I'm in Sanya in Hainandao, China.
Someone, just behind of me, listen the theme song of "Damo"
- I mean the TV series -
and other Korean songs. - 3 times just for the Damo.. ^^*
On this street, sometimes I could hear Korean songs.
I wonder how they could listen the Korean songs by internet.
A CD or a tape is possible but by internet? how? -.-?
Eventhough, there is lot's of Korean DVDs in DVD lental shops.
The weather in Hainandao is just great.
Nowadays, 26~30 degrees for day and night, and the wind is so cool.
So if you want to visit Sanya, Haikou or any place
in this island just come now~~ hhh
Ah~~~ And~~~ Miss World 2003 will be held in Sanya 6th Dec.
I heard the competitors just arrived here 11th Nov. but don't know
where they are staying. OK~~~ let me say they are staying at my home~~~~ kkk -.-;;;
I think they just did clean-up whole city for the Miss World 2003,
cause couldn't see any rat on the street.
Last year, there are so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ many rats (not a mouse.. -.-;;)
on the street at night.
I want to use Korean... T^T...
Is there someone could help me out?
My English is very poor and Tiena~~~ it's become a Conglish... T^T
If nobody going to help, I'll use my way~~~ keima? kkk
써니 꼬릿말중 해석이 안되는 부분부터...kk ^^*앗.. 모기당... ㅜ.ㅜ 왼손잡이의환희님~~ 이게 제 한계랍니다~~~ ㅋㅋㅋ ^^;; 아~~ 그리고, 세계아가씨대회(ㅜ.ㅜ;;) 참가자들 지금 삼아가 아니라 중국 순방(?)중인가봐요~~ 산야에는 나중에 다시 다시 온다고 하네요... ^^
Sisters~~~ I miss you so much~~~ *^^* I'm not sure when I could go back to Korea. Gineshiya~~~ You couldn't leave Korea before I go back and meet you. OK? kkk hu~~ Now I find out how I could change Chinese key to English key.
Yesterday, I pressed some keys and it's automecically change the key.. -.-;;; 天啊~~~ kkk I'm not sure the Chinese spelling is right or wrong, anyway you could read it as Tiana which means Oh~~ my god~~~ (gksmslqakathtk~~~~ ggg) ^^*
첫댓글 저도 다모 재미있게 봤어요^^영어 잘하시는데요~뭐~~ㅋㅋ언제 한국한번 오세요~
keyima? I'm with my friend and she find keima is wrong.. kk ^^* dkt.. ahrlekd...n.n dhlsthswkqdldml ghksgmlsla~~ dlrp wp gksrPfkqsled~~~ zzz ^^;; dk~~ rmflrh, tprPdkrkTleodhl(n.n;;) ckarkwkemf wlrma tkadkrk dkslfk wndrnr tnsqkd(?) wnddlsrqhkdy~~ tksdidpsms skwnddp ektl dhsekrh gkspdy... ^^
훗^^ 써니야 외계어를 벗어났구나^^;; 헌데 아직 너의SOS에 대답해준사람이 없었단 말이냐--;혹 모르지만 http://thailove.new21.net/gethan.htm 일루 들어가보거라 도움이 될런지--;;
이궁... 써니야 아까 오래 이야기 못해서 미안하구나. 언니가 일이있어서리... 그래도 잘지낸다고 하니 어찌나 좋던지... 꼬박 고박 잘 챙겨먹고 잘지내다 오렴. 그리고 너 글은 언제든지 해석해줄테니깐 그냥 편하게 쓰렴.
써니 꼬릿말중 해석이 안되는 부분부터...kk ^^*앗.. 모기당... ㅜ.ㅜ 왼손잡이의환희님~~ 이게 제 한계랍니다~~~ ㅋㅋㅋ ^^;; 아~~ 그리고, 세계아가씨대회(ㅜ.ㅜ;;) 참가자들 지금 삼아가 아니라 중국 순방(?)중인가봐요~~ 산야에는 나중에 다시 다시 온다고 하네요... ^^
에그에그,,, 힘들게 해석했습니다. 누가 빨리 써니님에거 한글칠수 있는 프로그램 소개좀 해주세요.
언제 한국 한번 오세요 ^^; 써니님은 한국에 살구 있답니다 ㅡ.ㅡ; 살았었답니다...ㅋㅋㅋ 대체 언제 돌아오나요? 송년회는 할수있는거 확실하죠? 얼른 돌아와요~~~
hey, just try to keep writing in English. 메롱~~~ 우히히 ps: I'm supposed to leave before long, when will you be back??
Sisters~~~ I miss you so much~~~ *^^* I'm not sure when I could go back to Korea. Gineshiya~~~ You couldn't leave Korea before I go back and meet you. OK? kkk hu~~ Now I find out how I could change Chinese key to English key.
Yesterday, I pressed some keys and it's automecically change the key.. -.-;;; 天啊~~~ kkk I'm not sure the Chinese spelling is right or wrong, anyway you could read it as Tiana which means Oh~~ my god~~~ (gksmslqakathtk~~~~ ggg) ^^*
Thank you Ejabi sis~~ ^^* Gaisha sis, Thanks for your advise~~ I'll try that later. I think it'll be work. *^^* adkt... Eh ahrlekd... T^T
써니님 이게 웬일입니까..아주 중국에서 살작정은 아니시겠죠...얼른 오세요..여기 팬들..다.어찌하실려공..
ㅡ.ㅡ;;; 동생님은 해석이 불가 하시니 해석본을 준비해서 보내줘~~~~~~~~~ 흑 한 3일 시골갔다 올려구 했는데 10일이나 있따 왔어여 왜 매년 울집은 내가 시골가면 메주랑 김장을 하는 걸까여...ㅡ.ㅜ 죽는줄알았어여