해운사 머스크의 CEO가 지난 목요일 2023년 3분기 실적 발표에서홍해 해역에서 상선의 안전을 보장받고 있지 못하고 있으며, 군사작전으론 이를 확보할 수 없다고 얘기했다고 합니다.
홍해 해역의 운송을 중단함으로써 컨테이너 물동량의 1/3이 영향을 받았으며, 이는 코로나19 팬데믹보다는 적은 수치라고 하네요. 하지만 아직 위협이 정점에 달하지 않았으며 언제 국제사회가 홍해의 안전한 통행을 보장할 지 여부도 불확실하다고 합니다.
Maersk CEO Says Military Operations Can’t Guarantee Safety of Ships in Red Sea
FEBRUARY 8, 2024 8:11 PM
Maersk Container Ship
The military operations in the Red Sea cannot guarantee the safety of commercial shipping in the region, the chief executive officer of a major shipping company said on Thursday.
During a 2023 third-quarter earnings call, Maersk CEO Vincent Clerc mentioned the lack of guaranteed safety in the Red Sea, which has come under several attacks by the Yemen-based Houthis in a Thursday interview on Bloomberg T.V.
Clerc said disruptions in the Red Sea have affected about a third of the company’s container volume, which was less than the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We’ve not seen the level of threat peak, to the contrary,” Clerc said. “The amount or the range of weapons that are being used for these attacks is expanding and there is no clear line of sight to when and how the international community will be able to mobilize itself and guarantee safe passage for us.”
As of Feb. 8, at least three Maersk ships have been targeted by Houthi missiles and drones, according to USNI News’ timeline of activity in the Red Sea since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks in southern Israel and the subsequent Israeli bombardment of Gaza.
The Houtis threatened the crew of MV Maersk Gibraltar, which sailed under a Hong Kong flag, with missiles if it did not stop sailing in the Red Sea on Dec. 14, 2023. This prompted Maersk to pause shipping, USNI News reported.
On Dec. 30, Houthis struck the Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou with an anti-ship ballistic missile. U.S. destroyers USS Gravely (DDG-107) and USS Laboon (DDG-58) responded to the ship’s distress call, with Gravely shooting down two additional anti-ship ballistic missiles.
On Dec. 31, Maersk Hangzhou was harassed by Houthi small boats. The Navy sent helicopters from aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) and destroyer Gravely to assist the ship after it put out a distress call. The Houthis fired at the Navy helicopters, prompting the helo crews to return fire and ultimately killing 10 Houthis.
The Houthis also fired three anti-ship ballistic missiles at MV Maersk Detroit on Jan. 24. Gravely intercepted two of the missiles, while the third landed in the water.
On Jan. 30, Maersk suspended all bookings to Djibouti as a result of the tensions in the Middle East, in addition to its pause on Red Sea shipping. On Jan. 26, the company announced it would instead transit around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.
When asked about Clerc’s statements, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder told reporters that it’s why there is a defensive coalition in the Red Sea, referring to Operation Prosperity Guardian.
“It’s a defensive coalition that is conducting joint patrols and providing capability to help vessels that transit,” Ryder said during a Thursday press briefing. “At the end of the day, it’s up to commercial industry, whether they opt to go through that route. Obviously, I think it’s in international interest to ensure that it is safe and secure, and that’s why we’re working so hard toward that end.”
첫댓글 19세기 초 바르바리 해적이 날뛸 때 해군만으로는 막을 수 없다고 해서 프랑스가 근본적인 해결책으로 알제리를 아예 점령했는데...
예멘 체급상 점령하기도 불가능하고 그런 방식이 통하는 시대도 아니니, 현실적으론 후티 반군을 인정하고 관계를 맺는 방안밖엔 없는 것 같습니다.
@위종민 후티가 바라는 것은 분리 독립과 국제 사회의 인정일까요?
@백선호 예멘의 갈등양상을 정확히 알지는 못합니다만 기본적으로 교파 갈등이 기저에 자리하고 있는 것 같은데, 예전처럼 북예멘으로 갈라지길 원할 것 같습니다. 정규군을 자칭하고 있기도 하니까요. 근데 자립뿐만 아니라 예멘 통일까지 노릴 수도 있긴 있겠습니다.
후티의 슬로건부터가 이스라엘의 멸망과 미국 축출이니, 타협이라는 게 성립하기 어렵죠. 게다가 '평소'의 이스라엘이 아니고 가자에서 싸우고 있으니...