A salesman in late twenties has been bothered with sudden
sleeping from his childhood on. It is called "narcolepsy" that
is known as incurable disease. I am shouting once more
"There is no disease that is incurable but there is only the
depth of disease that is beyond recovery though it is a simple
He drives on the highway every day for sales. What will happen
if he falls in sleeping over driving? The dirve license authority
should consider this symptom. But I have never heard of this.
The man mentioned hereunder knows what time he will be
in danger so he is always careful for his driving. However there
are many narcolepsy patients who do not notice their sypmtom.
They think they are always sleepy due to their fatigue so they
can bear it with strong mind but vertually with strong peril.
1. Personal Information(042926))
Park 0 0, Male, 27 years old
Occupation : Supplier of agricultural products
Address : Kyunggi Province in South Korea
2. Chief Complaints
Always sleepy. Sleeping sometimes over taking meals or
sometimes over talking. When he grows up, he can manage to
bear it. But he cannot bear it around hours of 9, 11 and 15 in
daytime. He have to take sleeping time at least 3 times in a day.
3. Other Symptoms and Signs
He remembers that he always slept for all day long except for
3 times of meals from 5 years old on.
He has to sleep if he minds something.
Sudden lethargy on any time
Benumbed fingers
Terrible snoring
Reddish of face and inside fever
Discomfort dreams in bad sleeping
Alergies for chemical drugs
No morning erection
Pale and yellowish face
Over 4 times of stool per day (Some doctor diagnosised this
as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but IBS is one respect of weak liver.
I mean IBS will be treated easily. Please refer to other cases in
regard to IBS)
He often drinks with his customers for sales.
Pulse : A little float, a little strong, tensed, a little dull but weak
Tongue : Reddish and little coated
Abdomen : Severly stiffen and pain on both upper and lower
4. Diagnosis
Liver weak
Heart small
Digestive Organs fever
Lung weak
Kidney a little weak
5. Pathology
Humidity due to weak liver and small heart. Fever on digestive
organs incites to take lots of foods. But weak liver does not
absorb the foods. So he has to 4 times of stool per day.
This bad cycle added with weak lung and kidney produces
chronic diseases on digestive organs including liver.
Though the examination report does not say about what figures
are far from referent number but the body is getting worsen and
worsen. Regarding such case as this, the examination of
western medicine is invalid. While diagnosis by east asian
medicine is very effective.
The body wants to avoid more fatal circumstances from this bad
cycle, so the body has to choose more safe way - Narcolepsy
which stops over movements of brain and five organs.
Other symptoms and signs are varietiesfrom this process.
6. Prescription
To get rid of humidity and to purify the blood.
7. Results
1st Prescription
To improve the liver and to release the liver and to get rid of humidy.
1st Result
Sudden lethargy disappeared.
The sleeping reduced to one third. He takes one time for
sleeping in a day.
One stool per day
Terrible stiffeness and pain on abdomen were greatly reduced.
Happy for the return of morning erection!
2nd Prescription
Replace strong herbs with soft ones for the humidity because of
the recovery.
2nd Result
He does not come again. I am sure he recover completely.
Judging from the 1st result I am sure it! But I have one more
reason for his perfect recovery. That is - to say to be ashamed
a little - that there is no one but me to treat Narcolepsy in this
country. or in the world? So if he is trouble for sleeping, he has no
choice to visit Harabi Clinic of East Asian Medicine.
8. Epilogue
A few years ago I recieved a phone call from TV broadcasting
company for interviewing about Narcolepsy. But then I was in
southern island for summer vacation with my family so I refused
to meet the PD. But more important reason for my refusal is this.
I know that lots of TV programmes are made for the purpose of
something particular that the PD wants to show. So I am afraid
that my comments would be distorted for the taste of PD or other
pressure groups. Now I think I should have accepted their proposal.
If I had accepted their proposal, I might have warned that the
patients of narcolepsy should not take chemical drugs that will
worse the symptoms because they are work on brain. As you
understand the pathology in above paragraph the narcolepsy comes
from the protective mechanism of brain whose Ki and blood
are supplied by the liver. You can understand why I had been
afraid of distortion if you understand that the drug companies are
major advertiser of TV broadcasting companies.