World Scripture Ⅱ
Part One - God and Creation
Chapter 4 God’s Creation and Human Creativity
6) Stewardship
The biblical image of man’s primordial home is not a wild place, but a Garden. God gave the natural world to humans as a trust—to be tended, maintained and shaped into a garden of abundance. The ethic of stewardship is described by the passages in this section. They exhort kindness to animals in distress, the proper management of natural resources, preservation of endangered species, responsible fishing practices and sustainable development. They teach us to respect nature’s balance, not to over-fish the seas, cut down the forests, or pollute the water and air. We should avoid over-consumption and generating excessive waste, but live in harmony with nature’s capacity to provide.
However, there is a precondition for good stewardship of nature: we must learn to live in harmony with other human beings. The biblical promise that “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb” is predicated on people living peaceably with one another according to Heaven’s principles.
1. Care for All Creatures
Religious scriptures
“He that is wise, wins souls” [Proverbs 11.30]. The rabbis said, “This refers to Noah, for in the Ark he fed and sustained the animals with much care. He gave to each animal its special food, and fed each at its proper period, some in the daytime and some at night. Thus he gave chopped straw to the camel, barley to the ass, vine tendrils to the elephant, and grass to the ostrich. So for twelve months he did not sleep by night or day, because all the time he was busy feeding the animals.”
Tanhuma, Noah 15a (Judaism)
According to Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of God said, “A man traveling along a road felt extremely thirsty and went down a well and drank. When he came up he saw a dog panting with thirst and licking the moist earth. ‘This animal,’ the man said, ‘is suffering from thirst just as much as I was.’ So he went down the well again, filled his shoe with water, and taking it in his teeth climbed out of the well and gave the water to the dog. God was pleased with his act and granted him pardon for his sins.” Someone said, “O Messenger of God, will we then have a reward for the good done to our animals?” “There will be a reward,” he replied, “for anyone who gives water to a being that has a tender heart.”
Hadith of Bukhari (Islam)
May no living creatures, not even insects, Be bound unto samsaric life; nay, not one of them; But may I be empowered to save them all.
Milarepa (Buddhism)
At the openings of ant hills Please have trustworthy men Always put food and water, Sugar and piles of grain. Before and after taking food Offer appropriate fare To hungry ghosts, dogs, Ants, birds, and so forth. Nagarjuna, Precious Garland 249-50 (Buddhism) Confucius fished with a line but not with a net. While fowling he would not aim at a roosting bird.
Analects 7.26 (Confucianism)
To you did the soul of the ox complain, “For whom did you create me? Who made me? Fury and violence oppress me, and cruelty and tyranny. I have no shepherd other than you: then obtain good pastures for me.” Then the Creator of the ox asked Right, “Have you a judge for the ox, That you may give him, with the pasture, the care for the raising of the cattle? Whom did you appoint his master who shall put to flight Fury together with the wicked?” As Righteousness, reply was made, “No companion is there for the ox That is free from hatred. Men do not understand How the great deal with the lowly. Of all beings he is the strongest To whose aid I come at his call… “With hands outstretched we pray to the Lord, We two, my soul and the soul of the mother-cow, Urging the Wise One to command that no harm shall come to the honest man, To the herdsman, in the midst of the wicked who surround him.” Then spoke the Wise Lord himself, he who understands the prayers in his soul: “No master has been found, no judge according to Righteousness, For the breeder and the herdsman has the Creator fashioned you… “Whom hast thou, as Good Mind, who may take care of us two for men?” “I know but this one, Zarathustra Spitama, the only one who has heard our teaching; He will make known our purpose, O Wise One, and that of Righteousness. Sweetness of speech shall be given to him.” And then moaned the ox-soul: “That I should have to be content With the powerless word of a man without strength for a guardian, I who wish for a strong master! Will he ever be, he who shall help him with his hands?”
Avesta, Yasna 29.1-9 (Zoroastrianism)
Teachings of Sun Myung Moon
Loving God starts from below your own feet. It means to love the things you possess and the natural environment. You absorb the things that you love as your life elements. Love all things equally. The entire universe exists in love, and you are part of it. Therefore, if you live for the universe, it will return to your bosom.
(290:129, February 15, 1998)
There are languages in the animal world. If you sing to your plants, they will grow better and their flowers will generate more fragrance. Even flowers appreciate music and art.
(262:127, July 23, 1994)
In the old days when people drove oxen to till the soil, they might whip the animal’s butt, hollering, “You rotten beast! Why are you so lazy? I raised you for this time of the year, you good-for-nothing!” Instead, you would do well to speak gently to the ox, “I am very sorry that I have to use you like this after a long winter of inactivity and poor feeding.” Have a heart more tolerant and patient than the animal, and God will draw near to you.
(127:89, May 5, 1983)
Human beings, the center of the creation, want love. Animals also want love; so do plants. Animals want human love. Plants want love from animals. Humans, as the masters of creation, should love animals; those animals should love plants and other creatures. True love thus links everything in a hierarchical order, with God on the top, then human beings, then animals, then plants and finally minerals.
(166:51-52, May 28, 1987)
When I go fishing, I release the first fish I catch. When I release it, however, I ask it a question based on the Principle: “You were born through love, so you should die for love; that is the way. Wouldn’t you like to live and die for the sake of human beings who love you?”
(93:189, May 29, 1977)
Animals, male and female, should be liberated. Even fish should be liberated. We should build a world where people prepare food for the animals as their owners rather than kill them and eat them.
(388:270, August 2, 2002)