- 검정지느러미다랑어 Tuna, Blackfin
. 학명; Thunnus atlanticus
. 서식지; 16-29도의 따뜻한 물의 수심 150미터이내의 수면층
. 통명; 검정지느러미다랑어
. 특징; 같은 속의 다른 종보다 어두운 색을 가지며 검은 지느러미가 특징
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로, 조리하여 다양하게 식용가능
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Thunnus atlanticus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 16-29도의 따뜻한 물의 수심 150미터이내의 수면층
. 지역; 서대서양, 노스캐롤라이나부터 브라질까지
The blackfin is a pelagic, schooling fish that occurs in the tropical and warm temperate waters of the western Atlantic from Brazil to Cape Cod, including the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. It is most common from North Carolina south and is Florida’s most abundant tuna.
2 통명
- 영어; Bermuda tuna, blackfinned albacore, deep-bodied tunny;
French: bonite, giromon, thon nuit; Japanese: mini maguro, monte maguro, taiseiyo maguro; Spanish: albacora, atún aleta negra.
- 한글; 검정지느러미다랑어, 고등어목 고등어과
3 개요
- 길이; 110센티이내, 평균 70센티
- 무게; 45파운드이내, 평균 15파운드
Blackfin tuna may attain a maximum length of 40 inches, although they are common at about 28 inches and weigh in the 10- to 30-pound range. The all-tackle world record is a 45-pound, 8-ounce Florida fish.
4 특징
- 같은 속의 다른 종보다 어두운 색을 가지며 검은 지느러미가 특징
- 푸른 대서양 참다랑어와 비슷한 몸이나 진한 색으로 묵직해 보임
- 이빨은 위에서 아래로 날카로움
- 작은 편이어서 상업어획보다 낚시대상
- 등은 청흑색, 옆은 은회색, 배는 유백색
A member of the Scombridae family and one of the smaller tuna, the blackfin is primarily a sportfish, with minor commercial interest.
Identification. The pectoral fins of the blackfin tuna reach to somewhere between the twelfth dorsal spine and the origin of the second dorsal fin, but they never extend beyond the second dorsal fin, as in the albacore (see). There are a total of 19 to 25 (usually 21 to 23) gill rakers on the first arch (15 to 19 are on the lower limb), which is fewer than in any other species of Thunnus. The finlets are uniformly dark, without a touch of the bright lemon yellow usually present in those of other tuna, and they may have white edges. Light bars alternate with light spots on the lower flanks. The first dorsal fin is dusky; the second dorsal and the anal fins are also dusky, with a silvery luster. The back of the fish is bluish-black, the sides are silvery gray, and the belly is milky white. A small swim bladder is present. The ventral surface of the liver is without striations, and the right lobe is longer than the left and the center lobes.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 갑각류, 오징어와 어류 등을 표면에서 떼로 사냥
- 2살이 되면 봄에 먼바다에서 200만개이내를 산란
- 수은농도나 기생충의 우려가 있어 내장 등을 제거하며 과식 자제
- 회로 혹은 조리하여 다양하게 식용
The blackfin’s spawning grounds are believed to be well offshore. Off Florida, the spawning season extends from April through November, with a peak in May; in the Gulf of Mexico, it lasts from June through September.
Food and feeding habits. The diet of blackfin tuna consists of small fish, squid, crustaceans, and plankton. Blackfin often feed near the surface, and they frequently form large mixed schools with skipjacks.