영국이 우크라이나에 흑해 시레인 보호를 위해 소해함 2척을 임대했는데, 터키가 몽트뢰 조약의 권리를 발동해 흑해 통과를 차단했다고 합니다.
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Turkey to Block U.K. Minesweepers on Loan to Ukraine from Black Sea
JANUARY 3, 2024 6:02 PM
HMS Chiddenfold. US Navy Photo
Turkey will not let minesweepers loaned to Ukraine by the United Kingdom into the Black Sea, the Turkish president’s directorate of communications said this week.
The United Kingdom announced in December that it would loan two minehunters to Ukraine to help Ukraine protect shipping lanes in the Black Sea that have come under attack from Russian forces. In particular, sea mines have been a concern in the Black Sea since the beginning of the war. Both Ukraine and Russia have deployed mines in the region.
However, Turkey is restricting any warships belonging to non-Black Sea nations from entering the Black Sea by invoking the Montreux Convention and closed the Bosphorus Strait to the loaned ships.
Under the 1936 treaty, Turkey has the right to close the Turkish straits to the Black Sea. While ships of non-belligerent countries, in this case any country that is not Ukraine or Russia, can sail into the Black Sea during war time, the Montreux Convention ultimately leaves the decision on if warships can pass through to Turkey, if the country fears it could be pulled into the war.
Turkey announced early on in the Russia invasion into Ukraine that it would not allow non-Black Sea nations to sail through the Turkish straits. In this case, Turkey can deny minesweepers if it deems them to be U.K. warships.
“Our pertinent allies have been duly apprised that the mine-hunting ships donated to Ukraine by the United Kingdom will not be allowed to pass through the Turkish Straits to the Black Sea as long as the war continues,” the directorate of communications said in a statement.
Last month, a cargo ship picking up Ukrainian grain hit a Russian mine, The Associated Press reported. Another ship also hit a mine in November.
Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria, all Black Sea nations, are expected to sign a deal to help clear mines in the Black Sea in January, Reuters reported.
첫댓글 소해정 아닌가 싶은데요? 제목은 소해함인데 본문은 기뢰부설함.... 해군의 양양급 소해함 찾아보니 경하 730톤이던데 우크라이나 철도망이 어떨까 모르겠네요. 특히 오데사 일대는 전쟁초반부터 열심히 공격하던 지역중 하나라 인프라가 손상이 있을 것 같고....
제가 제목엔 소해함이라고 써놓고 본문엔 기뢰부설함이라고 잘못 썼네요.
왜 막는 것일까요?
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러시아 SAM 포대는 흑해 통과해 수송되고 있단 얘기도 있고, 당장 자국도 MILGEM 호위함 판매 계약도 체결했는데 공격용 무기라곤 기관포나 달려 있는 소해함을 막는건 정말.. 뒤로 통행세를 받겠단 건지 아니면 앞으론 흑해 연안국 아니면 다 막겠단 건지.