By now you have probably heard a bit about the upcoming expansion, there have been some press about it, but in particular you have been able to follow some of the new features in our Developer MP stream (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...XMdqg5ADde-G2o) Still, I will take this opportunity to just quickly go through what you can expect from it.
여러분은 이제 새로운 확장팩이 나온다는 걸 들으셨을 텐데요. 관련된 매체들도 꽤 많이 나온 상태입니다만, 저희 개발자들에게서 위의 동영상 링크로 새로운 요소들을 알아내실 수 있을겁니다. 그래도, Dev Diary 기회를 놓칠 수는 없으니 한번 빠르게 어떤 것이 나올지 훑고 지나가 보겠습니다.
More gameplay, less fluff
The previous expansion had a few really visible game altering things such as a completely randomized new world, a new type of dynamic nations which changed how you controlled your American colonies and completely new mechanics for the native americans, perhaps a bit disrespectful to call it ‘fluff’, but bear with me. These features required quite a big investment in development time and made a big impact on how you play EU4. For Wealth of Nations you can look forward to towards more features but perhaps less headline grabbing features, in other words more interesting gameplay changes but perhaps not so many features that force you to completely rethink your priorities.
저번 확장팩이 무작위 신세계, 식민지와의 관계, 북미 원주민의 매커니즘 변화 등 '큰 변화'에 맞춰졌다면 이번 확장팩은 '더 많고 다양한 작은 게임플레이 요소들'에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 흥미로운 게임 플레이 변화는 있겠지만 공략법의 우선순위를 바꾸거나 하는 일은 없을 겁니다.
A focus on trade
The main focus of this expansion is going to be trade, as the name suggests. We are not, however going to change the the base concept but instead we are going to look into what we can do to strengthen the strategic choices and sharpen the conflicts that come from trade. We are going to add Trading Companies that allow for more specialized trading empires, we are going to add new diplomatic actions and types of peace treaties, privateers and things like that.
이번 확장팩의 주안점은 '무역(Trade)'입니다. 기본적인 컨셉 그자체를 바꿀려는게 아니라, 전략적인 선택과, 무역갈등의 강화, 특화된 무역제국을 위한 무역회사들, 새로운 외교활동과 새 종류의 평화협정들 그리고 사략선 등을 생각하고있습니다.
Not Just Trade
Just as with the previous expansion, Conquest of Paradise, not all features we add are going to fit the chosen focus. When we design features for our expansion we they usually fit the bill of either the what the expansion is about or what we really want to see in the game sooner rather than later. Like the Fervor features specially for the Reformed religion or a brand new mechanic dealing with competition among nations that we have not told you about yet, more on that in a later dev diary (or in the MP stream in a couple of weeks).
저번 CoP 확장팩에서처럼 모든 추가되는 요소가 한가지 선택된 테마 (여기서는 '무역')에 맞춰지지는 않을 겁니다. 예를 들어 우리는 청교도(Reformed)를 위한 열정 (Fervor) 기능이나, 다양한 나라간의 경쟁방법에 대해 추가할 것입니다.
Some Free thing, some Not Free thing
As always some new features are going to be in the expansion and some in the major patch released at the same time. We want to be able to add radical changes, but we don't want to add features to expansions that are vital for the game balance or require us to remove old mechanics, so you get them for free. This is a living game that will hopefully continue to evolve for many expansions to come.
몇가지 요소들은 패치로 무료로 추가될것입니다.
Talking Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations – Dev diary 2: Trade Improvements
Time for the next Dev diary where I tell you a little bit about the features that will appear in the upcoming Wealth of Nations expansion for EU4. In this dev diary I will dive straight into some of the trade improvements we are doing and a especially on the thinking behind them. Bear in mind that we are still working on and tweaking these features so some of them might change between now and release.
이번에는 무역에 대한 요소들을 다루어 보겠습니다. 아직 개발중인 사항들이며 지금 당장도 바뀔 수 있으며, 정식발매 시에도 바뀔 수 있습니다.
Enhanced Merchant Republics
Merchants republics are among the theoretically really strong nations in the game. They have a extra merchant (giving them not only the merchant but a higher naval force limit), that have extra trade efficiency and on top of that a bonus to trade steering. Add to that the, frankly, a little bit OP ability to elect rulers. Yet you rarely see nations like Venice or the Hansa grow to conquer the world. One reason for this is their geographical weakness, especially the Hansa lacks strategic depth. Then add that to what I mentioned earlier, the trade republics are kind of dangerous. This, first order of business for Denmark - take out the Hansa and for Austria - take out Venice. So we started thinking, what kind of extra thing can we add to an expansion that adds an extra layer to the Merchant Republics.
