- 백미돔 Tripletail
. 학명; Lobotes surinamensis
. 서식지; 수심 70미터 이상 29도이상 따뜻한 물에서 원양과 하구이주
. 통명; 백미돔
. 특징; 등지느러미, 꼬리지느러미, 밑지느러미가 둥글어 통명 유래
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로 먹거나 일반적인 조리로 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Lobotes surinamensis
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 수심 70미터 이상 29도이상 따뜻한 물에서 원양과 하구이주
. 지역; 전세계 열대와 아열대 해역
Inhabiting tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, tripletail are found in the western Atlantic from Massachusetts and Bermuda to Argentina. In the eastern Pacific they occur from Costa Rica to Peru.
Habitat. Tripletail occur in coastal waters and enter muddy estuaries, commonly in depths of up to 20 feet. There is some suggestion of a northerly and inshore migration into warm waters in the spring and the summer.
2 통명
- 영어; Atlantic tripletail, brown tripletail, dusky tripletail, sleepfish, buoy fish, buoy bass, chobie, triplefin, flasher;
Afrikaans: driestert; Bengali: samudra koi; French: croupia roche; Japanese: matsudai; Malay/Indonesian: ikan tidur, kakapbato, pelayak, sekusong; Portuguese: furriel, prejereba; Spanish: dormilona.
- 한글; 백미돔, 농어목 백미돔과
3 개요
- 길이; 105센티이내, 평균 60센티
- 무게; 50파운드이내, 평균 20파운드
The tripletail may reach a length of 31⁄2 feet and weigh as much as 50 pounds, although 11⁄2- to 21⁄2-foot lengths and weights of less than 20 pounds are more common. The all-tackle world record is 42 pounds, 5 ounces. The tripletail may live as long as 7 to 10 years.
4 특징
- 삼각형의 머리와 압축되있지만 깊은 몸, 입은 크고 눈은 작음
- 등지느러미, 꼬리지느러미, 밑지느러미가 둥글어 통명 유래
- 치어는 종종 표류물처럼 옆으로 떠다녀서 마른 나뭇잎처럼 보임
- 치어는 얼룩덜룩한 황색, 갈색, 흑색이고 성어는 칠흑색
- 정상색은 밝으나 포식자로부터의 은신을 위해 어둡게 변색가능
The tripletail gets its name from its second dorsal and anal fins, which extend far back on the body so that the fish appears to have three tails. A member of the Lobotidae family, it is an excellent food fish.
Identification. The tripletail is characterized by its rounded dorsal and anal fins, which reach backward along the caudal peduncle, giving the fish the appearance of having a threelobed, or triple, tail. It has a deep, compressed body that resembles the body shape of the freshwater crappie, and it has a concave profile. The eyes are far forward on the snout, and the edge of the preopercle is strongly serrated.
Compared with other saltwater fish, the tripletail probably most resembles the grouper but lacks teeth on the roof of the mouth. The color is drab, various shades of yellowbrown to dark brown, with obscure spots and mottling on the sides.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 멸치, 청어 등을 주로 먹고 새우와 게 등 저서 갑각류도
- 한살부터 여름에 해안에 떼로 모여 70만개까지 산란
- 수정란은 부력이 좋고 부화하여 4번의 상당한 형태변화
- 맛이 좋아 예인망, 자망, 라인기어와 낚시로 남획
- 낚시는 하루 2마리 쿼터로 18인치 이상만 허용
- 회로 먹거나 일반적인 조리로 식용
Although little is known about their spawning behavior, tripletail are believed to be sexually mature by the end of their first year. Spawning occurs in the spring and the summer, and although some fish may move inshore to spawn, young tripletails have been found in estuaries and in patches of offshore sargassum. Tripletail swim or float on their sides in the company of floating objects.
Food and feeding habits. Tripletail feed almost exclusively on other fish, such as herring, menhaden, and anchovies, as well as on eels and benthic crustaceans like shrimp, crabs, and squid.