Howdy !
It's me Scarlett !
This week we have 3 topics.
◈ 7 Ways to Reveal Your Inner Beauty
◈ 12 Simple Ways to Be More Attractive
◈ Korea suffers age disparity in unemployment
Hope you enjoy the topics.
With luv
7 Ways to Reveal Your Inner Beauty
Experts say an inner glow that makes you feel great – and warms the people around you – can be cultivated. Practice these traits, and shine with beauty in all the right ways.
Experts say an inner glow that makes you feel great – and warms the people around you – can be cultivated. Here are seven traits that belong in the mix. Practice these, and shine with beauty in all the right ways, both to yourself and others.
© Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock
Volunteering will give you a “helper’s high” and make your beauty shine.
1. Stand tall
What gives tiny ballerinas, mild-mannered yoga teachers, and female generals their commanding presence? We’re betting on posture. We don’t mean ramrod straight. We mean the flexible, relaxed kind that keeps your spine healthy, and keeps you feeling and looking long and lean. It’s healthier for your back (and more fun) to be a blade of tall grass swaying in the breeze than a fence post stuck in the ground. Feel it, by standing with both feet planted on the floor and your knees bent ever so slightly. Firm your tummy muscles, relax your shoulders, and draw yourself up by keeping your head and neck in line with your shoulders. Allow your spine to be naturally and gracefully curvy. Now, you’re instantly taller, slimmer, and more confident.
2. Laugh often
A willingness to celebrate the truly comic in us and in everyday events, without sarcasm or meanness, gives life a fine and fizzy tingle. Humor eases tension, makes both the profound and pathetic palatable, and connects us. In addition, laughter can reduce your risk for a heart attack by a whopping 40 percent, and help your body process blood sugar better. Appreciate the lighter side and you’ll live a longer life, researchers report. You don’t have to be the last comic standing to spread this fabulous fun. Your sense of humor is as unique as your fingerprints and flaunting yours enriches the world. Consider humor a muscle that could use a workout once in a while.
Plus: 19 Ways to Enhance Your Sense of Humor
3. Connect with bliss
Maybe you’ve felt it during a late-afternoon walk on the beach, while holding a child, in the middle of a marathon, or while working at some aspect of your job that you absolutely love. Time stops. The rest of the world fades away. You’re fully present, fully involved, fully alive. This is bliss—the feeling of pure being that creates deep satisfaction. It changes us for the better. You can’t define or measure it, but you certainly know when you have it, and amazingly, without you saying a word, others know it too. The good news is, we can all get there. Start by noticing what gives you real satisfaction.
4. Say “thanks”
Once upon a time, gratitude was saddled with a reputation for being lame – something wimpy that Mom made you do. But researchers and real people are beginning to understand why feeling truly thankful expands your own sense of well-being and sends ripples into the world. Feeling thankful increases feelings of optimism, reduces pain and fatigue, and boosts performance at school and at work. Also, alertness, enthusiasm, determination, and attentiveness soar. As a result, gratitude can be a booster shot for your marriage, let you feel more connected to others, and inspire you to help a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member with a personal problem. It also involves the willingness to acknowledge the good that the people around you do with kind words. Not only does this type of gratitude lift your soul, but it lifts others as well.
5. Have (more) fun
Splash down a creek in your water shoes. Spend the afternoon at an amusement park. Go out dancing. Call up your three best friends, and go listen to your favorite upbeat music. Your mission is to make child-like fun your #1 priority regularly, because sometimes, the best expression of inner beauty is a wild, uncontrolled grin. We know. Life becomes serious business as the responsibilities of adulthood multiply. But sometimes the best antidote can’t be found in a glass of wine, a bubble bath or a good book. Consult your inner child – the energetic and enthusiastic 12-year-old living inside us all – for alternative suggestions. It’ll put a glint in your eyes, a spring in your step – and give you a reputation for knowing how to have a really good time.
Plus: How to Live Better
6. Be generous
Volunteer to tutor a child. Donate to a worthy cause. Lend a hand, and you get a portfolio of big paybacks. The first one you’ll notice is a “helper’s high” – a surge of feel-good brain chemicals released when you call the tow truck for a family stranded on the freeway or volunteer to put up sheetrock in a Habitat for Humanity house. Helping out also activates areas of the brain crucial for planning and organizing daily life. You’ll even extend your life: In one study, volunteers saw a 60 percent decline in mortality! It doesn’t matter if it’s a one-day volunteer event with friends or helping out the needs in your own neighborhood. What counts is recognizing the gifts in your own life that you can share with others. Now that’s true beauty.
7. Practice authenticity
This sterling quality of authenticity is all about balance: You can act on what’s important to you, honor others, and meet them as equals. This means knowing and respecting yourself enough to make choices that reflect your deepest-held priorities and finding ways – kindly, gently – to tell the truth. This, of course, is a process you can fill a lifetime with, not a one-day self-improvement project. Start by looking at areas of your life that line up with your values, and places that don’t. The things that save this trait from becoming a “but enough about you, let’s talk about me” ego-fest are a group of brilliant brain cells called mirror neurons. They’re the reason why you yawn when your partner yawns or why you feel cold when your kid goes outside in the winter with only a sweatshirt on. The great thing about mirror neurons is that they practically ensure human connection by creating empathy. Noticing and acting on these shared feelings is a blueprint for friendship and community. It is authenticity in action. And by extension, the truest form of beauty there is.
