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카페 게시글
우리들의 이야기방 About "Open Impetus"
톱쟁이 추천 0 조회 81 19.04.27 10:52 댓글 10
게시글 본문내용
  • 19.04.27 11:47

    첫댓글 완전초짜때

    오픈이전에 클로우즈드가 있었느니라
    하고 알려주신 쌤이 계시죠.

    리더의 회전량이 더 많다는.....

  • 19.04.27 13:30

    시험 때 아니면 잘 안 쓰다보니 아깝더라구요.
    그래서 이번 중급 때 "백 록"에 연결해놨어요.
    5월부터 업로드 예정~^^

  • 19.04.27 16:34

    @킴벌리 항상 존경하는 쌤이죠!

  • 19.04.28 06:25

    I regret that I said I could read long English sentences last week.^^

    Maybe tomorrow, I will write my thoughts in English.

  • 19.04.28 12:19

    혹시 터닝 록 or 터닝 록 위드 슬로우록 아닙니까?^^

  • 19.04.28 15:44

    거기까지는 아직이에요~
    왈츠 시작하신지 32회 밖에 안됐거든요.^^

  • 19.04.29 01:16

    I totally agree that OI is a very important figure to improve the technique of Waitz.

    The 'heel turn' is the shortest side step, including 'heel close'.
    There is a slight difference in time and distance between normal 'side step' and 'heel turn'.

    As you say, by not using the ball until the follower's second step is over, the third step of the two will perfectly match.

    Surprisingly, you fully understood and practiced my explanation.

    You will remember the moment when your Waltz frame was solid like a castle, but light as a balloon.

  • 작성자 19.04.29 12:24

    what a good explain hitting bone!!!
    " "Heel Turn"is a very short "side step" bringing "Heel close" "
    thank you.
    In addition, my waltz frame developed once more connecting both 좌우견갑골 inside (now each elbow not streaching and falling down ), so I feel end of each right and left hand are connecting together with stomach connect point like one piece.
    please check it this WED!
    see you

  • 작성자 19.04.29 14:14

    @톱쟁이 4th sentence not " streaching" ----- change "loosing" '

  • 19.04.29 15:26

    @톱쟁이 I got it.^^
