- 유럽빙어 European Smelt
. 학명; Osmerus eperlanus
. 서식지; 9도이상의 차거운 물의 바닥
. 통명; 유럽빙어
. 특징; 가늘고 양쪽이 약간 납작하며 반투명의 몸
. 먹이와 요리법; 일반적인 조리로 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Osmerus eperlanus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 9도이상의 차거운 물의 바닥
. 지역; 동대서양의 유럽연안
Smelt are small, silvery anadromous fish of the Osmeridae family that live primarily in the sea but make spawning runs into freshwater streams. A few smelt are strictly marine; others live only in large freshwater lakes and spawn in tributary brooks and streams. Some are marine by origin but have adapted to a strictly freshwater environment; populations of some species live both in the sea and in freshwater.
2 통명
- 영어; European Smelt
- 한글; 유럽빙어, 바다빙어목 바다빙어과
In all environments they are extremely important as forage for predators, including many game species.
3 개요
- 길이; 30센티이내, 평균 16센티
All smelt inhabit the cool waters of the Northern Hemisphere in the Atlantic, the Arctic, and the Pacific Oceans and their drainages. The family is related to salmonids, contains 11 species in six genera, and is most generously represented in Pacific waters; many smelt species are so similar in appearance that they are difficult to distinguish.
4 특징
- 가늘고 양쪽이 약간 납작하며 반투명의 몸
- 아래턱은 약간 돌출되있고 뚜렷한 측선
- 등과 옆은 회록색에서 분홍색을 띠며 배는 밝은 은색
- 어두운 테두리가 있는 꼬리지느러미와 꼬리앞의 지방지느러미
- 강하고 신선한 오이냄새
Like the salmon and the trout, the smelt have a stubby adipose fin just in front of the tail. The lower jaw projects slightly beyond the tip of the snout. A lateral line is prominent, and there are no scales on the head. Smelt are generally small (most growing to no more than 8 inches) schooling fish, often found in enormous numbers; in the spring, great numbers move from their marine or freshwater habitats to tributary waters to spawn. Only one species, the anadromous Pacific longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys), spawns in the late fall and the early winter. All species spawn at night. In North America, the pond smelt (Hypomesus olidus) and the rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) are considered excellent food fish. In quantity, freshly caught smelt have an odor more nearly like cucumbers than like fish.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 플랑크톤 게를 주로 먹지만 동족상잔도
- 주로 바다에 살다 3월초 야간에 강한 흐름이 있는 개울모래위에 떼로 산란
- 4만개이내의 알을 낳고 대부분 사망
- 미끼나 그물, 빨래 바구니 등으로 어획
- 일반적인 조리로 식용
The rainbow smelt (see), which is also commonly known as the American smelt, is the species most familiar to anglers and most common in North American fish markets. The European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) is similar in size and habits to the rainbow smelt.