Hi, all e- english club members~~ Today I, mersumdolse met with all of yours and l had a pleasant and happy time for several hours first of all, l got good friends such as all of yours finally l'm grateful two leaders,해뜰님,시호님 I hope you stay healthy and look forward to seeing you at the next meeting
Thank you for taking on this important task and congratulations again. We had a great time walking around the trekking to welcome spring together. Thank you for your hard work yesterday.
Thank you for being nice buddy. I really appreciate it. Actually I was concerned about you looked a bit tired yesterday. Make sure to take care yourself . ♡♡
해뜰님, 시호님~~~~~~^^ Congratulations on successfully completing your first 영방 offline meeting. Hearing about your fresh and interesting future plans for the 영방 from both of you makes me feel very excited and confident that it will grow and become truly enjoyable. Thank you for accepting the roles to lead and continue the great 영방 !!! 화이팅~~^^
첫댓글 It's been a long time since we last met,
but we all had a fun time laughing and chatting.
Stay healthy until we meet again.
시호 총무님
어제 모임에서
인사 나누어서
총무 수행하시는라
@율리안 유쾌하신 율리안님
다음에 또 뵙기를 기대합니다.
총무님이 제일
수고 많으셨어요!
Hi, all e- english club members~~
Today I, mersumdolse met with all of yours
and l had a pleasant and happy time for several hours
first of all, l got good friends such as all of yours
finally l'm grateful two leaders,해뜰님,시호님
I hope you stay healthy and look forward to seeing you at the next meeting
I literally LoLed when I got your text.
무슨 새 단어인가 열심히 구글링 했슈. ㅋㅋ
You make my day!
@시호 No!No!ㅎ
Thanks to your sincerely efforts
All us of had a good time yesterday
동종업계 은퇴자로
첫모임 동반회원으로
@율리안 So do l
끝까지 자리해주셔서 감사했습니다!
Thank you, Thank you very much.
It is my honour with you 방장님 and 시호 총무님,
Let us always be together..
멋진 창밖님
어제 모임에서
오늘 정기산행에서
인사 드릴 수 있을지
든든한 우리 창밖님!
Thank you for taking on this important task and congratulations again.
We had a great time walking around the trekking to welcome spring together.
Thank you for your hard work yesterday.
서라벌님의 사진은
편안하게 보았지요
멋지게 노래하시는
모습을 뵈올거라고
@율리안 https://youtu.be/UeOdPs0CGd0?si=3Wh28WtT6VYbh0yM
@서라벌. I didn't know that you're such like a good singer.
Brovo !
선배님이 중심을 잡아주셔서 영방이 잘 운영이 되나봅니다.감사합니다.
@시호 Bravo 2 !!
옛회원님들과 그리고
새로 오신분들과의 만남~
신정산의코스 이제는봄이와서
보~드라운 흙을 밟으니
기분도 말랑 말랑~~
오랬만에 함께하니 좋았지요~
처음나오신 마당돌쇠님 그리구
친근감 만점의 까사로라님. 김여사님~
그리구 막내 율리안 첫영방 모임 참석을 환영해~~~*
모두 만나서 반가웠구 함께해 즐거웠어요~
영방 방장 총장을 기꺼이 맡아주신
해뜰님 시호님 두분 감사드리고
어제 수고많으셨습니다~~^^ ♡
너무 오랜만에
I'm considering seriously about change of my nickname, "mersumdolse"
Don't ask reason to me any more
It's my top secret
@머슴돌쇠 How about gaining your weight instead of changing nickname?? ㅎㅎ
이렇게 멋진 댓글은
태어나 처음 봅니다 ㅎ
hello 율리안입니다
it's a refreshing
it was nice to meet you
at this meeting ^^
It was even more joyful yesterday,
because the younger and beautiful woman 율리안 was there with us.♡♡
Good morning!!
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us yesterday, we'll see you again soon!
방장님 자격은
어찌 그리
첫 모임
@율리안 I feel the same way. ㅎ
@율리안 자주 봬요 율리안님!
@시호 The cost of 돌쇠's name card will pay you in the next meeting
It's not my intention but only mistake~~
@머슴돌쇠 Never mind.
I understand what you're saying.
Actually, I tend to forget things easily. ㅎ
The photos look great!
Especially, the cake looks nice.
Congratulations to 해뜰방장님, 시호총무님 together on your first meeting!"
It's all thanks to you.
Please keep an eye on this.
독감은 좀 나아지셨나요? 건강관리 잘 하시구요! 다음엔 꼭 봬요~
i had good time yesterday
Thank you for being nice buddy. I really appreciate it.
Actually I was concerned about you looked a bit tired yesterday.
Make sure to take care yourself . ♡♡
카사로사님께도 감사드립니다! 또 봬요.
즐거운 트래킹을 시작으로
각자 준비해오신
맛난 간식들 먹으며 수다를 떨고
해장국과 쭈꾸미뽁음 맛집에서 그리고 디저트로 완성한 우리의 모임장
회장과 총무의 수고에 감사드리며
처음 오신 김 여사님 카사로사님 돌쇠 님 율리안님
다음 모임에도 뵙기를 희망합니다
오랜만에 만나 반가웠습니다!
곰배님 서라벌님 토너벨님 리사님 다음에 또 건강한 얼굴로 봽겠습니다. 감사합니다!
해뜰님, 시호님~~~~~~^^
Congratulations on successfully completing your first 영방 offline meeting. Hearing about your fresh and interesting future plans for the 영방 from both of you makes me feel very excited and confident that it will grow and become truly enjoyable.
Thank you for accepting the roles to lead and continue the great 영방 !!!
What a surprise.
You've catched up the amazing moments before we noticed. ㅎ Thanks.
Please show a lot of interest consistently.