07. The Survival of Languages Project!
Noah was a righteous man,
blameless among the people of his time,
and he walked faithfully with God. (Genesis 6:9)
When Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, most people had become corrupt and violent, living in ways completely contrary to God’s creation. It was truly remarkable that Noah alone was considered a “righteous man” in such a time. To Noah, God said:
“The end of all flesh has come before Me,
for the earth is filled with violence through them;
and behold,
I will destroy them with the earth.”(Genesis 6:13)
“Make yourself an ark of gopher wood;
make rooms in the ark,
and cover it inside and out with pitch.
Bring into the ark two of all living creatures,
male and female, to keep them alive with you.”
(Genesis 6:14-19)
Noah informed people of these facts daily, but they treated him as a madman.
“A great flood in such clear weather?
Building a boat on a mountain?
He’s crazy.”
Even modern people without faith might find Noah’s ark difficult to understand. Many might think that such a massive project would be impossible due to the costs and various challenges, even with today’s advanced civilization. However, a closer look at the pre-flood ecosystem reveals that this thinking is flawed. It is a matter of ‘faith’ versus ‘unbelief.’
During Noah’s flood, only eight people had faith. Even among these eight, their faith was not perfect. After the flood, some of Noah’s children showed little reliance on God, leading their descendants into corruption. Despite this, they were saved because they participated in building the ark under Noah’s special grace. Today, if someone thinks they can be saved by merely doing something without true faith, it would be a foolish notion.
Geologists claim that the land we live on was once a single landmass, which was the case until Noah’s time. If we combine all the lands of the world centered around Israel, it naturally fits together, with the Garden of Eden or Israel at the center. God prepared and governed everything meticulously. About one-third of the land was dry land, and the rest was sea. The land was a large, roughly rectangular or oval-shaped mass, with the easternmost part being present-day Japan. However, due to the crustal changes caused by the weight of the water during Noah’s flood, Japan became an island, separated from the mainland where Noah’s descendants lived. The descendants of Shem, who came down to the Korean Peninsula, crossed the sea to live in Japan, but it could not be the true East connected to the continent where Noah’s descendants lived. If Japan had not become an island, it would have been attached to the right side of Korea, making it the land of the East, and possibly the second chosen people would have lived there. If that were the case, Hwanung might have gone to Mount Fuji, the highest peak in the east, to offer the first worship upon reaching the East and the final sacrifice (worship) to conclude the journey to the East.
The earth was divided into the Pacific Ocean and the continental land. Due to the flood, the continental terrain changed, and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans formed, creating the current land and sea structure. Therefore, in Noah’s time, the land was one, and the entire earth had a similar climate. Thus, animals could naturally gather where Noah was. As we know, animals sense natural disasters and quickly flee. This has been confirmed in recent years. Given the climate at the time, animals were scattered everywhere and naturally headed towards Noah’s ark. Sensing the great flood, animals instinctively knew that Noah’s ark was their only salvation and gathered there. Noah only had to follow God’s instructions, and God’s promise was fulfilled.
Only eight people were chosen by God to enter the ark, but countless animals gathered. However, the ark’s size limited the number of animals it could accommodate. Therefore, as God instructed, clean animals, which were herbivores or weak and easily preyed upon, were chosen in pairs of seven, while unclean animals, which were carnivores or strong, were chosen in pairs of one. Although it is not officially known, insects and small creatures that did not take up space might have survived by clinging to various parts of the ark, possibly by God’s providence.
It is ironic that, despite God’s special love and willingness to grant grace to anyone who repented, people did not come, while animals sensed the danger and gathered at Noah’s ark. This makes one think that human pride is indeed incorrigible.