상인 공화국은 (Merchants Republics) 이론상 최강인 국가입니다. 더 많은 상인과 해군력 한계치를 가질 것이고 무역 효율과 무역 스티어링에도 보너스를 받습니다. 또한 지도자를 선택할 수 도 있지요. 하지만 한자동맹이나 베네치아가 세계를 정복하는 경우는 드뭅니다. 그 이유 중 하나는 지리적으로 불리한 위치에 있다는 것입니다. 덴마크는 첫 임무가 한자동맹을 무너트리는 것이고, 오스트리아는 베네치아를 치는 것이지요. 그래서 우리는 어떻게 해야 상인공화국들에게 전략적인 특성을 추가 할 수 있나 고민해보았습니다.
In Wealth of Nations, trading with a merchant republic is no longer a zero sum game. When a merchant republic trades in a region this will add value to the goods that are produced in the region (technically we are increasing the amount of goods produced) in proportion to how big a share the Merchant Republic is taking of trade in a region. This means that as the likes of Venice and The Hansa are spreading their tentacles and send their merchants to take over the trade lanes the nations they are trading with becomes richer and until the point where the other want to become traders or Venice is threatening to become a land power, its a win win situation.
WoN에서 상인공화국과 교역하는 것은 제로섬 게임이 아닙니다. 그 지역에서 상인 공화국이 무역을 한다면 이제 생산품들의 가치가 노드에서 상인공화국이 차지하는 비율 만큼 올라가게됩니다. (정확히 말해서, 우리는 현재 생산되는 양이 늘어나게 했습니다.) 상인 공화국들과 노드를 공유하는 것은 제 삼 세력이 노드를 점령하기 시작하거나 상인 공화국들이 땅을 직접 지배하려고 하기 전까지는 윈윈이 될 것 입니다.
Main Trade Port
In the game trading is currently centered on your capital. Thats where you direct your trade and where you collect your money. In the base game you have some options, you can collect in other places anyway but take a trade power penalty or you can simply move your capital. In Wealth of Nations we are adding a new concept, the Main Trade Port that is the new place where you collect trade with your merchants. This trade port is easily visible in the trade mapmode and can be relocated using diplomatic power. Now as France for example you have a choice, do you go for a Mediterranean strategy or an atlantic strategy, and you don't have to relocate from Paris to do it.
현재 게임에선 무역의 중심지는 수도로 고정되어있습니다. 다른 방법으로는 패널티를 감수하고 노드에서 수금받던가 수도를 옮겨야합니다. WoN에서는 Main Trade Port 그러니까 주무역항을 선택할 수 있습니다. 주무역항은 Trade Mapmode에서 볼 수 있으며, 외교 포인트를 사용하는 것으로 언제든 옮길 수 있습니다. 이제 프랑스는 대서양 무역에 집중하거나 지중해 무역에 집중할 수 있고 파리에서 수도를 옮길 일은 사라졌습니다.
Inland Trading
One aspect that we felt we wanted to add to is to make the option of inland trade nodes more attractive. On sea you can send trade ships in addition to conquering provinces and making trade deals. On land however, there are no ships. We figured that we wanted to change the dynamics of how trade works inland. We figured that if we wanted to do that one way would be to make the quality of your trading be much more influential inland. After all, trading on the oceans is all about controlling the sealanes and having lots of ships and ports while inland you are much more dependant on having access to local traders, making good deals and all that stuff that makes for a good trader. In Wealth of Nations at the moment, certain trade nodes have been marked as inland, in these trade nodes your trade efficiency is really the biggest factor in deciding how much power you get. For example for having a merchant present you will now get 50 extra trade power per trade efficiency so great trading nations have it easier inland, but on the other hand low stability will decrease inland trading so having a stable nation will also be a different factor on inland trade.
지상 무역노드에는 배가 없습니다. 따라서 무역력을 뽑아낼 수 없고 기피되어왔습니다. 이제 무역 효율은 지상 무역노드에서 무역력을 얻는데 가장 중요한 수단입니다. 상인을 배치한다면 무역 효율당 50의 무역력을 얻을 것입니다. 따라서 무역대국들은 해상 무역노드보다 지상 무역노드가 더 좋을 수도 있습니다. 하지만 낮은 안정도는 지상 무역노드에 영향을 줄것입니다. 이제 지상 무역을 위해서는 안정한 국가를 만드는 것도 중요해질 것입니다.
Changing role of traders
Finally a small ergonomic little thing that is making it into this expansion as a free feature. At the moment in EU4 if you have a merchant collecting trade and you want change the role of the trader you have to recall him and then send him out again. After you download the 1.6 patch you can now just change the trader from collecting to steering and he will just change what he is doing, no travel time involved. Thats just one example of all the little improvements and additions we are adding for free with the patch accompanying the expansion.
