ABC-Trade Bill Battle [TIME TUNNEL : April 27 1988]
♧ showdown : n. 최후의 대결, 결판; 발표, 공개, 폭로
♧ Congress : n. 미국 국회
♧ make its way through : 나아가다, 진행되다, 잘 되다, 번창하다
♧ veto : v. (제안, 의안 등을) 거부하다, 거부권을 행사하다
♧ lame duck " n. 임기가 얼마 남지 않은 대통령/의원
♧ prevail : vt. 이기다, 우세하다, 유행하다, 압도하다
♧ Ann Compton
♧ raise stakes : v. 내기에 건 돈을 올리다, 큰 모험을 하다
♧ blunt : v. 둔하게/무디게 하다 a. 무딘, 퉁명스러운
♧ rebuke : n. 비난, 힐책, 견책 vt. 비난하다, 꾸짖다
♧ Treasury Secretary : n. 재무장관
♧ James Baker
♧ dispatch : v. 급파하다; 재빨리 해치우다 n. 급파, 파견
♧ blow : n. 한바탕 불기, 일진; 광풍
♧ cripple : vt. 무능력하게 만들다, 절름거리게 하다 n. 신체 장애자, 불구자
♧ at stake : ad. 내기에 걸려서, 위태로워, 문제가 되어
♧ retaliate : vt. 앙갚음 하다, 보복하다, 응수하다
♧ tariff : n. 관세
♧ quota : n. 할당량, 분담액
♧ layoff : n. 일시적 강제휴업
♧ closing : n. 폐쇄, 밀폐, 종결, 마감
♧ Democrat : n. 민주당원 <-> Republican : 공화당원
♧ round up : v. 끌어 모으다
♧ stick : v. 머무르다, 효력 등이 사라지지 않다
♧ throw in the towel : v. drop out: give up in the face of defeat or lacking hope;admit defeat
♧ Senate : n. 미국 상원
♧ The game of chicken : it (also referred to as playing chicken) is a "game" in which two
players engage in an activity that will result in serious damage unless one of them backs
♧ legislative : a. 입법상의, 입법권을 가진
♧ consensus : n. 의견 등의 일치, 여론, 교감 will be impossible.
♧ rudderless : a. 키/방향타가 없는, 방향을 잃은
Good evening, we begin tonight with a showdown between the President and Congress and how to keep America competitive in world trade. The focus is a giant trade bill, which has now successfully made its way through Congress, but which the President says he will veto. Today when the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 63 to 36, there was a very strong feeling that this man they call a lame duck president might ultimately prevail. The day didn‘t begin so optimistically. Here’s Ann Compton.
The Reagan Administration raised the political stakes as it struggled to blunt what seems certain to be a rebuke on the trade bill. Treasury Secretary James Baker was dispatched to convince Senators like New York Republican D'Amato President that a defeat on the trade bill would be a political blow that could cripple President Reagan.
"He would be powerless, rudderless. The country doesn't need that. And, that's why I'm going to be supporting the President."
There is a great deal at stake. The historic trade reforms would require that the U.S. retaliate with tariffs and quotas against countries which do not give American products access overseas. But, the White House objects to a dozen specific items in the bill and is absolutely committed to veto any bill that requires large companies to give workers sixty days' notice of major layoffs or plant closings.
It was no surprise that the trade bill passed, but some Democrats were shocked that President Reagan had rounded up so many votes, he should be able to make a veto stick.
"And now, we hear, now Mr. President, after all this work, we got to throw in the towel. Well, this Senate isn't prepared to throw in the towel."
Now begins a game of legislative chicken. President Reagan already betting he can force Congress to pass a cleaner trade bill. And, Democratic leaders here already arguing getting a consensus will be impossible.