- 약민어 Weakfish
. 학명; Cynoscion regalis
. 서식지; 화씨 57도내외 수온 하구인근의 얕은 모래바닥이나 해초밭
. 통명; 약민어
. 특징; 송어와 비슷한 중대형의 가는 염수어로 입이 약해 낚시가 어려워서 통명기인
. 먹이와 요리법; 조리하여 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Cynoscion regalis
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 화씨 57도내외 수온 하구인근의 얕은 모래바닥이나 해초밭
. 지역; 북서대서양, 노바스코샤에서 플로리다까지
동대서양 카디스만에도 도입
Weakfish inhabit the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida to Massachusetts, and records show isolated populations occurring as far north as Nova Scotia. They are most abundant from North Carolina to Florida in the winter and from Delaware to New York in the summer.
Habitat. Preferring sandy and sometimes grassy bottoms, weakfish are usually found in shallow waters along shores and in large bays and estuaries, including salt marsh creeks and sometimes into river mouths, although they do not enter freshwater. They can be found in depths of up to 55 fathoms in the winter.
2 통명
- 영어; squeteague, common weakfish, northern weakfish, common seatrout, northern seatrout, gray trout, summer trout, tiderunner, yellowfin, weakie;
French: acoupa royal; Portuguese: pescadaamarela; Spanish: corvinata real.
- 한글; 약민어, 양쥐돔목 민어과
3 개요
- 길이; 100센티이내
- 무게; 20파운드이내, 평균 4파운드
In southerly waters, weakfish average 1 to 4 pounds. In the upper mid-Atlantic, they typically weigh 4 to 7 pounds. The all-tackle record is 19 pounds, 2 ounces, and the maximum possible growth is believed to be higher. The average life span is roughly 10 years, but some reportedly live twice that long.
4 특징
- 송어와 비슷한 중대형의 가는 염수어로 입이 약해 낚시가 어려워서 통명기인
- 아래턱이 돌출되있고 위텃에는 두개의 큰 송곳니
- 머리와 등은 녹색을 띈 갈색, 옆은 희미한 은색 배는 백색
- 수컷은 민어과의 특징인 소리를 내서 암컷을 유인하여 짝짓기
- 떼로 서식하며 위기를 느끼면 더 밀집하여 포식자에 대응하고 사냥
- 맛이 좋고 낚시가 어려워 인기가 있어 남획되었고 쿼터제한
The weakfish is a member of the Sciaenidae family (drum and croaker), and its name refers to the tender, easily torn membrane in the fish’s mouth.
Identification. The body of weakfish is slim and shaped somewhat like a trout’s. The lower jaw projects beyond the upper jaw. There are two large, protruding canine teeth in the upper jaw and no chin barbels. Its coloring is dark olive or greenish to greenish-blue on the dorsal surface and blue, green, purple, and lavender with a golden tinge on the sides. Numerous small black spots speckle the top, occasionally forming wavy diagonal lines. There is sometimes a black margin on the tip of the tongue. The weakfish is distinguished from the closely related spotted seatrout because its spots do not extend onto the tail or the second dorsal fin and are not as widely spaced. The scales also do not extend onto the fins on the weakfish.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 멸치와 청어, 게, 새우, 연체동물, 플랑크톤까지 다양하게 섭취
- 3살이 되면 여름에 하구인근의 얕은 근해에서 산란
- 수정란은 조류를 따라 떠다니며 부화된 치어는 하구로 이동하여 성장
- 충분히 성장한 치어는 산란지로 이동
- 계절에 따라 떼로 봄에 북상하고 가을에 남하
- 다양하게 조리하여 식용
Mature weakfish are 3 to 4 years old. Spawning occurs in the nearshore and estuarine zones along the coast from May through October. A schooling species, weakfish migrate northward in the spring, spending the summer inshore, then moving southward again in the late autumn.
Food and feeding habits. Weakfish feed on crabs, shrimp, other crustaceans, and mollusks, as well as on herring, menhaden, silversides, killifish, and butterfish. Because of their varied diet, weakfish forage at different levels and adapt to local food conditions.