소소한 변화입니다. 이제 상인은 왔다갔다 하는 일 없이 무역 스티어링과 노드에서 돈을 걷는 모드를 바꿀 수 있습니다. 이건 1.6 패치로 추가됩니다.
uropa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations – Dev diary 3: Naval Improvement
Welcome to the third EU4:Wealth of Nations Dev Diary. Last weeks theme was some of the improvements to the trading side of the game. This week I am going to cover more of the naval side of Wealth of Nations. The main focus of this expansion is trade but as you know navies and control of sea lanes is one of the most important factors in dominating trade.
이제 해전에 대해 알아봅시다. 이 확장팩은 무역에 관한 것이지만, 해군을 만들고 해상을 장악하는 것은 무역을 지배하는데 있어 중요합니다.
With the Wealth of Nations expansion we are adding the option of using privateers as a way to damage the trade of your opponents. This is added to allow you to hurt an opponents trading empire even if you can’t outcompete him at a certain point. Your light ship fleets now have the option of going on a Privateer mission just like going on a Trade Patrol mission, there are however some major differences. First of all the ships that go on a Privateer mission will raise the Jolly Roger, they will still be your ships but you can clearly see what they are up to. These ships will not give trade power to you but to the Pirate faction. The Trade Power they get will be a multiplier on what they would be worth on a Trade Patrol, so its a great way for a smaller nation to hit above its weight and also, while they keep a lot of money for themselves some of the loot will be sent back to you. There are however risks, if you send out privateers other nations will get upset and the people you steal from will get a Trade Conflict Casus Belli against you. There are other consequences as well as we have added a bunch of new historical events that triggers based on privateers.
이제 WoN에선 사략선을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이제 경전함 (Light Ship)은 무역로 순찰(Trade Patrol)와 똑같이 사략선 임무를 수행 할 수 있습니다. 그 동안은 배들은 졸리 로저 (해적깃발)을 사용할 것입니다. 이 배들은 배치된 노드에서 당신의 나라가 아니라 해적 세력 (Pirate Faction)에게 무역력을 줍니다. 이 수치는 무역로 순찰 명령때와 똑같은 비례의 수치를 사용할 것입니다. 이 인가받은 해적들은 당신에게 많은 약탈금을 보내 줄 것입니다. 하지만 다른 나라들은 무역 마찰 CB를 얻을 것입니다. 이에 관련된 역사적인 이벤트들도 상당수 있습니다.
New Blockade Mechanic
As you probably know, in EU4 if you place at least one ship outside an enemy province it will be considered under blockade. We felt that it was a bit strange that to fully blockade a country you placed one ship outside every port no matter how big or small. As one of the free features in this expansion we are changing the blockade system. Instead of fully blockading say the city of London with a lonely frigate, each ship now has a blockade value currently base on the sail speed of a vessel (more maneuverable ships catch more smugglers) and a blockade efficiency modifier. To fully blockade a province your blockade efficiency needs to match the base tax of the province, so its easier to blockade a small fishing village but harder to blockade London. These values can change between now and release, but you get the idea. We have also added an onmap interface that quickly shows that a fleet is blockading and to what percentage.
배 한척 씩으로 잉글랜드 항구 전체를 막았다고요? 이제 각 배는 고유한 봉쇄력 수치를 가지고 있으며, Base Tax에 비례해서 봉쇄력이 충분해야 항구를 봉쇄할 수 있습니다. 촌골짜기 어촌은 봉쇄하기 쉽지만 런던을 봉쇄하는 것은 어려울 것입니다. 기동력(Maneuver) 수치는 봉쇄력에 보너스를 줄 것입니다. 정확한 수치는 정식발매전까지 계속 수정하는 중입니다만, 맵에서 몇퍼센트나 봉쇄하고 있는지 알 수 있을 것입니다.
Detach Obsolete Ships
Another one of the small free features that makes life as an EU4 player a bit easier is the Detach Obsolete Ships button. It is active on fleets where you have ships that are older than the newest model and if you click it, said ships will separate into a new fleet for easy scrapping.
이제 구형 함선을 함대에서 분리하는 버튼이 추가됩니다. 이제 구형함선들을 해체시키기가 쉬워질 것 입니다.
5 new ships
Speaking of ships, we noticed that there was a lack of certain shiptypes in the technology tables so we decided to add some new ones, these are:
- Great Frigate (Next after Heavy Frigate)
- War Galley (Between Galley and Galleas)
- Galiot (Between Galleass and Chebeck)
- Brig (Between Flute and Merchantman)
- Trabakul (Between Merchantman and East India Main)
Heavy Frigate 다음 테크로 Great Frigate
Galley 와 Galleas 사이에 War Galley
Galleass 와 Chebeck 사이에 Galiot
Flute 와 Merchantman 사이에 Brig
Merchantman 과 East Indiaman (Main은 오타인듯합니다.) 사이 Trabakul
함급이 추가됩니다. 즉 좀더 세분화 되었습니다.