Read more: http://www.rd.com/health/beauty/7-ways-to-reveal-your-inner-beauty/#ixzz3glWloqjq
Q1. What is your definition of 'beauty'? And how about the difinition of 'inner beauty'?
Q2. In our society, many care about the outer appearance more than inner beauty.
How about you?
Q3. How to be more attractive person to others?
Q4. Among 7 tips for enhancing inner beauty, which one would you put into action? Why?
1. Stand tall
2. Laugh often
3. Connect with bliss
4. Say “thanks”
5. Have (more) fun
6. Be generous
7. Practice authenticity
Q5. What kinds of virtue can be addressed in terms of inner beauty?
Altruism, generosity or others? What kinds of inner beauty do you have?
12 Simple Ways to Be More Attractive
We want one thing common: being more attractive. But the purpose for being attractive varies. What’s yours? Well, you needn’t share! To strike your attractive physique, maintain these tips and you will be surprised seeing how magically they work!
#1 Keep Smile
Keep a smile on your face. When you smile, you look more friendly and approachable. People feel comfort to deal with you. No matter what your are feeling inside, smile!
#2 Maintain Facial Hair
It is important to take care of facial hair. Men should shave regularly. If you want to maintain long beard, you should keep that neat and trim. Women should shape eyebrows properly.
#3 Keep Hair Tip-top
Your hair is just like your crown! So take care of it. A nice look is the first step to attract someone. Get regular haircuts as it is important for your hair to be healthy. Keep your hair clean and tidy. It is really important for attractive appearance.
#4 Wear Fit Clothes
Your dress is really important. People like one who is dressed properly. So, take care of what you are wearing. Buy the clothes that fit you properly. Oversized or too tight clothes make you look odd.
#5 Maintain Proper Eye Contact
Proper eye contact is important when you are talking to someone. If you maintain eye contact properly, people will feel important and be happy. Some people feel shy to maintain eye contact. That’s not a big problem. Start with your close ones. Maintain proper eye contact while talking to them. Then, try it with strangers.
#6 Walk Confidently
Be confident while walking. Do you know how to walk with confidence? Keeping your body relaxed and holding eyes and head up help you look confident. Making you look confident is a great part of being attractive.
#7 Smell Nice
No one likes one who smells bad. All your efforts to make yourself attractive can end in smoke if you smell bad. So be careful about this fact. Take shower every day and use deodorant regularly. Brush your teeth properly. You may use medication to get rid of bad breath.
#8 Be Relaxed
Are you seared all the time thinking what others are thinking of you? If yes, you should fight to kick away this habit. Be confident and open yourself to others. Communicate with them and be easy. Nervousness isn’t liked. So, be confident and relaxed while dealing with people.
#9 Laugh and Make Laugh
There’s a saying, “laughter is a good medicine”. When you laugh, people around you feel comfortable and are more likely to be happy with you. Laughter can make you look attractive. Most importantly, if you can make people laugh you make them happy. And you are treated with the same emotions.
#10 Body Language
Your body language is important. If you look busy in your body language, people are likely to avoid you. They will think that you don’t want to be disturbed. But if you are easy and relaxed, people will feel comfortable to approach you.
#11 Ask Questions
Don’t try to speak about you all the time. While gossiping with someone ask questions. But don’t ask anything inappropriate. When you ask questions, people think that you are interested to know about them and they feel important.
#12 Wear Bright Color
Wear colorful clothes. Be careful to avoid some colors which can be inappropriate because of the tone of your skin or the ambience of the place to go. Usually, bright colors attract people. You also look more confident.
Q1. Do you think you are attractive person? Please express yourself !
Q2. Do you think attractiveness is something to do with self satisfaction?
Q3. Do you think which tip is the most efficient way to improve your attractiveness
among above 12 ways?
#1 Keep Smile
#2 Maintain Facial Hair
#3 Keep Hair Tip-top
#4 Wear Fit Clothes
#6 Walk Confidently
#7 Smell Nice
#8 Be Relaxed
#9 Laugh and Make Laugh
#10 Body Language
#11 Ask Questions
#12 Wear Bright Color
Q4. Do you have your own scent? What kinds of perfume do you use?
Why did you choose that brand?
Q5. As you get older your general attractiveness will be diminishing.
Do you have any strategies to deal with those limitations?
Korea suffers age disparity in unemployment
Source : http://www.koreaherald.com/
Q1. What is your major? How do you think about the current status of job market
in your field?
Q2. According to an infographic, youth go through with tough time for getting a job
compare to the middle-aged group. Do you think what is the main cause of
this phenomenon?
Q3. The young aged group is more competitive than the others for sure in a certain field.
For young aged group of people, what kinds of job is promising field?
Q4. How can we alleviate the age disparity in unemployment rate in the job market ?
첫댓글 Thanks for the topic. I'm gonna prepare the topic fot next Sat. instead.
No problem. Ok !!! I will expect for the topic materials !~
Have a good weekend ! :)
goooood topics
Thanx for your kind comment !