2019년 7월 16일
외국인·재외국민 건강보험 당연가입 시행
건강한 삶을 국민건강보험이 함께 하겠습니다.
대한민국에서 6개월 이상 체류한 외국인 및 재외국민
- 유학 또는 결혼이민은 입국 즉시 가입
・ 별도의 신고 절차 없이 공단에서 가입처리
- 가입 안내문, 보험료 고지서 등 미수령 시 방문신고
보험료 체납시 불이익
・ 병‧의원 이용시 건강보험 혜택 제한
・ 법무부 출입국‧외국인관서에 비자연장 등 신청시 체류허가 제한
보험료 및 보험급여
・ (보험료) 소득‧재산 등에 따라 세대별로 보험료 산정(2019년도 기준 113,050원 이상)
- 세대단위로 보험료 납부를 원하는 경우에
공단 지사(외국인전담공동민원센터) 방문하여 세대합가 신청 필요
☞ 세대합가 기준(동일한 체류지에 거주하는 배우자 및 19세미만 자녀)
・ (보험급여) 대한민국 국민과 동등하게 보험급여 혜택을 받음
문의 / 상담 (평일 오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시)
1577–1000 (외국어 서비스 단축번호 7번) 033–811–2000 외국어(영어, 중국어, 베트남어) 상담 가능
July 16, 2019
of foreigners and foreign nationals
Mandatory Subscription to the National Health Insurance
The National Health Insurance is here to ensure your healthy life
・ Foreigners and foreign nationals who have resided in the Republic of Korea for more than six months
- Immediate subscription for foreign students studying in the Republic of Korea and those married to South Korean nationals
・ One can subscribe at the National Health Insurance Service without any separate reporting procedure
- If you did not receive any information on how to subscribe or an insurance premium bill, visit an office of the service to report
Insurance premium and benefits
・ The insurance premium is calculated for each household according to income and property (over KRW 113,050 as of 2019)
- If you wish to pay the insurance premium by household unit, you should visit a branch office of the service (National Health Insurance Service Center for Foreign Residents) and request the combined subscription of several people as one household.
- Standards for combining into one household (children under 19 years old or spouse residing together with the subscriber)
・ (Insurance benefits) Same benefits as the citizens of the Republic of Korea
Penalties in case of failure to pay the insurance premium
・ Limited health insurance benefits when using hospitals and clinics
・ Limited residence permit when requesting for a visa extension at the Korea Immigration Service of the Korean Ministry of Justice and any public immigration office of the Republic of Korea
Inquiries / consultation (Weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
1577–1000(Press 7 for service in foreign languages) 033–811–2000 Consultation in foreign languages
(English, Chinese, Vietnamese) is possible.