- 백철갑상어 Sturgeon, White
. 학명; Acipenser transmontanus
. 서식지; 차거운 수온의 얕은 연안과 강바닥에 서식
. 통명; 백철갑상어
. 특징; 등과 측면을 따라 비늘처럼 생긴 뼈인 인갑형성
. 먹이와 요리법; 캐비어나 회로, 절이거나 훈제, 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Acipenser transmontanus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 차거운 수온의 얕은 연안과 강바닥에 서식
. 지역; 동태평양, 알래스카에서 멕시코까지 분포
White sturgeon are limited to the Pacific coast from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, to Monterey Bay, California, although they move far inland to spawn. It is found in the Fraser River system; the Columbia River above Revelstoke, British Columbia; Duncan Lake, Vancouver Island; and possibly Okanagan Lake and other coastal drainages. In Idaho, the white sturgeon occurs in the Snake River downstream from Shoshone Falls and in the Clearwater and the Salmon Rivers. It is landlocked in some drainages as well.
Habitat. White sturgeon primarily inhabit the estuaries and bays of large rivers and the deep pools of rivers when inland.
2 통명
- 영어; sturgeon, Columbia sturgeon, Oregon sturgeon, Pacific sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon;
French: esturgeon blanc.
- 한글; 백철갑상어, 철갑상어목 철갑상어과
3 개요
- 길이; 610센티이내, 평균 210센티
- 무게; 1390파운드이내, 평균 120파운드
White sturgeon have been reported at more than 100 years old; most of the oldest individuals of the current era are roughly 40 to 60 years old. Accounts of historic landings of white sturgeon report maximum weights of between 1,300 and 2,000 pounds and a length of 20 feet. Fish under 6 feet long and weighing 60 to 70 pounds are commonly caught today, and fish from 6 to 9 feet long and weighing 200 to 500 pounds are possible.
4 특징
- 북미 담수에 서식하는 가장 큰 물고기
- 등은 회색에서 갈색 배는 연하고 지느러미는 회색
- 수염은 입 앞에 위치하여 뭉툭한 주둥이 끝에 더 가까움
- 등과 측면을 따라 비늘처럼 생긴 뼈인 인갑형성
- 큰 강하구에 주로 서식하고 산란을 위해 상류이동
- 연어산란용으로 댐에 설치된 물고기사다리는 철갑상어에게는 그림의 떡
- 치어는 작동중인 터빈이나 열린 유출문 등으로 제한적으로 바다행
A member of the Acipenseridae family of sturgeon, the white sturgeon is the largest fish occurring in freshwater in North America. In some areas, populations have recovered sufficiently since their decline in the early 1900s to support important recreational and commercial fisheries.
Identification. The white sturgeon has a moderately blunt snout as an adult, barbels closer to the snout tip than to the mouth, and no obvious scutes (bony, scalelike plates) behind the dorsal and the anal fins. The fish is gray to pale olive on its upper body and white to pale gray on its ventral side. It has 28 to 30 anal rays, 11 to 14 scutes on its back, and 38 to 48 scutes along the sides.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 저서 무척추동물, 어란 등을 먹고 성어는 청어, 가자미, 새우, 오징어, 빙어 등 다양하게 추가
- 조석주기의 영향을 받으며 야행성 먹이를 위해 밤에 더 활동적인 사냥
- 10세가되면 3년마다 봄에 상류로 이동하여 초속 1.5미터의 유속이 있는 바닥자갈에 산란
- 수온이 15도의 경우 8일후 부화하며 8도이하에서는 사망
- 캐비어인기로 멸종위기여서 캘리포니아에서 양식하고 수족관으로도 인기
- 캐비어나 회로, 절이거나 훈제, 스튜로 섭취
White sturgeon are anadromous, migrating from the ocean into freshwater to spawn. Spawning typically occurs from April through early July, when water temperatures are 50° to 64°F, during the highest daily flows of the river. Spawning occurs in swift water. When hatched, yolk-sac larvae drift to deep water with slower currents where they grow rapidly, sometimes 15 inches or more in the first year. Females typically mature when 16 to 35 years of age, at roughly 47 inches in fork length.
Food and feeding habits. Adult white sturgeon are piscivorous and do feed in freshwater. Common baits include pile worms, ghost shrimp, grass shrimp, squawfish, and carp.