We’re adding these ship-types in the free part of the expansion but if you buy WoN you get cool new models for them as well.
패치로 추가됩니다만, WoN을 사시면 멋진 모델링도 껴드립니다.
Trade patrol behaviours
Personally I hate when you find yourself at war with a bigger naval power and they quickly sink your trade fleets. As a free part of the expansion we are adding the option of setting your trade fleets to automatically return to port at the outbreak of war. After the war is over though, they will return to whatever they were doing at the start of the war. Since its an option, you have a choice to make, is your trade-fleets strong enough to fight of possible attackers or should they always hide at the outbreak of hostilities.
전쟁나면 교역로를 순찰 중인 함대가 다 침몰한다고요? 이제 전쟁이 나면 항구에 숨기 버튼이 추가됩니다. 함대가 강하시면 안키셔도 상관 없습니다.
That was it for this week, next week I’m planning to write a bit about Trade Companies.
다음 주는 무역회사에 대해 알아보죠.
Trade Companies
In Conquest of Paradise we looked at colonisation in the western hemisphere when we added Colonial Nations. With that feature you got independant colonial states that had their own goals and live their own lives but they could also expand your empire on their own and if you weren’t careful they could break free. Now when we add Trade Companies to Africa and Asia in Wealth of Nations we wanted to give them a very different feel. While colonisation in the west is about sprawling empires with a lack of control, trade empires in the east is a bit more specialised affair.
CoP에선 아메리카에 식민지정부를 추가했었습니다. 이제 아프리카와 아시아에는 무역회사들이 추가 될것입니다. 물론 둘은 매우 다른 존재입니다. 식민지는 거대 제국이 커져가는 과정이라면, 무역회사는 좀더 특화된 분야입니다.
So, again we have divided parts of the world into a new type of regions but thats where the similarities ends. When you add provinces (something that you choose to do, and you can revoke it again) to a Trade Company you will still retain control of it but the way you gain benefits from it change. First of the province will produce radically less tax and manpower, but on the other hand it will provide a massive boost in Trade Power (we are still toying with the numbers here) and its also going to add 0.5 Naval Force Limit per province.
이번에도 우리는 세계를 여러 지역 (Region)으로 나누었지만 그것이 식민지정부와의 유일한 공통점입니다. 만약 당신이 무역회사에게 프로빈스를 준다면 소유권은 그대로 있지만 프로빈스에서 얻을 수 있는 것은 다릅니다. 먼저 그 프로빈스는 세금과 맨파워를 상당히 적게 제공할 것입니다, 그러나 어마한 무역력을 주며 (수치는 아직 확정되지 않았습니다) 해군한계에 0.5를 추가 시켜줄겁니다. 무역회사에게 프로빈스를 주어도 다시 소유권을 돌려받을 수 있습니다.
This makes the Trade Companies first and foremost a tool for Trade Empires, if you are the Mughal Empire and you are conquering India you are probably looking to increase your tax base and the amount of troops you can raise. On the other hand if you are Portugal you already have overseas penalties to manpower and you are instead looking to improve and extend your trading empire.
이건 무역 대국들을 위한 좋은 도구입니다. 인도를 정복하려는 무굴 제국은 세금과 군대를 위한 맨파워가 필요하겠지만, 포르투갈이 멀리떨어져서 맨파워 패널티도 있는 프로빈스를 얻는다면, 무역력을 확보하는게 더 멋진 결정일겁니다.
Now there are other little effects of Trade Companies. Most importantly, if your Trade Company is dominating the region (currently holds 51% of the modified province trade power) you are getting an extra merchant. This means that if you come into a region as a Trade Power you will start looking for the really good trade provinces (with the 1.6 patch we are also adding new icons to the trade map mode so you can better find the river estuaries etc) and with your superior Trade technology you have a good chance to dominate trade in the area. What we are looking to do is create layers of conflicts where Trade empires have each other as their main adversaries and have local alliances with the more primitive powers. To help that area we are also making it so that you can no longer westernize if you are only neighbour to a trade company (normally one of the requirements is that you have a high tech neighbour) on the other hand you can westernize if you own a core of an advanced nation.
