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2021년 9월 중순부터 EU국 그리스정부는 실물 워펌제도( Certificate of Employment )을 폐지(발급포함)하고, 탈세, 실제근무확인사실, 근로자관리등을 위해 ERGANI” Information System을 시행중입니다.
In 2021, the government introduced a new labour law, which increases the flexibility of the eight-hour workday by allowing employees to work up to 10 hours on one day and fewer on another or take time off, and gives workers the right to disconnect outside of the office hours. Further, it introduced a “digital work card” to monitor employees working hours in real-time as well as increase legal overtime to 150 hours a year. The government has also undertaken several preventive and detective measures. They introduced the “ERGANI” Information System (Article 55 of Law 6 4310/2014) intending to record (in real time) all employment flows in the private sector of the economy. This will also aim to record any illegal migrant workers who usually constitute the largest group of people working in the shadow economy. A further detective measure in Greece, as indicated in Greece’s recovery and resilience plan25, is their commitment to modernise and digitalise public administration including improving the tax administration and justice systems, promoting the innovation capacity, digital uptake and resilience of key economic sectors, and upgrade health care, education, and active labour market policies.