- 대서양철갑상어 Sturgeon, Atlantic
. 학명; Acipenser oxyrinchus
. 서식지; 차가운 물의 얕은 바다나 강 바닥에 서식
. 통명; 대서양철갑상어
. 특징; 등에 하나, 옆구리와 배에 두개인 밝은 다섯줄의 인갑이 길이를 따라 형성
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취하고 캐비어는 진미
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Acipenser oxyrinchus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 차가운 물의 얕은 바다나 강 바닥에 서식
. 지역; 대서양, 발트해원산이나 북서대서양에 풍부
This species ranges along the northwestern and western Atlantic coast in North America from the Hamilton River in Labrador, Canada, to northeastern Florida. It is currently more populous in the Hudson River, New York, than in other parts of its range, although it is not abundant there.
Habitat. The habitats of Atlantic sturgeon are primarily the estuaries and bays of large rivers, and deep pools of rivers when inland; in the ocean it inhabits shallow waters of the continental shelf.
2 통명
- 영어; sturgeon, common sturgeon, sea sturgeon, Albany beef;
French: esturgeon noir d’Amerique.
- 한글; 대서양철갑상어, 조기어강 철갑상어목 철갑상어과
3 개요
- 길이; 430센티이내
- 무게; 800파운드이내, 평균 200파운드
Atlantic sturgeon may live as long as 60 years and can attain a size of 14 feet. An 811-pounder is the largest known specimen. Fish exceeding 200 pounds are rare today.
4 특징
- 청록색이나 올리브 갈색몸이고 측면은 밝아지며 배는 백색
- 신축성있는 머리와 4개의 수염이 있는 길고 편평한 주둥이
- 등에 하나, 옆구리와 배에 두개인 밝은 다섯줄의 인갑이 길이를 따라 형성
- 낮은 산소농도에 취약하여 용존산소가 많지않은 따뜻한 물에서 생존율 감소
- 따뜻한 물에서는 먹이가 있는 바닥에서 산소농도가 비교적 높은 수면으로 이동
- 맛이 좋아 남획되었고 산란지복귀도 위협받아 멸종위기종으로 지정
The Atlantic sturgeon is a member of the Acipenseridae family of sturgeon. It has been used as a high-quality food fish and as a source of caviar since colonial days. It is anadromous, living much of its life in brackish or saltwater and spawning in freshwater rivers. Dam construction, water pollution, and other changes in habitat, in addition to commercial overfishing, caused continued declines throughout the twentieth century. The Atlantic sturgeon is a threatened species today.
Identification. The Atlantic sturgeon is dark brown or olive green with a white belly. The head is protractile and has a long flat snout with four barbels on the underside.
Five rows of scutes (bony scalelike plates) extend along the length of the body; one is along the back, and two each are along the sides and the belly. The centers of the scutes along the back and the sides are light, making them stand out in contrast to the darker surrounding color. These scutes are set extremely close together, and the bases of most overlap.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 갑각류, 벌레 및 연체동물, 성어는 저서 양각류, 이패류, 풀새우, 등각류 등 추가
- 8살이상이 되면 소하성으로 4년마다 봄에 산란을 위해 강 상류로 복귀하고 가을에 바다로 이동
- 매년 바다에서 체중을 20%늘려 강에서 사용
- 15도에서 25도인 수심 49미터이내의 강바닥에서 부화하여 강에서 3년간 성장
- 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취하고 캐비어는 진미
Spawning migrations last from late winter through early summer. Although it matures late in life, the Atlantic sturgeon is highly fecund, yet has a low reproduction rate, as females spawn only once every 3 to 5 years. Females do not mature until ages 7 to 10 in their southernmost range and ages 22 to 28 in the northernmost range. Tagging studies have demonstrated that Atlantic sturgeon migrate extensively both north and south of their natal river systems.
Food and feeding habits. Juveniles and adults are bottom-feeding scavengers, consuming a variety of crustaceans, bivalves, and worm prey, as well as insect larvae and small fish.