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kevin zzang
카페 게시글
talk about 공지 Hi everybody !
sarah 추천 0 조회 60 05.12.16 16:28 댓글 5
게시글 본문내용
  • 05.12.16 23:33

    첫댓글 finally~!! ^^*

  • 05.12.17 01:10

    Hellow! sarah! I really nice to see your name in "talk about". And i hope you meet to your new year day too .

  • 05.12.17 02:58

    Hi Sarah,how are you? I'd like to thank you for joining the devils...They're all devils except one. Who? 알면서.

  • 05.12.17 12:12

    Hey ! Sarah ! Do I know you? You are the woman that I've known in E class ? Now I come to think of it , You are so impressed with yourself ,aren't you ?

  • 05.12.20 16:38

    I wonder your expression, "My English has a long way to go." is correct or not. Kevin, is it right? It is very interesting expression. I am sure you are very creative person, aren't you?