만약 무역회사가 (지금 테스트하는 버젼으로는)51% 이상의 무역력을 그 지역에서 얻게된다면, 추가로 상인을 하나 얻게됩니다. 이제 패치에서 무역력을 추가해 주는 강 하구등이 더 눈에 띄게 바뀔 것이며, 무역대국을 원하는 당신은 좋은 무역노드를 눈에 불을 키고 찾게 될 것입니다. 높은 외교기술은 무역노드에서 승리하는 걸 도울 것입니다. 무역국끼리는 경쟁이 심화될 것이며, 그 지역의 원시적인 세력들과의 지역적인 동맹도 맺을 수 있을 것입니다. 그 점을 위해 우리가 한가지 추가한 것은, 무역회사 옆에 코어를 가진다는 것은 서구화를 하지 못한다는 것입니다. 오직 본국의 코어를 이웃하고 있어야합니다.
Finally on the subject of Trade Companies, they are not going to be the powerful independent actors that Colonial Nations are but there will be frictions through a number of events where you can choose how to manage the friction created between yourself and your companies.
마지막으로, 식민지정부만큼은 아니지만, 본국과 무역회사 사이에도 갈등이 있을 것이며, 관련된 이벤트가 준비되어있습니다.
Now, on to one of the more controversial subjects.
좀더 찬반여론이 심한 주제로 가보죠.
Yes we are adding Canals to the game. In Wealth of Nations there are three buildable canals, Suez, Kiel and Panama. The latter is probably the least realistic but we wanted to add these three to give players that manage to build global empires something extra to strive for. Canals are basically massive building projects that when finished will be visible on the map. During these expensive projects you will also get events that allows you to face up to the historical difficulties of such projects. Canals will allow ships to sail through them, can be blocked by fleets and will also grant a substantial province Trade Power bonus to the owner so that you can use the canal to redirect the flow of trade (and no, it doesn't alter the trade routes but on the other had you already have trade routes across the canal routes). An interesting side effect of this is for future expansions and mods is that the canals are basically construction projects with events that can trigger during building and with on map objects when you are done so there is the possibility to add more interesting province specific works in the future.
네 우리는 운하를 추가 할 것입니다. 3가지 운하가 있습니다, 수에즈, 킬, 파나마 운하입니다. 마지막 운하는 비현실적이지만 (역주: 파나마 운하는 산맥을 뚫은 겁니다. 유로파 시절 기술력으로는 무리죠.) 하지만 대제국들에게 목표를 추가하고 싶었습니다. 운하는 대형 건설프로젝트며 완성하면 맵에서 보일 것입니다. 이 값비싼 프로젝트 동안 역사에서 왜 운하를 만드는 것이 이렇게 힘들었는지 이벤트로 느껴 보실 수 있을 겁니다. 배가 지나다닐 수 있고, 봉쇄될 수 있으며, 지역에 무역력을 추가시켜줍니다. 그리고 있는 노드들을 건들진 않지만 운하가 지어지면 운하 노드를 통해 스티어링하는 방향을 바꿀 수 있을 것입니다. 이제 다음 확장팩이나 모드에서도 운하기능을 만나 볼 수 있을겁니다.
That was it for this week, next week I will talk a bit about the new Religion Mechanics that are coming with Wealth of Nations.
이제 종교에 대한 기능을 알아봅시다.
Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations – Dev diary 5: Religion
The theme for this weeks dev diary will deal with the wholly uncontroversial topic of religions, and in particular which one is right and which one is wrong.
이번에는 찬반양론이 없는 주제를 다루어 보겠습니다. 엄청 간단하고, 옳고 그름이 확실합니다.
Just kidding The dev diary will however cover what we are adding in the area of religions in Wealth of Nations. Note that all of these changes are part of the Wealth of Nations paid expansion; they will not be in the large free update that traditionally comes with our expansions.
농담이에요 ^~^, 이번 Dev Diary에선 종교분야에서의 변경점을 다룹니다. 이건 패치가 아니라 WoN DLC에 추가되는 것들입니다.
First up is the Reformed Religion, the Calvinist faith that was particularly embraced by the Dutch in this time frame. We figured that doing something for the Dutch would be an appropriate thing for our trade themed expansion. It is a distinct religion in EU4 and has an increasing chance of spawning in a European province that has been Protestant for a long time. It also has an increased chance of appearing in nations that have selected more innovative ideas.
먼저 청교도 (Reformed)는 칼뱅주의자들의 사상으로 유로파의 시간대에선 네덜란드에 의해 받아들여졌습니다. 따라서 네덜란드는 이번 확장팩에서 좀 건들여졌습니다. 이제 프로테스탄티즘이 오랫동안 있던 지역에서 청교도들이 자연적으로 출현할 것입니다. 또한 Innovative Ideas를 아이디어로 채택한 나라에서 좀더 많이 발생 할것입니다.
