Years ago, there was a king who had a Hand mill hand mill with special powers.
One day, a mand man deceid decided that he would steal it.
"I will sneak in during the night," the man thought.
He climbed over the wall in to into the ground's grounds of the kings king's palace.
The man got on a boat to escape.
"I want something unsual unusual," he thought.
Hand mill dropped the sea The hand mill dropped into the sea.
I think about this is a book this is a happy and sad book.
Score: B
- "Hand mill" → "hand mill" ("hand mill"은 보통 소문자로 씁니다.)
- "mand" → "man" (철자 실수입니다.)
- "deceid" → "decided" (철자 오류입니다.)
- "in to" → "into" ("into"는 하나의 단어로 써야 해요.)
- "ground's" → "grounds" (소유격이 아니라 복수형이 필요해요.)
- "kings" → "king's" (왕의 소유이므로 소유격으로 써야 해요.)
- "unsual" → "unusual" (철자가 잘못되었어요.)
- "Hand mill dropped the sea" → "The hand mill dropped into the sea" (더 자연스러운 표현으로 수정했습니다.)
- "about this is a book" → "this is a happy and sad book" ("this is"로 시작해야 문장이 완성됩니다.)