Posted : 2016-04-28
Courtesy of Korea Times
Shipyards /to hire
new workers /despite ongoing restructuring
(構造調整 進行가운데, 新入社員 採用..造船3社)
South Korea's three major shipbuilders plan to recruit hundreds of new workers until next month
despite the ongoing industrywide restructuring drive that includes massive layoffs of the
existing workforce, sources said Thursday. 韓國 造船3社는, 現存하는 勞動力의 大量解雇를 포함
하는 産業全般에 걸친 構造調整 推進中임에도 불구하고, 다음 달(5월)까지 수 백 명의 新入
社員 採用계획을 세우고 있다.
The three -- Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding& Marine Engineering (DSME) and Samsung Heavy Industries -- are seeking to hire a combined 400 college graduates by the end
of May, according to the sources. 造船3社(現代重工業, 大宇造船海洋엔지니어링, 三星重工業)는
금년 5월말까지 大卒社員 總400명을 採用할 計劃을 세우고 있다.,
Market leader Hyundai Heavy, in particular, will take up 300 workers of the total planned employment, almost the same level of its hiring last year. DSME will also hire 20-30 new workers
by the same cited period, the sources said. 市況의 先頭走者인 現代重工業은 특히 昨年에
雇傭한 거의 같은 수준인, 總 300명의 計劃된 雇傭을 받아들일 豫定이다./大宇造船海洋도
역시 20명~30명의 新入社員을 同一言及期間(5월말)까지 雇傭할 예정이다.
Samsung Heavy has not disclosed its detailed near-term employment plan but the sources said
that the number will likely be in the double digits, a far smaller number than around the 400
it hired during the first half of last year.
The combined employment is about a third of the number of their usually first-half hirings.
總 全體雇傭 숫자는, 일반적인 前半期 雇傭의 約 1/3의 숫자이다
This still could provide a much-needed chance for many college graduates trying to land a job
in the shipbuilding industry at a time when the whole industry is reeling from a protracted
business slump and corporate restructuring, market watchers said.
Earlier this week, the Financial Services Commission, the country's financial watchdog,
demanded local shipyards ramp up self-restructuring efforts including massive layoffs and
sales of non-core assets. The recruitment of new workers will likely be carried out "separately"
from the planned layoffs, they said.
Under their restructuring plans, Hyundai Heavy and Samsung Heavy are expected to eliminate
up to 1,000 workers each through voluntary retirement or attrition, while DSME will let go of
2,300 more until 2019.
The shipbuilding industry, once regarded as a backbone of the country's economic growth
and job creation, has been reeling from mounting losses caused by an industrywide slump
and increased costs.
The big three shipyards racked up a combined loss of 7.7 trillion won ($6.7 billion) last year.
It was the first time that all three of the nation's largest industry players registered losses.
According to the data by combined employment Clarkson Research Services, South Korean shipbuilders had an order backlog totaling 27.59 million compensated gross tons (CGTs)
as of end-March, the lowest /since March 2004. 共同雇傭클락슨리서치에 따르면,韓國 造船社
들은 受注殘高가 금년 3월말 現在 總2,759백만ton(표준화물선 換算ton수)을 確保하고 있으며
이것은, 2004년 3월이후 가장 낮은 物量이다.
Compensated Gross Tonnage (CGT, 標準貨物船 換算톤수)
1) 實質的 工事量을 나타낼 수 있는 톤수
2) 15,000 DWT(10,000 GT) 일반화물선(General Cargo Ship)의 1GT 당
建造에 소요되는 加工工數를 1.0으로 하여 각 船種, 船形(배 모양)과의 상대적
지수로서 CGT係數를 설정하여 GT를 곱한 것 (* CGT = GT x CGT係數)
Posted : 2016-04-28
Courtesy of Korea Times
Hyundai Heavy
sacks(=dismisses) 25% of executives
(現代重, 任員25% 解任斷行)
Shipbuilder is gearing to press labor union to make concessions
現代重工業 社側,..勞動組合에 양보를 얻어내기 위해, 壓力始動을 거는 중.
by Lee Hyo-sik
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has dismissed 25 percent of its executives in its first-half
personnel reshuffle to reduce labor costs and cope with falling orders amid the prolonged
global industry slump. 현대중공업 하반기 인사개편에서 임원 25% 해임을 단행했다./지속
되는 전세계적인 산업불황가운데 수주감소 극복과 노동비용 절감 차원에서..
The move is also seen as an attempt to press the labor union, which has refused to make
any concessions, to agree to a range of management-initiated restructuring measures,
including manpower reduction. Unionized workers even demanded a wage hike despite
the shipbuilder losing billions of dollars over the past two years.
HHI, headed by CEO Kwon Oh-gap, said Thursday that it decided to reduce the number
of its executives by 25 percent, adding that its affiliates followed suit. Following the latest
personnel reshuffle, some 60 executives lost their jobs, pushing down the number
of senior officials at HHI and its subsidiaries to 190.
"We are doing everything we can to revitalize our operations. Our CEO and senior
officials have been returning half of their salaries to the company over the past year,
among other painstaking self-rescue measures," an HHI spokesman said. "To cope
with falling orders and other increasingly unfavorable business conditions, we had no
other choice but to let go of one quarter of our executives."
The shipbuilder has secured only five new orders this year. In particular, its off-shore plant
division has been unable to win new contracts since November 2014 amid falling crude
oil prices.
"With less work to do, our shipyards increasingly remain empty. If we fail to prevail in
competition with Chinese shipbuilders, we will all lose our jobs," the spokesman said.
However, the union is refusing to talk with management about how it can help save
the company, he said.
"While the company is struggling to cope with worsening business conditions, unionized
workers even demanded a pay raise. This is just nonsense. Management and the union
should join hands together to overcome the current hardship," the spokesman said.
