석유는 나지 않아도
무형의 자신이 있음에 ~
일용품, 자산 (資産)
유용한 물건
대부분의 사람들은 젊었을 때에는
자기가 가진 장점 또는 무형의 자산이 뭔지 모르고 살았었다.
건강하고 에너지 넘치는 삶이 누구에게나 있는 것이어서
그것들이 무형의 자산 (intangible COMMODITY) 임을 잘 몰랐는지 모른다
또 '황금 같은 시간'이라는 표현도 썩 마음에 닿지 않을 때도 있었다
우리 나라는 석유 한 방울 나지 않는 '에너지 빈곤' 국가이다
그래서 원자재만 바라보며 다른 나라와 경쟁하다가는
백전백패 (百戰百敗 / complete defeat) 당한다
다행스럽게 무형의 자산을 무기로
유형의 자산이 풍부하지만 무형의 자산이 빈약한 나라에
(당시 입장으로는 무모해 보였으마) 뛰어들어
오늘날의 경제대국이 되었다
Jus as crude oil is the most important COMMODITY in Middle Eastern countries,
so Koreans have intangible assets like a positvie drive and diligence.
원유가 중동국가들의 가장 중요한 자산임인 것처럼
한국은 추진력과 근면과 같은 무형의 자산을 갖고 있다.
무형의 자산과 함께 '감정적 통화 (通貨)'라는 자산도 있다
The importance of emotional currency --
what makes people feel supported, valued, developed and appreciated --
has become a hot COMMODITY for impacting businesses and satisfying customers.
감정적 통화의 중요성
다시말해 사람들이 도움받으며 가치를 느끼고 발전하고 감사하게 하는 것은
사업에 영햘을 주며 고객들을 만족하게 하는 '뜨거운 자산'이 되었다
(Inc. March 11, 2023)
화사 관리에 자본금도 중요하지만 사람들 잘 다루는
정신적 통화 (emotional currency) 를 위해
회사원 (근로자)을 숫자 처럼 대하는 것을
(Treating your workers like numbers)
Inc 의 글은 권고하고 있다
대한민국에서는 정치인들의 점수가 제일 낮아지고 있는 현재이다
Truth is Korean poticical climate's most less precious commodity
진실은 한국의 정치 풍토에의 가장 가치가 낮는 자신이다
우리가 덜 관심 갖는 시간도 ~
Ttime is a precious COMMODITY and it's ticking away for all of us.
시간도 가치있는 자산이며
우리를 위해 똑딱거리며 흘러가고 있다
I wish you and I have a great COMMODITY named HOPE
나는 당신과 내가 시간이라는 이름의
위대한 자산을 가지고 있기를 소원한다
a drop in COMMODITY price
Time is a precious commodity.
And patience is a rare commodity these days.
I never knew time would be such a precious commodity.
intangible property
Truth is life's most precious commodity.
Hope is the most precious commodity of all.
If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity.
so spare time is a very precious commodity to me.
Well, time is a precious commodity and it's ticking away for both of you.
People are not to be treated as commodities owned and used at will.
Crude oil is the world’s most important commodity.
원유, 자재
Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted in the West.
Because of soaring oil prices, commodity prices also went up.
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3 Habits That Will Instantly Point to Someone With Bad Leadership SkillsThere are things that people in leadership roles just don't do anymore.
3 Habits That Will Instantly Point to Someone With Bad Leadership Skills
Illustration: Getty Images
Over the last three years, the workforce has dramatically shifted how bosses engage their employees.
Some bad habits of the past just don't--and shouldn't--exist anymore.
The importance of emotional currency --
what makes people feel supported, valued, developed and appreciated --
has become a hot commodity for impacting businesses and satisfying customers.
Commodities include agricultural products such as wheat and cattle, energy products such as oil and natural gas, and metals such as gold, silver and aluminum. There are also “soft” commodities, or those that cannot be stored for long periods of time, which include sugar, cotton, cocoa and coffee.
Article continues after video.
commodity (n.)
early 15c., "benefit, profit, welfare;" also "a convenient or useful product," from Old French commodit "benefit, profit" (15c.) and directly from Latin commoditatem (nominative commoditas) "fitness, adaptation, convenience, advantage," from commodus "proper, fit, appropriate, convenient, satisfactory," from com-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see com-), + modus "measure, manner" (from PIE root *med- "take appropriate measures").
From early 15c. as "article of merchandise, anything movable of value that can be bought or sold." General sense "property, possession" is from c. 1500.
Entries linking to commodity
word-forming element usually meaning "with, together," from Latin com, archaic form of classical Latin cum "together, together with, in combination," from PIE *kom- "beside, near, by, with" (compare Old English ge-, German ge-). The prefix in Latin sometimes was used as an intensive.
Before vowels and aspirates, it is reduced to co-; before -g-, it is assimilated to cog- or con-; before -l-, assimilated to col-; before -r-, assimilated to cor-; before -c-, -d-, -j-, -n-, -q-, -s-, -t-, and -v-, it is assimilated to con-, which was so frequent that it often was used as the normal form.
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "take appropriate measures."
It forms all or part of: accommodate; accommodation; commode; commodious; commodity; empty; immoderate; immodest; Medea; medical; medicament; medicaster; medicate; medication; medicine; medico; medico-; meditate; meditation; Medusa; meet (adj.) "proper, fitting;" mete (v.) "to allot;" modal; mode; model; moderate; modern; modest; modicum; modify; modular; modulate; module; modulation; mold (n.1) "hollow shape;" mood (n.2) "grammatical form indicating the function of a verb;" must (v.); premeditate; premeditation; remedial; remediation; remedy.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit midiur "I judge, estimate;" Avestan vi-mad- "physician;" Greek mēdomai "be mindful of," medesthai "think about," medein "to rule," medon "ruler;" Latin meditari "think or reflect on, consider," modus "measure, manner," modestus "moderate," modernus "modern," mederi "to heal, give medical attention to, cure;" Irish miduir "judge;" Welsh meddwl "mind, thinking;" Gothic miton, Old English metan "to measure out."
An Inc.com Featured Presentation
Workplace values like autonomy, flexibility, trust, transparency, and ownership -- unheard of a few years pre-pandemic -- have quickly become the norm, thanks to the rise of recent phenomena as The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting.
3 things to stop doing
If you're a student of leadership research and best practices, you should indisputably recognize that there are things people in management roles just don't do anymore. Now, if you're a manager reading this, I urge you to consider the following. To really motivate and connect with employees in a way that leads to business results, there are three bad habits you should absolutely get rid of:
1. Ignoring your workers
If you're hoping to keep your best people engaged, start talking about their work regularly. Younger generations, especially, want feedback about their performance at least monthly, if not more frequently. They also want mentors to help them feel more engaged with their organization, and to help them to learn on the job. The focus for managers worried about carving out time to spend with their employees should be on making their feedback shorter, more frequent, and constructive.
2. Treating your workers like numbers
The most successful leaders care enough to meet their employees' needs as valued human beings, not as numbers in a daily transaction.