- 부시리 Yellowtail
. 학명; Seriola lalandi
. 서식지; 따뜻한 연안과 대륙붕에 떼로 서식
. 통명; 부시리
. 특징; 방어와 비슷하게 방추형의 긴몸
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로 혹은 일반적인 방법으로 조리하여 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Seriola lalandi
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 연안과 대륙붕에 떼로 서식
. 지역; 태평양, 아열대나 온대해역
한국에는 남해안의 먼바다
The California yellowtail ranges throughout the Gulf of California and along the Pacific coast of North America from Baja California, Mexico, to Los Angeles, California. On occasion, it is found as far north as Washington.
Habitat. Yellowtail are primarily coastal schooling fish found in inshore waters and out to the continental shelf. In addition to schooling in and around offshore reefs and rocky shores, they frequent deep water around wharves, jetties, and manmade structures such as sunken vessels or artificial reefs, where baitfish are common. Occasionally, they will venture along ocean beaches and into larger estuaries. Large specimens, especially of the southern variety, are encountered in deep water around rocky pinnacles.
2 통명
- 영어; kingfish, yellowtail kingfish, king yellowtail, kingie, amberjack.
- 한글; 부시리, 전갱이목 전갱이과
3 개요
- 길이; 200센티이내
- 무게; 154파운드이내
The southern yellowtail is believed to grow to a maximum weight of 154 pounds and a length in excess of 61⁄2 feet. A 114-pound southern yellowtail from New Zealand holds the all-tackle world record. The world record for the California yellowtail is nearly 79 pounds, but the average fish is much smaller.
4 특징
- 방어와 비슷하게 방추형의 긴몸
- 등은 푸른빛이고 배는 백색으로 방어보다 납작
- 주둥이에서 꼬리까지 노란 세로띠
- 상업적으로 중요하며 강한 힘때문에 낚시로도 인기
Yellowtail are members of the Carangidae family and are closely related to amberjack. Although they are commonly referenced as three separate species—California yellowtail (Seriola lalandi dorsalis), southern yellowtail (S. lalandi lalandi), and Asian yellowtail (S. lalandi aureovittata)—it is currently believed that the worldwide yellowtail pool consists of one species, S. lalandi. The three varieties are recognized distinctly, however, because they are isolated from each other and do not appear to interact; there are also size differences with some populations, the southern variety growing larger than the others. These are fast-swimming, hard-striking, strong-pulling fish that give anglers a great struggle and are a commercially important species.
Identification. Yellowtail are readily identifiable by their deeply forked, bright yellow caudal fins. Their body coloring graduates from a purple blue on their backs to a silvery white on their bellies. The yellowtail’s body is elongate and moderately compressed, and a brass-colored stripe runs the length of the body from mouth to tail. There is a small keel on either side of the caudal peduncle.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 오징어, 새우, 고등어, 멸치를 주로 사냥
- 암초주위에 떼로 서식하며 수면에서 사냥
- 힘이 좋아 낚시로 인기있고 단단한 뱃살이 회감
- 쉽게 상하므로 포획즉시 피를 빼야 회로 식용가능
- 회로 혹은 일반적인 방법으로 조리하여 식용
Yellowtail can form large schools around reefs and will rise to the surface en masse to feed on schools of baitfish, as well as to drive baitfish up against the shore. Their migratory habits are not well known, but large individuals are believed to be less migratory.
Food and feeding habits. Yellowtail will eat whatever is available, but they feed predominantly on small fish, squid, and pelagic crustaceans. Large specimens will tackle bluefish, salmon, and small tuna.