Caillou want wants to play with spin door the revolving door.
Caillou come comes to the elevator.
Caillou come goes in the office.
Caillou writing writes something in a papers on a piece of paper.
Caillou 's draw draws Caillou's family's a picture of his family.
Caillou 's explain explains What is his draws what he drew.
"It's beautiful," Mom said.
But mom is Mom was busy.
Caillou play plays with his teddy bear.
Caillou 's called with dad called Dad.
Caillou 's said said, "I'm working with Mom."
It's lunch time Caillou's ate hotdogs. → At lunchtime, Caillou ate hot dogs.
Dad come in official. → Dad came to the office.
Dad and Caillou's went homes. → Dad and Caillou went home.
The story is good.
Score: B
Tips (수정 및 추가 내용)
동사 시제 일치:
- "Caillou want" → "Caillou wants" (3인칭 단수 -s 추가)
- "Caillou come in office" → "Caillou goes in the office." (과거형 및 자연스러운 표현 사용)
- "Caillou writing something" → "Caillou writes something" (현재형 동사 사용)
- "Caillou 's draw" → "Caillou draws" (현재형 동사 사용)
- "Caillou 's explain" → "Caillou explains" (동사 변형)
- "Caillou 's called with dad" → "Caillou called Dad." ('with' 불필요)
자연스러운 문장 구성:
- "Caillou's explain What is his draws." → "Caillou explains what he drew." (의문문이 아닌 간접화법으로 수정)
- "Dad come in official." → "Dad came to the office." (자연스러운 문장으로 수정)