Caillou's Surprise Breakfast
Caillou woke up very early.
Caillou looked at his parents sleeping.
Caillou was hungry.
Caillou decided to have a breakfast.
Caillou was making breakfast.
Caillou's parents heard a something in the kitchen.
Caillou's parents woke up.
Caillou's parents looking he prepare a celaer for breakfast. saw him preparing cereal for breakfast.
Caillou said to his parents, "Surprise breakfast!"
Score: B
문법 수정:
- "Caillou look his parents" → "Caillou looked at his parents" (과거형 및 올바른 전치사 사용).
- "Caillou hungry" → "Caillou was hungry" (문장 완성).
- "Caillou decide" → "Caillou decided" (과거형).
- "Caillou making breakfast" → "Caillou was making breakfast" (과거진행형).
- "Caillou's parents hear" → "Caillou's parents heard" (과거형).
- "Caillou's parents wake up" → "Caillou's parents woke up" (과거형).
- "looking he prepare a celaer" → "saw him preparing cereal" (문법 수정 및 철자 오류 "celaer" → "cereal").
내용 추가하기:
- Caillou가 어떤 음식을 만들었는지 더 자세히 설명하면 좋습니다.
- 부모님의 반응을 추가하면 이야기가 더 풍부해질 것입니다.