- 돌돔 Wreckfish
. 학명; Polyprion americanus
. 서식지; 61미터이상 대륙붕의 바위바닥
. 통명; 돌돔
. 특징; 깊고 튼튼한 몸체와 큰 머리, 큰입과 큰눈에 튀어나온 아래턱
. 먹이와 요리법; 일반적인 조리로 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Polyprion americanus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 61미터이상 대륙붕의 바위바닥
. 지역; 전세계, 대서양 양안, 서인도양, 남태평양
In the western Atlantic, the wreckfish ranges from Newfoundland to North Carolina.
Habitat. Found in the deep part of the continental shelf, at up to 2,000-foot depths, wreckfish prefer rocky ledges, pinnacles, and outcroppings around shipwrecks. They are solitary fish and are sometimes found drifting with floating timber or other objects.
2 통명
- 영어; bass, stone bass, wreck bass, hapuku;
Afrikaans: wrakvis; Danish: vragfisk; Dutch: wrakbaars; Finnish: hylkyahven; French: chernier commun, mérot gris; Greek: vláchos; Icelandic: rekaldsfiskur; Italian: cherna di fondale; Norwegian and Swedish: vrakfisk; Portuguese: cherne; Spanish: cherna; Turkish: iskorpit hanisi.
- 한글; 돌돔, 주걱치목 투어바리과
3 개요
- 길이; 210센티이내, 평균 140센티
- 무게; 220파운드이내, 평균 100파운드
The wreckfish grows slowly but can eventually reach 7 feet or more in length and can weigh 100 or more pounds. The all-tackle world record is a 106-pound, 14-ounce fish taken off Portugal.
4 특징
- 깊고 튼튼한 몸체와 큰 머리, 큰입과 큰눈에 튀어나온 아래턱
- 1등지느러미는 2등과 연결되있고 11개의 가시
- 2등지느러미는 1등보다 높은 12개의 연조
- 뒷지느러미는 짥고 견고한 3개의 가시
- 꼬리지느러미는 넓은 러더형
- 등과 옆은 진갈색이고 배는 노란색으로 어두운 반점
A member of the Polyprionidae family and related to the giant sea bass, the wreckfish is a very deep-dwelling and large-growing species occasionally caught by heavy-tackle anglers probing extreme depths. It is marketed fresh or frozen, sometimes as a sea bass or a stone bass, although it is susceptible to overfishing and is regulated in U.S. federal waters.
Identification. The wreckfish has a deep, strongly compressed body and a very bumpy head, with a ridge and bony protuberances above each eye. Adult fish are uniformly dark brown or bluish-gray, and the young are mottled. The second dorsal, as well as the caudal and the anal fins, are often edged in black, although the rounded caudal fin is otherwise edged in white, as are the pectoral fins. The spinous and soft parts of the dorsal fins are notched, and the lower jaw projects past the upper jaw.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 저서 서식 생선을 주로 먹고 갑각류와 연체동물도 추가
- 치어는 포식자에 대응하기 위해 떼로 서식
- 50센티이상이 되면 영역을 확보하여 단독생활 개시
- 여름에 떼를 이루어 산란
- 맛이 좋아 저인망, 긴낚시줄, 자망으로 어획
- 민어와 비슷한 맛이며 일반적인 조리로 식용
Wreckfish feed on crustaceans, mollusks, and deepdwelling fish found around wrecks or underwater objects.