Beginning on May 1, management will cut overtime on weekdays and weekend work,
in order to save labor costs. Workers will also be encouraged to use all of their
annual leave.
However, the union wants workers' salaries to be raised by an average of 6 percent this
year, while seeking to expand paid vacation and becoming involved in management. T
hey are also asking for a 250 percent incentive bonus, the abolition of the peak wage
system, the extension of paid vacation and immediate overseas training for 100 o
f its members.
Union leaders have been staging a rally in Seoul, Ulsan and elsewhere to protest the
management-initiated restructuring. They argued management should take full
responsibility for the firm's trouble, saying that the union will not make any sacrifices.
HHI lost a total of 4.79 trillion won ($4.17 billion) over the past two years. But in the first
quarter, the company managed to swing to profit largely on the back of wage cuts
and other painstaking cost-saving measures.
Sales dropped 16 percent to 10.27 trillion won, but the shipbuilder posted a 325.2 billion
won operating profit, a rebound from 192.4 billion won loss a year earlier. 매출은,₩10조
2,700억으로 16% 감소했지만, /영업이익은 ₩3,252억원을 기록했고./ 전년대비 ₩1,924억
원 손실에서 회복을 했다.
ex_Lloyd's Register J.K Kwon
(英國로이드 船級協會)
現代重 2016년 上半期 任員 25% 減縮(60명線)하다.. Posted : 2016.04.28th.
현대重, 造船業계열 任員 25% 減縮단행…
現重 不況으로 인한, Posted :’2016.4.28th
任員25% 減縮(자문역 위촉).
1.조선사업부 : 전무) 최정호,정임규,배종천, 상무) 김영헌, 상무보) 노동열
전문위원) 강무종,최병수,박호균.
2.해양사업부 : 전무) 이상록,박병용,이동일,이규식 상무) 이관락,한영만
전문위원) 윤한기,이한걸,노영철,차경훈,김일환
3,엔진기계사업부 : 전무) 김종석
4.전전시스템사업부 : 상무)이호영, 상무보)김정식
5.그룹선박(해양영업본부) : 상무)조태영, 상무보)정성훈
6.경영지원본부 : 상무)임정석. 以上 25명 임)자문역(非常勤)
“構造調整 신호탄”
●現代重)그룹 任員인사 현황(2016.04.28)
△사장(1명), 현대중공업) : 김환구
△전무(7명), 현대중공업) : 박승용, 최병호, 최홍철, 안광헌, 조용운, 김근안, 김헌성
△상무(11명), 현대중공업) : 김형관, 박희규, 김명석, 민경태, 김태진, 정석환, 서유성,
이창호, 김재련 현대미포조선) : 홍승헌, 고진영
社長으로 昇進과 동시에 /新任 안전경영실장에 김환구 부사장
조선업 계열사 전체 임원 중 25%인 60여 명을 감축하고 신설된 안전경영실장을
사장급으로 격상해 임명하는 등 상반기 임원인사를 28일 단행했다.
현대중공업은 이번 인사로 박승용 상무 등 7명이 전무, 김형관 상무보 등 11명이
상무로 각각 승진했다.
이와 함께 최근 잇단 산재사망 사고로 안전관리에 허술함이 드러났던 만큼
현대중공업은 이번 인사를 통해 조직 개편도 단행했다.
기존 경영지원본부 소속 안전환경부문을 안전 경영실로 개편하고, 책임자를
사장급으로 진급시키는 한편, 新任 안전경영실장에 김환구 부사장을 임명했다.
특히 이번 임원 인사에서 신규 선임된 임원은 없다.
이와 관련, 현대중공업 관계자는 “최근 잇단 중대재해 발생에 대해 깊은 책임감을
느끼고, 안전을 경영의 최우선으로 한다는 방침 아래 안전담당을 사장급으로
격상했다”며 “신임 김환구 사장은 회사 전체의 안전에 관한 모든 권한과 책임을 갖고,
안전 업무를 최우선으로 강력하게 추진해 나갈 것”이라고 말했다.
현재 현대중공업에서는 사장단은 급여 전액을, 任員陣은 50%의 급여를 반납하고
있으며, 오는 5월 1일부터 휴일 연장근로와 고정 연장근로를 폐지하는 등 전사적인
노력을 기울이고 있다. 아울러 현대중공업은 계약직 직원과 非 노조원 생산직 직원
등을 중심으로 3000여명 감축할 계획이다.
심상정 정의당 상임대표가4월 27일 오후 서울 여의도 국회의원회관에서
열린 민주노총 금속노조 조선업종 구조조정 대응 현안 간담회에서 모두발언
하고 있다. 왼쪽부터 심상정 대표, 김상구 금속노조 위원장, 백형록 현대
중공업 노조위원장, 황우찬 조선업종노조연대 공동의장, 현시한
대우조선노조 위원장, 이대영 금속노조 부위원장. 2016.04.27
現代重의 勞組揭示板에는
'整理解雇 豫想 基準명단'이라는 제목의 글이 揭載되었다.
▲1순위 파견·계약직 사원
▲2순위 高卒 定規職 女社員
▲3순위 직책없는 과장급 이상 사무직원(40대 後半~)
▲4순위 직책없는 기감급(차장) 이상 生産職 등
직무·직급별 구조조정 대상 우선 순위 내용이 상세히 담겼다.
현대중공업은 이날 上半期 임원인사를 斷行하며 조선관련 계열사 임원 25%를
회사에서 내보내며, 본격적인 人力 構造調整에 나선 모습이다.(끝).
첫댓글 Alll of us only wish our company to recover the past glory.
(우리 모두의 간절한 所望은, 現重이 과거의 그 榮光을 되찾기 바랄 뿐이다.)
옳은 말씀 입니다.