타이거팀 이태희입니다
Grid/VBX 1.0 이란 제품이 VB2시절부터 있었지만 개발회사가 다른건 아닙니다.
Farpoint Spread 2.0과 2.1은 VBX 버전이었습니다
Farpoint Spread 2.5 OCX를 설치하시면 VBX로 제공된 VBX 버전들에 대해서 어떻게 업그레이드를 해야할것인가에 대해 해결방법을 제시하는 upgrad.txt 파일을 따로 제공했었습니다.
아래에 96년 당시 원문을 올려드립니다.
"기존 Spread/VBX Version 2.1를 업그레이드할때" 란 부분에서 클래스명이 Spreadsheet 에서 vaSpread 로 변경되었다고 나올겁니다.
그리고, Spread 2.5가 나올때는 OLEDB란 개념이 없던 시절입니다.
OLEDB가 나오는건 3.0 버전때입니다
ocx.co.kr 사이트에선 .NET으로 업그레이드이외에도 기존 VB3 , VB4등 구버전의 VB 업그레이드와 VBX/OCX 컨트롤 업그레이드등 유지보수를 위한 업그레이드를 연구합니다
관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 바라겠습니다
Spread Version 2.5
FarPoint Technologies, Inc.
This document contains instructions for upgrading existing projects that
used either Spread/VBX version 2.1, Spread/VBX ++ version 2.0, ToolBox
version 3.0, or Grid/VBX version 1.0 controls. Refer to the appropriate
instructions for your development environment.
==> 이 문서는 Spread/VBX v2.1, Spread/VBX ++ 2.0 (VC++용), ToolBox 3.0, Grid/VBX 1.0 (VB2용)
컨트롤들에 대해서 개발환경(상황)별로 적절한 방법을 제공합니다
**** Upgrading Existing Spread/VBX Version 2.1 Projects ****
==>"기존 Spread/VBX Version 2.1를 업그레이드할때"
If you have created applications using Spread/VBX version 2.1, you must
upgrade your existing projects. Complete the steps provided for your
development environment.
Upgrading Visual Basic?Projects to Use the VBX Control
If you formerly used Spread/VBX version 2.1 and now want to use
the version 2.5 VBX control, complete the following steps.
==> VBX 2.1 에서 2.5 버전으로 업그레디를 할때
1. Open your existing project.
==> 프로젝트를 연다
2. If the project used the file VB_CONST.TXT,use the file SSVBX.BAS
in place of it.
==> VB_CONST.TXT 상수정의를 사용하고 있으면 SSVBX.BAS 모듈 파일로 교체한다
3. Save the project file and form files as text.
==>폼을 텍스트형태로 저장한다
4. Edit the project file (.MAK) in a text editor to change the
following references:
Change . . . To . . .
==> 프로젝트파일인 .MAK 파일을 열어서 SPREAD20.VBX 파일을 SSVBX25.VBX 파일로 대체해준다
5. Edit the form files (.FRM) in a text editor to change all Spread
class references as follows:
Change . . . To . . .
Spreadsheet vaSpread
==> .Frm 폼파일을 메모장에서 읽어서 모든 스프레드컨트롤을 vaSpread 로 교체한다.
6. Load your project and verify your changes.
==> 프로젝트를 로드해서 변경이제대로 이루어졌나 체크한다
Upgrading Visual Basic Projects to Use the OCX Controls
==> "OCX컨트롤로 프로젝트를 업그레이드할때"
If you formerly used Spread/VBX version 2.1 and now want to
use the version 2.5 OCX control (16- or 32-bit), complete the
following steps.
1. Open your existing project.
2. If the project used the file VB_CONST.TXT, use the file SSOCX.BAS
in place of it.
==> VB_CONST.TXT 상수정의파일을 SSOCX.BAS 모듈 파일로 교체한다
3. Save the project file and form files as text.
4. Edit the project file (.MAK) in a text editor to change the
following references:
Change . . . To . . .
5. Edit the form files (.FRM) in a text editor to change all Spread
class references as follows:
Change . . . To . . .
Spreadsheet vaSpread
==> .Frm 폼파일을 메모장에서 읽어서 모든 스프레드컨트롤을 vaSpread 로 교체한다.