For Wealth of Nations Reformed nations can direct the industriousness of their people via a new concept called Fervor. The player will get a base value of 2 Fervor points per month if the nation is at peace and 1 per month if it is at war. Like most things in EU, this rate is also infuenced by things like prestige and stability. If its not used it’s stored. So how do you use it? Reformed nations have 3 place to focus their Fervor: Trade (Global Trade Power and Trade Steering bonus), War (Morale of Armies and Morale of Navies) and Stability (National Revolt Risk and Diplomatic Reputation). The player can activate one or more of these but each will cost 5 Fervor each month, which means that your nations needs to be fairly stable and at peace the be able to run one permanently - but you can also save up so run several at once for a power boost in times of crisis or expansion. We have also changed one of the Reformed religions regular modifiers from +10% trade efficiency to +2 tolerance for heretics, instead.
그리고 이제 그들에겐 열정 (Fervor) 수치가 추가됩니다. 평화시마다 +2, 전쟁시마다 +1 씩 매달 받습니다. 위신과 안정도에도 영향을 받으며 안쓰면 쌓입니다. 3군데에 사용할 수 있습니다. 무역 (무역력, 스티어링 보너스), 전쟁 (육군사기, 해군사기), 안정도 (반란확률, 외교평판)입니다. 한꺼번에 여러가지 분야에 사용할 수도 있지만 각자 5씩의 열정을 매달 소모 할 것입니다. 안정적인 나라는 한가지 요소를 계속 켜놓을 수 있을 것이며, 아니면 비상시를 위해 쌓아두었다가 위기에 한꺼번에 모든 버프를 킬 수 도 있을 것입니다. 대신 무역 효율 +10%가 있던 청교도의 종교특성은 이단관용 +2로 바뀌었습니다.
Since we are adding East India Companies to Asia and Africa, we wanted to see if we could add something more to make it more interesting to play in India as a local and not just as a European conqueror. For one thing, we have added about 50 new events for Hindu rulers that deal with the Hindu religion (and we’ve added some nice new art for ambience). We have also added a personal deity system.
50개의 힌두교 지배자를 위한 이벤트들과 이벤트들에 대한 일러스트가 추가되었습니다. 그리고 개인의 수호신 개념이 추가됬습니다.
If you have the WoN expansion, Hinduism will lose its regular modifiers. Instead you get to pick a deity to follow. You can choose from Shiva, Ganesha, Surya, Ganga, Shakti and Vishnu. Each god has its own bonuses (and also specific interesting events as mentioned earlier). The ruler picks a deity for life, but when the ruler dies you get to pick a new one (though there is also a rare event that lets you change while the monarch lives). This is going to add an interesting new dimension as you build your Hindu empire in an interesting part of the world that we might revisit in the future in another expansion or add-on.
WoN 확장팩이 있다면, 힌두교의 기존 종교특성은 사라지고 선택하는 수호신에 따라 특성이 주어질 것입니다. 이건 왕 하나에만 적용되며 후계자는 다른 신을 다시 골라야 합니다. (희귀 이벤트로 살아있는 도중에 바꿀 수 도 있습니다.)
And finally, as a little extra to those who buy Wealth of Nations, you will now be able to automate cardinal influence, by using a checkbox next to each cardinal. With that checked the game will automatically assign enough influence to selected cardinals to keep your guy ahead in the competition. This is mostly to avoid the busy work of fighting to add +5 here and there to keep France out of the Throne of Peter.
또한 추기경 영향력을 자동화 할 수 있습니다.
That’s it for this week. Next week, we will talk a bit about the diplomatic additions that come with Wealth of Nations.
다음에는 추가된 외교 행동들에 대해 다루어보겠습니다,
In this week's dev diary I’m going to talk a bit about the diplomatic improvement that are coming for Wealth of Nations but first I'm going to mention something that was in the previous dev diary. In that one we announced the cardinal automation feature and while I think the feature is one of the more requested ones, the fact that it was going to be expansion only caused much debate. Expansion features have a tendency to always cause heated discussions and while free stuff is nice the people that buy the expansion pay for all the new features and we need to make sure people get what they pay for. This time however, we decided to use a novel approach, we made a poll (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/...ion-on-WoN-1.6) where we listed some features that could go in the expansion. And now the verdict is in, in Wealth of Nations the cardinal automation is now going to be a free features, and the transfer trade power option is going to be expansion only.
으악 항의력이 대단하시군요! 추기경 영향력 부분은 투표결과 패치로 드리지요 ㅠㅅㅠ.. 그 대가로 무역력주기는 확장팩 전용입니다 ㄲㄲ...
