- 퀸 쥐취복 Queen Triggerfish
. 학명; Balistes vetula
. 서식지; 수심 30미터이내 따뜻한 물의 산호초나 연안 암초
. 통명; 퀸 쥐취복
. 특징; 압축된 몸에 배지느러미는 작고 배의 윤곽이 뾰족
. 먹이와 요리법; 조리하여 식용가능
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Balistes vetula
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 수심 30미터이내 따뜻한 물의 산호초나 연안 암초에 서식
. 지역; 대서양, 서안은 캐나다에서 브라질까지
동안은 아조레스에서 앙골라까지
Triggerfish are members of the Balistidae family, which includes 40 species in 11 genera that inhabit coral reefs in the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Pacific Oceans. They are more common to divers than to anglers, although some are occasionally caught incidentally, and they have been associated with poisoning.
2 통명
- 영어; Queen Triggerfish
- 한글; 퀸 쥐취복, 복어목 쥐취복과
3 개요
- 길이; 60센티이내, 평균25센티
- 무게; 12파운드이내
This fish has a compressed body, and the stout first spine of the dorsal fin is locked into place when erect by the much shorter second dorsal spine, which slides forward. The long first spine can be lowered again only by sliding the second spine back. This can be done by depressing the third spine—the “trigger”—which is attached by a bony base to the second spine. By erecting the first spine and locking it in place, the triggerfish can lodge itself immovably in crevices.
4 특징
- 파란색, 보라색, 청록색 몸에 목은 노란색을 띠고 지느러미와 머리는 연한 파란색 선
- 주변 환경에 맞추기 위해서 혹은 스트레스를 받아도 변색
- 2등지느러미와 뒷지느러미는 비슷
- 두개의 안구는 각자 독립적으로 따로 회전가능
- 압축된 몸에 배지느러미는 작고 배의 윤곽이 뾰족
The second dorsal and the anal fins are the same size and shape. Pelvic fins are lacking, and the belly has a sharp-edged outline, with its greatest depth just in front of the anal fin. The triggerfish is covered with an armor of bony plates.
Its leathery skin lacks slime or mucus, and it is capable of rotating each eyeball independently. It normally swims by undulating its second dorsal and its anal fins but will use its tail for rapid bursts.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 주로 성게를 먹으며 새우, 오징어, 조개, 문어, 가리비, 게 등 다양한 무척추동물 사냥
- 낚시용이나 수족관용으로 인기
- 가시를 세워서 암석사이에 몸을 고정
- 성장속도가 빨라 최소 500갤런 수족관 필요
- 맛은 좋으나 중독가능성이 있고 고가여서 수족관용으로 주로 활용
- 튀겨서, 말려서, 훈제나 스튜로 섭취
The queen triggerfish (Balistes vetula) occurs in warm western Atlantic waters northward to the Carolinas and also in the Caribbean. It usually travels alone or in pairs but is occasionally seen in small groups. It has been caught to 12 pounds.
The gray triggerfish (B. capriscus) is widely distributed in the warm Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, ranging farther north than most triggerfish. It has been caught at more than 13 pounds. The ocean triggerfish (Canthidermis sufflamen) may also weigh more than 13 pounds and is found off the Florida coasts and in the Caribbean.