환갑잔치를 어제 했다. 내가 태어난 60여년전만해도 한국인의 평균 기대수명은 60세이하였고 특히 가장으로서 책임부담이 컷던 남자들은 60세 이전에 죽는 경우가 많아서 전통적으로 한국에서는 60번째의 생일을 축하하는 환갑잔치를 해왔다. 또한, 영유아 사망률도 높았기에 아이가 태어나 한 살이 되면 첫 생일까지 생존한 것을 기념하는 돌잔치를 하는 것도 또하나의 전통이다. 우리 아이들의 돌잔치를 열어 친지는 물론 회사동료들을 초대하여 치루고 30여년 만에 이제는 독립한 아이들이 열어주는 환갑잔치를 가졌다. 잘 자라서 이렇게 환갑을 축하해준 아이들은 물론 여러모로 신경써주신 여러분에게도 감사드린다.
I had a 60th birthday party yesterday. Even 60 years ago when I was born, the average life expectancy of Koreans was under 60 years old, and especially men who had the burden of responsibility as the head of the household often died before the age of 60, so traditionally, in Korea, they held a 60th birthday party to celebrate their 60th birthday. Additionally, because the infant mortality rate was high, it is another tradition to hold a first birthday party when a child turns one year old to commemorate the child surviving until its first birthday. We also held a first birthday party for our children and invited not only relatives but also co-workers. After 30 years, we had a 60th birthday party hosted by children who were now independent. I would like to thank the children who grew up well and congratulated me on my 60th birthday, as
well as everyone who took care of me in many ways.