This story 's all is all about Caillou's surprise breakfast.
One morning, Caillou woke up very, very early.
Caillou was teying trying very hard to be quiet and not wake any body anybody.
"Mommy, are you asleep? Daddy, are you asleep?"
Caillou was wide awake and feeling very hungry.
He decided to have breakfast right then all by himself.
he would make breakfast for his family. He thought, "I'm making breakfast for everybody!"
Caillou didn't want to wake his mommy and daddy.
He wanted it to be a surprise.
Breakfast was a lot of work.
Now, Caillou had to set the table.
Caillou wanted this to be the biggest surprise mommy and daddy his mommy and daddy ever had.
There was one more thing he wanted to put on the table.
He wanted his surprise breakfast to be just right.
"Okay, come in!"
"I made you the biggest surprise ever!"
Score: B+
문법 수정:
- "story's all about" → "story is all about" ("story's"는 줄임말로 어색함).
- "One moring" → "One morning" (철자 수정).
- "teying" → "trying" (철자 수정).
- "any body" → "anybody" (단어 결합).
- "he would make breakfast for his family" → "He thought, 'I'm making breakfast for everybody!'" (더 자연스러운 표현).
- "He wanted to be a surprise" → "He wanted it to be a surprise" (문법 수정).
- "mommy and daddy" → "his mommy and daddy" (소유격 추가).
추가 내용 추천:
- Caillou가 만든 음식이 무엇인지 구체적으로 추가하면 더 흥미로울 것입니다.
- 부모님의 반응을 추가하면 이야기의 완성도가 높아질 것입니다.