첫댓글시호님, I want to discuss with you about items for trade fair coming may, Selection of items which we are manufacturig is very significant issue, What time would you like to meet today?
Judy) Hello, Perhaps Aren't you,Tom? Tom) Yes, I'm Tom, Who's calling please? Judy) Do you remember a woman whose name is Judy lived at 戀人洞? Tom) Oh!!, Are you Judy? I'm very glad to meet you on line now Judy) So do I, We've never seen for a long time since graduated school each other Judy) Tom, When and Where should we meet soon? Tom) Good, I will go with your decision
PS) 시호님의 오늘의 알쏭달쏭 여러예문에서 하나를 골라 중2수준의 어설픈 콩글리쉬로 2인의 전화대화를 굳은 머리로 굴려보았음 문법적으로 하자투성이라도 웃고넘어가 주세요.. 바로 잡아주시면 더 좋겠음요..
첫댓글 시호님, I want to discuss with you about items for trade fair coming may,
Selection of items which we are manufacturig is very significant issue,
What time would you like to meet today?
Is there any problem with the production process?
I'll confirm and get back to you
Judy) Hello, Perhaps Aren't you,Tom?
Tom) Yes, I'm Tom, Who's calling please?
Judy) Do you remember a woman whose name is Judy lived at 戀人洞?
Tom) Oh!!, Are you Judy? I'm very glad to meet you on line now
Judy) So do I, We've never seen for a long
time since graduated school each other
Judy) Tom, When and Where should we meet soon?
Tom) Good, I will go with your decision
PS) 시호님의 오늘의 알쏭달쏭 여러예문에서
하나를 골라 중2수준의 어설픈 콩글리쉬로 2인의 전화대화를 굳은 머리로 굴려보았음
문법적으로 하자투성이라도 웃고넘어가 주세요..
바로 잡아주시면 더 좋겠음요..
Interesting dialog. ㅎㅎ
You've done well.
It seems like
your ex-girlfriend had lived back in 연인동. ㅎ
I laughed loud thanks to you.
Good job!
주디가 톰을 많이 그리워 했나 봅니다.
여기서 톰은 머슴님일 확률이 많음. ㅎ
I bet Tom said...
"OK, let's meet at Gimpo airport and head to Jeju Island!"
@해뜰 Tom is a romantic guy. ㅎㅎ
@해뜰 No!,No!, I always miss my darling madam ㅎ
When scheduling a meeting time,
“What time works best for you?”
is considered professional, formal, and polite
When is a good time to~~?
Easier and more casual expressions.
l like it. ㅎㅎ
@시호 Of course~