6. Load your project and verify your changes.
7. Save the project to rewrite the binary data in the .FRX file.
==> .FRX 바이너리 데이터가 재저장되도록 프로젝트를 저장한다.
8. Start Visual Basic 4.0 (16-bit) or Visual Basic 4.0 (32-bit) and load
the project file (.MAK).
==> 비주얼베이직 4.0을 열어서 .mak 프로젝트를 로드한다.
9. For each program file (.FRM) containing a spreadsheet, update the event
parameters as needed. See the file EVENTS.TXT, for the parameter changes
needed for using the events with the OCX control.
==>EVENTS.TXT 파일 참고해서 변경된 이벤트의 파라미터를 업데이트한다.
10. For each program file (.FRM) containing a spreadsheet, functions must
be changed to methods. Compare the following code:
Visual Basic code using Spread/VBX 2.0
bSuccess = SpreadAddCustomFunction(Spread1, "Cube", 1)
bValid = SpreadIsFormulaValid(Spread1, "a1+b1")
SpreadSetText(Spread1, Col, Row, "Text")
Visual Basic code using the OCX version
bSuccess = Spread1.AddCustomFunction("Cube", 1)
bValid = Spread1.IsFormulaValid("a1+b1")
Spread1.SetText Col, Row, "Text"
===> OCX 버전은 경우 해당 소스코드를 변경한다.
(세번째 케이스)
**** Upgrading Existing Spread/VBX++ Version 2.0 Projects ****
==> Spread/VBX++ 2.0 (VC++용)
If you have created applications using Spread/VBX++ version 2.0, you must
upgrade your existing projects. Complete the steps provided for your
development environment.
Upgrading C++ Projects to Use the VBX Control
If you formerly used Spread/VBX++ version 2.0 and now want to
use the version 2.5 VBX control, complete the following steps.
1. Open your existing project.
2. If the project used the file SSPP.H, use the file SSVBX.H
in place of it.
==> SSPP.H 헤더파일을 SSVBX.H 로 교체한다.
3. If you used AppStudio to put a Spread control on a dialog, open the
.RC file as text in a text editor and make the following changes:
Change: CONTROL "SSPP20.VBX;Spreadsheet;
To: CONTROL "SSVBX25.VBX;vaSpread;
==> AppStudio를 사용해 다어얼로그박스에 Spread컨트롤을 놓는다.
.RC 리소스파일을 열어서 "SSPP20.VBX;Spreadsheet; 를 "SSVBX25.VBX;vaSpread;
4. If you created the control at run time, make the following changes
in your .CPP file:
Change: Create("SSPP20.VBX;Spreadsheet;" . . . )
To: Create("SSVBX25.VBX;vaSpread;" . . . )
==> .Cpp 소스코드파일에서 역시 변경
5. In your project, where you loaded the VBX file, change the
following reference:
Change . . . To . . .
6. If you have linked to the file SSPP.CPP, link instead to the following
file as appropriate:
If you are using . . . Use . . .
==> MFC, 볼랜드 OWL일경우
7. Rebuild your project and run it.
==> 리빌드한다
(네번째 케이스)
**** Upgrading Existing ToolBox Version 3.0 Projects ****
==> ToolBox 3.0 버전
If you have created applications using ToolBox version 3.0, you must
upgrade your existing projects. Complete the steps provided for your
development environment.
Upgrading C or C++ Projects to Use the 16-Bit DLL Control
If you formerly used ToolBox version 3.0 DLL controls and now want to
use Spread version 2.5 16-bit DLL controls, complete the following steps.
1. Open your existing project.
2. If the project used the file TOOLBOX.H, change the filename to
SSDLL.H. If the project used the file TOOLBOXX.H, change the
filename to SSDLLX.H.
3. If you hard coded the class name of the Spread control in
your project, make the following changes:
a. Either use the define (SS_CLASSNAME) or
b. Make the following changes as needed:
Change . . . To . . .
tbSpread va16Spread25 (16-bit DLL)
tbSpread va32Spread25 (32-bit DLL)
==> 16비트, 32비트에 맞게 적당한 이름으로
4. If you explicitly load the file TBPRO3W.DLL using the LoadLibrary command,
load the file SS16D25.DLL instead.
==> LoadLibrary() 명령으로 TBPRO3W.DLL 대신 SS16D25.DLL을 로드
5. If your project links to TBPRO3W.LIB, change the project to link to
SS16D25.LIB instead.