On the this week's features! First; the above mentioned transfer of trade power. One deal that often tends to pop up in our multiplayer games is weaker countries promising their tradepower to larger countries, the weaker can not compete neither military nor very effectively commercially and the bigger maybe just wants the tradepower and does not seek new provinces (at the moment…). You could already steal tradepower in war but now you can also negotiate for it. Also the old enforced option was always 50% of the trade power, but the new negotiated one lets you choose between 0 and 100%. Finally, the person giving up trade power needs to get something tangible, so as long as trade power is transferred you can’t declare war on the giving party.
이제 무역력주기는 무조건 50%가 아니라 0~100%씩 돈뜯어내듯 Warscore에 비례해서 뜯을 수 있습니다. 다만 무역력을 받는 동안에는 무역력을 뜯어내는 국가에게 전쟁 선포 못합니다. 전쟁상황이 아니라 평화시에도 협정의 형태로 받아낼 수 있습니다. 이 경우에도 무역력을 받는 동안에는 주는 국가에게 전쟁을 선포할 수 없습니다.
Now on to the situation where somebody refuse to give up their trade power and you don’t have a proper CB. Previously you could fabricate a claim to conquer provinces, if you buy the expansion you now get access to the ability to fabricate trade conflicts. It works in a similar fashion to Fabricate Claims but instead you get the new Trade Conflict CB that allows to gain the transfer trade power peace option cheaper. The wargoal for that wargoal is blockades so you can actually win a tradewar by claiming dominance of the seas.
이제 지역에 대한 소유권(클레임)을 조작했듯이 무역 갈등도 주작이 가능합니다. 이 CB로 승리하면 무역력 뜯어내기가 쉬워집니다. 그리고 해상봉쇄는 그 CB에 대해 추가로 점수를 줍니다.
Then there are two more peace options that we are adding to the paid expansion, these are enforce fleet basing rights and enforced military access so that friendly conversation is now not the only recourse to gain access to your opponents ports in your quest to dominate global trade.
이제 항구이용권과 군사통행권도 WoN과 함께라면 평화협정으로 뜯어낼 수 있습니다.
Finally there is a rather big change that arrives as a free feature in the 1.6 patch (last time i checked it had even fewer votes, in the above mentioned poll, then the cardinal automation) and thats the changes in the rival system and the Power Projection mechanic. We felt now for a while that the rival system as implemented in EU4 was a bit underwhelming. We wanted the rival system to the diplomatic game some direction, to let players know who their enemies and friends where, who the enemies and friends of their enemies were and even more importantly create better communication between AI and human.
이제 라이벌 시스템이 상당히 수정되었습니다. 이제 친구의 친구, 적의 적을 AI가 좀더 잘 구별해 낼것입니다.
First of all, you can no longer pick whoever you want as a rival. Before people tended to use the rival system as a targeting mechanic, if you wanted to fight a weaker party you set them as rival. Now we have a picking mechanic, which incidentally is the same as when the AI picks rivals, that gives you a selection of nations that are serious competitors. In this list there should not be nations that are significantly stronger or weaker than yourself, also things like being a naval power plays a part.
이제 군사력이 비슷하지 않으면 라이벌로 지정못합니다. 군사력엔 해상력등도 포함되서 계산됩니다.
Then, to measure how well you are fighting your rivals (if you name someone your official rival, if you fail to fight him you will look weak) we add Power Projection value. Power Projection is a value that gets added to for things you do to fight your rivals. For example you get Power Projection if you are embargoing a rival, if you send a warning to your rival or supporting rebels in a rivals nation. Another interesting example is that you get power projection for sending money to nations your rivals are fighting in a war. Those things I just mentioned are static and gives you positive power projection while they hold true. Then you have some dynamic sources of Power Projection that gives you a one time boost that will then decay over time, like a boost when you take provinces from a rival or when the rival loose a province to someone else in a war where you participate. You can lose power projection as well, you loose power projection for example if you lose provinces to your rival. The Rivals system is supposed to reflect actual rivalries in the world and bigger nations are expected to have more rivals (max 3 though) and if they have less than that their power projection will suffer. You can also not just change rivals whenever you feel like it, you can't change rival for 10 years after you picked it and it carries a significant Diplomatic Power cost, so think carefully about your choice. You can however not go under zero, so you would like to continue to ignore your rivals in the world, feel free to do so. If you on the other hand show the world that you can stand up to your rivals, you get increased defensiveness, trade power, military morale and legitimacy. And if you really manage to be active against your rivals you get the most interesting reward, if you have over 50 Power Projection you will get +1 monarch point of each type every month.
