- 흉상어 Shark, Sandbar
. 학명; Carcharhinus Plumbeus
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 얕은 연안이나 강어귀의 모래나 진흙 바닥
. 통명; 흉상어
. 특징; 매우 높은 삼각형의 1등지느러미와 긴 가슴지느러미
. 먹이와 요리법; 조리하여 식용가능
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Carcharhinus Plumbeus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 얕은 연안이나 강어귀의 모래나 진흙 바닥
. 지역; 전세계의 열대와 온대 수역
The sandbar shark is an inshore fish and a good light-tackle fighter, growing usually to between 5 and 7 feet long. A relatively heavy-bodied fish, it is dark bluish-gray to brownish-gray and has a pale or white belly.
2 통명
- 영어; brown shark.
- 한글; 흉상어, 흉상어목 흉상어과
3 개요
- 길이; 220센티이내,
- 무게; 200파운드이내
There is a distinct ridge on the back between the first and the second dorsal fins, and the first fin is large and pointed, starting over the middle of the pectoral fin. Its snout is shorter than the width of its mouth, appearing rounded from below.
4 특징
- 매우 높은 삼각형의 1등지느러미와 긴 가슴지느러미
- 무거운 몸통과 짧고 둥근 주둥이
- 2등지느러미와 뒷지느러미는 비슷한 높이
- 몸은 청색, 갈색, 회색 등 다양하며 배는 백색
Sandbar and dusky (Carcharhinus obscurus) sharks are coastal migrants that have taken a particularly hard hit from longlining for both their fins and their flesh.
Sandbars are usually called browns by anglers along the east coast of the United States, where they commonly migrate into large bays to spawn. Although basically ground sharks, they are extremely strong fighters. The dusky is almost indistinguishable from the sandbar but grows to more than 700 pounds; the sandbar never exceeds much more than 200 pounds.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 물고기, 가오리, 오징어, 게
- 13살이 되면 2-3년마다 초여름에 배란하고 1년간 태반으로 영양을 공급하여 8마리내외를 출산
- 지느러미를 위해 남획되어 현재는 연구용만 허가
- 공격적이지않아 안전하나 우발적으로 물기도
- 튀겨서, 말려서, 훈제나 스튜로 섭취
Very common along the coast of the Middle Atlantic states, sandbars extend in the western Atlantic from southern Massachusetts to southern Brazil. In the eastern Pacific, they occur around the Hawaiian, Galápagos, and Revillagigedo Islands.