On Wednesday September 28, the LV Family Church held its monthly town hall meeting at the CHG sanctuary. This month's theme was “Special Grace and Holy Items." After a brief presentation
Rev. Doo answered questions from participants on the Special Grace Ceremony and the Holy.“
Participants selected "children under the age 15” as the theme for the month of October. At the next town hall which will be moderated by Sera Hirano, we will invite mothers and Sunday school
teachers to hear their concerns. The town hall had a number of good resolutions including having a theme for each month, having a moderator for the town hall and forwarding the result of the town
hall meeting to the church council for possible action. Participants left with good insights on the
special grace but also with clarifications on some of their concerns on the ceremony as well as
church life.
The next Town Hall will take place on October 26, 2016 and will Mrs. Sera Hirano will be the MC of October. The meeting theme will be "CARE 2nd Gen.; children under the age 15 "