There is emerging evidence that PT management may suffice for patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, cervicogenic dizziness, and musculoskeletal impairments leading to dysequilibrium. - 양성 돌발성 자세성 현훈, 경추성 어지러움, 근육장애로 야기되는 평형장애 환자는 물리치료로 치료될 수 있는 강력한 증거들이 떠오르고 있음. 어지러움증의 치료도 suboccipital releasing, 경추성 근육통, 관절기능부전 등을 치료한 후 전정재활운동법으로 어지러움증을 적응시키면 상당수준의 치료가 가능하다. panic bird... |
어지러움증에 대해서 잘 정리된 논문이다.
1. bppv
2. cervicogenic dizzness
3. musculoskeletal impairments에 의한 어지러움증
수련의에게 맡겨야겠다.
Dizziness in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice.pdf
Dizziness in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice: History and Physical Examination
Physical therapy (PT) differential diagnosis of patients complaining of dizziness centers on distinguishing those patients who might benefit from sole management by the physical therapist from those patients who require referral for medical-surgical differential diagnosis and (co) management. There is emerging evidence that PT management may suffice for patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, cervicogenic dizziness, and musculoskeletal impairments leading to dysequilibrium.
- 양성 돌발성 자세성 현훈, 경추성 어지러움, 근육장애로 야기되는 평형장애 환자는 물리치료로 치료될 수 있는 강력한 증거들이 떠오르고 있음.
This article provides information on the history taking and physical examination relevant to patients with a main complaint of dizziness. The intention of the article is to enable the therapist to distinguish between patients complaining of dizziness due to these three conditions amenable to sole PT management and those patients who likely require referral. Where available, we have provided data on reliability and validity of the history items and physical tests described to help the clinician establish a level of research-based confidence with which to interpret history and physical examination findings.
The decision to refer the patient for a medical-surgical evaluation is based on our findings, the interpretation of such findings in light of data on reliability and validity of history items and physical tests, an analysis of the risk of harm to the patient, and the response to seemingly appropriate intervention.
Medications associated with subtypes of dizziness
Romberg test
Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration of Balance
Fukuda step test
Signs and symptoms indicative of pathologies amenable to sole PT management
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임상 7년차 물리치료사입니다. 저번주 금요일에 BPPV로 인해 dizziness 호소하시는 중년 여성분이 오셨는데..
처음 접하는 케이스에 당황...근데 물리치료로 해결 가능한 질환이라고 하네요 헉...이거 얼마나 물리치료사들이 이해하고 있을까 나만 모를까 등등 자존심 팍~~~상하고 있던 찰나에 원장님 자료 게시....좋은 자료 감사합니다.^^
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