VGMA (SAIGON, OCT 21, 2011)
1. Spiritual and Relational Conditions
A. Applicants must have had a personal experience of salvation through Jesus Christ. They should also be living a consistent Spirit-filed life demonstrated by a walk of faith, a life of witness, openness to the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and a conscientious obedience to God's Word.
Their lives are supposed to be good examples of submission to spiritual leaders and daily death of ego. Their Christian testimony should reflect a "good report" by those within and outside the Body of Christ.
B. Applicants are expected to show evidences of God’s cals upon their lives for the missionary fields they are seeking appointment.
C. Applicants should be a person of character beyond reproach, having spiritual maturity and with a deep personal commitment to the Lord. They should be a person of prayer, who feeds daily on the Word of God, and who displays a servant attitude and genuine zeal for Christian service and evangelism.
D. Applicants must be an active member and in good standing with a local church. Membership should have been active for a sufficient period of time to establish a relationship with the church and to prove his/her character and ministry. Pastoral recommendation is expected.
E. Applicants should have a testimony of tithing to their home congregation. Being able to show regular support of missions by offerings is also recommended. Experience has demonstrated that those who have not tithed and supported missions wil have a difficult time financialy on the mission field.
F. Applicants must demonstrate a willingness to cooperate with and be mobilized by the VGMA as well as their sending Church for missionary assignments.
G. Applicants must be wiling to be trained adequately for the specific aspects of mission work he will be engaged in. While experience in cross-cultural interaction wil be helpful, there should be a willingness to learn a new language and adapt to a new culture. The candidate should be prepared to go to an approved sister church mission field (or other approved organization) and work submissively under supervision of others. This preparedness also extends to regular reporting to home church and VGMA.
2. Educational Background
Each applicant should have a working knowledge of God's Word. Bible college training or its equivalent is recommended, but not required if the applicant has other desirable qualifications or experience -such as a proven ministry, or assignment on the field that will not require teaching and preaching. Generally, some minimum biblical education standards are recommended.
3. Physical Conditions
Each applicant must have a thorough physical examination and medical clearance from a physician before application approvals can be finalized.
4. Marital and Family Conditions
A. The applicant’s spouse is expected to share his/her call and endorse the applicant’s attending the program. In the event the married applicant fails to obtain his/her spouse’s written consent, final approval from VGMA in favor of the application shall be reconsidered by the Board of Directors.
B. Applicants are required to make proper arrangements in order to ensure that their family dependents shall be sufficiently supported throughout their participation in the training course and the subsequent mission trips, home or abroad.
5. Language Conditions
Foreign language study (English, Korean, Chinese, etc) is mandatory for all missionaries serving overseas.
6. Financial Conditions
A. Personal Debts
Each applicant should be debt-free before leaving for his field of service as endorsed by VGMA.
B. Sending Church’s financial contribution:
Approvals shall not be granted until the applicant has managed to show VGMA a reasonable financial plan in which the requisite minimum amount of offerings per quarter is committed by the sending Church.
7. Other screening criteria
A. Applicants must be 18 or above by November 30, 2011
B. Applicants must have a clean criminal record check. As to other special cases in which the applicants used to have certain criminal convictions before he/she officially accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, the determination whether the approval shall be granted or not is totally dependent on the Board of Directors’ discretion.
1. Application
The first step in pursuing a missionary training course, followed by a specific missionary assignment with VGMA.
2. Profile Screening
Upon receiving your application, VGMA shall contact your references as a part of the discernment process. Our Administrative team will review your materials and arrange for an interview at VGMA headquarters.
3. Interview
The purpose of the interview is to review the applicant’s spiritual and moral qualifications for admission into the training program. VGMA schedules a formal interview for applicants on bi-annual basis. All arising accommodation and transportation costs to and from the interview are to be covered personally by the applicant.
4. Approval Stage
VGMA reserves the right to grant approval to a specific application while refusing to do so for the sake of another.
Upon the availability of Interview results, a congratulatory telephone call shall be made by VGMA’s Administrative Office to notify the successful candidates of their being approved, followed by a written notice being posted to:
i) the applicant, ii) the local sending Church.
The chosen candidates must sign the Missionary Candidate Agreement upon the official admission into the program.
III. Application Package
1. The application package for VGMA Missionary Training Program shall include and be limited to:
-Completed Application Form
-Reference Letters (Valid Referees: Executive Pastors, Employers or Supervisors, Cell Group Leaders, Spiritual Mother or Father)
-Passport Size Pictures
-Photocopy of the Passport
-Medical Certificate
-Letter of Endorsement from the local Church
-List of 05 Intercessory Prayer Supporters (with detailed contacts)
-Written Consent of Spouse and Children (for married applicants)
2. Under no circumstances shall applications be returned to applicants. Nor shall they be released or distributed to any third party without prior consent of the applicants. However, VGMA reserves the right to use the information in packages for research and study purposes, provided that individual identity is not divulged without applicants’ prior notice.