Are you a messy or tidy person? Is your desk
a mountain
of books and paper or is it a dust-free zone? January
14th, Clean Off Your Desk Day, is for you if your desk looks like a bomb has hit
it. This is also a day for you to clean your computer desktop too. Most of us
have a lot of clutter on our desktops
and most of it needs to be filed away somewhere.
Clean Off Your Desk Day is a good way of starting the year as you mean to go on.
A tidy desk means you are organized. You won’t have
to spend hours looking for things under piles of paper. Your stapler and hole
punch will be close at
hand. You’ll have somewhere safe to put your coffee mug; a
place where it isn’t in
danger of tipping over and making
your documents a soggy brown
* messy = 지저분한/ tidy = 깔끔한/ a
mountain of ~ = 산더미 같은 ~/ dust-free = 티끌 하나 없는/ clutter = 잡동사니/ file (sth) away
= ~을 정리해서 보관하다/ organized = (사람이) 체계적인; 정리된[계획된]; 조직화된/ close[near] at hand =
(시간·거리상으로) 가까이에 (있는)/ (be) in danger of ~ = ~할 위험이 있다/ tip over = 뒤집히다/ soggy =
Why do some people have such
messy desks? Is it a sign of a creative mind, an overworked person, or
simply laziness? It may be a clue to your childhood. If
your parents were organized and tidy, you are more likely to be too. If you
took pride
in tidying your room as a child, you will do the same with
your desk as an adult. For many people, a tidy desk makes them feel good. They
can sit down and get to work straight away. A well-organized computer desktop is
the same. The person can navigate his or her way
very quickly to any document they want. It only takes two minutes at the end of
the day to tidy up and put things in the right place. Make use of your
wastepaper basket (that’s trash can for Americans). Do that, and life will be
more simple.
* overworked = 혹사당하는/ clue to
~ = (문제 해결의) 실마리[증거]; (범행의) 단서/ take pride in = ~을 자랑하다/ navigate = (힘들거나 복잡한
상황을) 다루다[처리하다]; (지도 등을 보며) 길을 찾다[방향을 읽다]
-> You’ll have somewhere safe to put your coffee mug; a place where it isn’t
in danger
of tipping over and making
your documents a soggy brown mess.
* (be) in danger of ~ = ~할 위험이 있다/ tip over = 뒤집히다/ soggy
= 질척한
* 관계부사 where의 활용
관계부사는 "부사(시간,장소,이유,방법)+접속사"의 역할을 하며 "전치사+관계대명사(which)" 로 바꿀 수 있다.
장소를 나타내는
"관계부사 where = at which, in which, on
which"로 바꿀 수 있다.
* Examples *
This is the place. + He was born
in it(= the place).
→ This is the place which he was born in. (형용사절)
→ This is the place
in which he was born.
This is the place where he
was born.
(Holiday) Jan 14th - Clean Off Your Desk Day.mp3