone who likes to argue and get angry is not a good disciple of Jesus. We are to teach with kindness, patience, and warmth. We can thereby lead people to repentance. Let’s read verses 1-3 together again! “So be strong, my son, through the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, command faithful people to teach others also. Suffer with us as a good champion of Christ Jesus.”