이제 Power Projection (힘 과시?) 수치가 추가됩니다. 라이벌을 어떤 전쟁에서든지 짖밟으면 상승합니다. 경고를 보내도 상승하고, 라이벌을 싫어하는 반군을 도와줘도 상승합니다. 심지어 라이벌과 싸우는 나라에 보조금을 보내줘도 오릅니다. 이건 관계도처럼 지속적으로 방치되면 하락하는 수치입니다. 땅을 빼앗긴다거나하는 반대의 경우에는 당연히 수치가 떨어집니다. 큰 나라인데도 약한 나라를 라이벌로 두거나 아예 라이벌이 없다면 Power Projection에 패널티를 받을 것입니다. 하지만 라이벌을 바꾸는건 10년의 쿨타임과 어마어마한 외교 포인트를 필요로 합니다, 그러니 조심하세요. 이 수치는 무시해도 됩니다만, 지역방어, 무역력, 군사의 사기, 국가의 정당성에 보너스를 줄겁니다. 그리고 만약 라이벌과 전쟁한다면 50 Power Projection이 넘었을 경우, 모든 군주 포인트를 매달 1 더 얻습니다.
첫댓글 http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?772073 외교 올라왔어요
번역후 추가했습니다!
소소하게 많이, 그러나 게임에 엄청나게 영향을 끼치는 무역이 다채롭게 변화했네요. 올해 고3들은 대학 다갔네~
아시아에는 무역회사와 식민정부 둘 다 있었는데 어찌될지 모르겠네요.
점점 세계정복보다는 무역에 치중하게 만들게되는거같은데 후반가면 돈이 워낙쌓이니 그게 될까 몰겠네요
종교도 이제 좀 건드는 거 같은데 유불교 인공호흡좀 ㅠㅠ
오오 사략선 !
그런데 개발 시간이 정말 오래걸리네요. 크킹 확장팩 도와주려 인력이 빠졌었나?
... 가 아니라 읽어보니 이상향의 정복보다 훨씬 더 큰 확장팩이군요!
운하라니 운하 헠헠헠헠 수에즈 운하 빨리 주세요 현기증 난단 말이에요! 이제 지중해 무역 다 죽게 생길 필요가 엄써졌어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
파나마 운하는 아무리 생각해도 효용이 없군요. 빅토 시대에도 써먹기가 참 미묘한 운하인데……. 스티어링 방향도 이미 파나마 지협을 통과하고 있고…….
킬 운하야 뭐 예나 지금이나 덴마크 외레순 해협 엿먹이기에 특화된 녀석이지만요.
그나저나 봉쇄가 좀 더 어려워질 모양인데, 그럼 그만큼 봉쇄 효과도 강화되길 바라네요. 봉쇄해봤자 워스코어도 손톱만큼 주면서 말예요. 봉쇄 대상 국가의 무역력을 왕창 깎아버리면 좋을 텐데.
뭐 죽여야 살린다고
패치되면 지금처럼 넘어가는게 아니라 무조건 남미통해서 돌아가야한다던지 할수도 있겠죠(운하뚫으면 그제야 뚫리고)
@에른스트 근데 그러면 고증이 안 맞는 것도 사실이라스여……. 대서양-태평양 직통 루트는 없더라도, 안데스산맥이나 마젤란해협보다는 파나마지협이 압도적으로 편리하기 때문에 운하가 없어도 물동량이 모이는 곳이었죠.
심지어 19세기 중반 캘리포니아 골드러시 시절에도 대륙횡단철도보다 배 타고 파나마를 지나가는 길을 선호한 미국인들이 많았습죠. 운하가 없었는데도 험한 철로보단 안전하다나?
이.. 이건 나오면 사야해! 얼른 나오길...ㄷㄷ
히익 이단관용 ★2라니 ㄷㄷㄷ 사방팔방에서 이단개종 이벤트가 튀어나올듯
다음확장팩은 돈을 쓸곳을만들거나 전체적비용증가를 했으면.....
아 cop는 안 샀지만 이건 사야될듯요
으.. 빨리 나왔으면 좋겠네요
쩝 갠적으로는 돈쓸데가 많아졌으면... 했는데 말이죠
건물 건설같은걸
걍 포인트 반으로 줄이고 가격 두배로 올린다던지 하는 식이라도 해주면 좋겠는데 말이죠 ㅠ
문제는 중반만 되도 에지간한 무역국들은 돈이 썩는다는건데..
돈을 쓸데를 만들어주는게 중요할거 같네요.
기왕 베네치아 건들거면 역사처럼 종신도제직을!!
아시아 종교좀!
이제 유럽 그만하고 아시아 좀 챙겨주쇼
으아아 엄청재밌겠네요 빨리나와라! 여기다 식민지정부 시스템을 아시아까지 확장했으면 더 재밌을거같은데ㅠㅠ
이 게시물은 Europa Universalis 게시판에서 패러독스 새소식 게시판으로 이동되었습니다.
모르겠고 빨리좀..
으어어어어 꿀잼냄새가 나네요 빨리 그래픽카드 고쳐서 하고싶군요 !