Visual C++ users link Spread25\lib\ms\SS16D25.LIB
Borland C++ users link Spread25\lib\bc\SS16D25.LIB
==> VC++ 과 BC++ 에 따라 Lib 디렉토리에서 링크할 라이브러리 파일
6. Rebuild your project and run it.
Note To find the class names for 16- or 32-bit controls, search for the
define SS_CLASSNAME in the SSDLL.H file.
(다섯번째 케이스)
**** Upgrading Existing Grid/VBX Version 1.0 Projects ****
If you have created applications using Grid/VBX version 1.0, you must
upgrade your existing projects. Complete the steps provided for your
development environment.
==> Grid/VBX 1.0
Upgrading Visual Basic Projects to Use the VBX Control
If you formerly used Grid/VBX version 1.0 control and now want to use
the Spread version 2.5 VBX control, complete the following steps.
1. Open your existing project.
2. If the project used the file FPGRID.BAS, use the file SSVBX.BAS
in place of it.
3. Save the project file and form files as text.
4. Edit the project file (.MAK) in a text editor to change the
following references:
Change . . . To . . .
==> FPGRID10.VBX 파일을 SSVBX25.VBX 로 교체
5. Edit the form files (.FRM) in a text editor to change all Grid
class references as follows:
Change . . . To . . .
SpreadSheet vaSpread
==> 메모장에서 FRM파일을 불러들여 클래스를 SpreadSheet 에서 vaSpread로 교체
6. Load your project and verify your changes.
(여섯번째 케이스)
Upgrading Visual Basic Projects to Use the OCX Controls
==> OCX버전으로 변경할때
If you formerly used the Grid/VBX version 1.0 control and now want to use
Spread version 2.5 OCX controls, complete the following steps.
1. Open your existing project.
2. If the project used the file FPGRID.BAS, use the file SSOCX.BAS
in place of it.
3. Save the project file and form files as text.
4. Edit the project file (.MAK) in a text editor to change the
following references:
Change . . . To . . .
==> 먼저 VBX파일을 교체
5. Edit the form files (.FRM) in a text editor to change all Spread
class references as follows:
Change . . . To . . .
SpreadSheet vaSpread
==>vaSpread 사용
6. Load your project and verify your changes.
7. Save the project to rewrite the binary data in the .FRX file.
==> 프로젝트를 재저장해서 .FRX 파일에 바이너리 데이터들이 재저장되게함
8. Start Visual Basic 4.0 (16-bit) or Visual Basic 4.0 (32-bit) and
load the project file (.MAK).
9. For each program file (.FRM) containing a grid, update the event
parameters as needed. See the file EVENTS.TXT, for the parameter changes
needed for using the events with the OCX control.
==> EVENTS.TXT파일 참고해서 파라미터 수정
10. For each program file (.FRM) containing a grid, functions must
be changed to methods. Compare the following code:
Visual Basic code using Grid/VBX 2.0
ret = SaveTabFile(Grid1, "\Test.txt")
fpSetText(Grid1, Col, Row, "Text")
Visual Basic code using the OCX version
ret = Grid1.SaveTabFile("\Test.txt")
Grid1.SetText Col, Row, "Text"
(일곱번째 케이스)
Upgrading C++ Projects to Use the VBX Controls
If you formerly used the Grid/VBX version 1.0 control and now want to use
the Spread version 2.5 VBX control, complete the following steps.
1. Open your existing project.
2. If the project used the file FPGRID.H, use the file SSVBX.H
in place of it.
3. If you used AppStudio to put a Spread control on a dialog, open the .RC
file as text in a text editor and make the following changes:
Change: CONTROL "FPGRID10.VBX;SpreadSheet;
To: CONTROL "SSVBX25.VBX;vaSpread;
4. If you created the control at run time, make the following changes
in your .CPP file:
Change: Create("FPGRID10.VBX;Spreadsheet;" . . . )
To: Create("SSVBX25.VBX;vaSpread;" . . . )
5. In your project, where you loaded the VBX file, change the
following reference:
Change . . . To . . .
6. If you have linked to the file FPGRID.CPP, link instead to the following
file as appropriate:
If you are using . . . Use . . .
7. Rebuild your project and run it.
?1996 FarPoint Technologies, Inc.