출처: Viper English 원문보기 글쓴이: Viper
[turn] basic definitions
* cause to move around; spin; rotate => 회전시키다. 돌리다. ex) turn a handle
* change a position or sides => 페이지를 넘기다 ex) turn to the next page
* cause to become upside down; reverse => 뒤집다
* go in a specific direction; direct =>They turned their steps toward home.
* think about carefully; consider 곰곰이 생각하다
* change the nature or state of something =>상태가 변하다 ex) He turned pale.
* become 로튼 or unsound; decay; spoil; go bad => 맛이 상하다.
① turn down
* diminish the speed, volume, intensity or flow of ex) Turn down the radio, please=> 줄이다
* to be unwilling to accept or grant; reject, decline, ex) turned down the invitation=>거절하다
* darken; blur; fade ex) turn down your hair color
* Fold or double down => 접다. 반으로 접다 ex) They always turn down your bed cover.
ex) Turn down your collar.
② turn on
* start the operation; activity; or flow of; switch on ex) turned off the television=>전등. 라디오 등을 켜다
* get started; begin; initiate ex) turn on the project
* (Informal) excite;, stimulate; stir up => <사람을> 흥분시키다, 성적으로 자극하다
* make interested, motivate, fascinate => <사람을> (새로운 경험, 생각 등으로) 흥미를 갖게 하다, 유혹하다
* attack, assault physically => ․을 공격하다
③ turn off
* stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off: ex) turned off the television
* dismiss , lay off(영국) => 해고하다
* make indifferent; bore; disinterest ; affect with dislike, displeasure => 흥미가 없어지다, 지겨워지다 ex)The student turned off the boring lecture and daydreamed.
* alienate, keep somebody out of the track, => <일에서> 벗어나다, 옆길로 들어서다
④ turn in
* hand in(over); give over, submit ex) turned in the report => 넘겨주다. 제출하다.
* (Informal)go to bed 잠자리에 들다 ex) I turned in early last night.
* exchange ex) turn in an old car for a new car
* let slip; divulge; disclose => 신고(누설)하다. 알리다.
* stop working; retire => (일.계획.음주) 그만두다
⑤ turn out
* prove to be; become ex) He turns out to be guilty => ~임이 밝혀지다. 판명되다.
* drive (someone) out; expel => 쫓아내다, 몰아내다 ex) The tenants were turned out.
* supply what is needed for some activity or purpose ; produce; make ex) An assembly line is turning out cars.
* (Informal) To get out of bed; get up 잠자리에서 일어나다
* arrive or assemble, as for a public event or entertainment; appear or attend ex) many people turned out to welcome pope(교황).
⑥ turn over
* think about something; consider ; reflect on ex)she turned over the problem in her mind.곰곰이 생각하다
* bring the bottom to the top or vice versa; invert; overturn => ․․․을 뒤집다, 뒤집어엎다
* shift one's position or work; assign; consign => <일.책임 등을> 인계하다, 넘겨주다
⑦ turn up
* increase the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of ex) Turn up the radio.
* come up; happen unexpectedly; occur 발생하다 ex) Something turned up.
* make an appearance; be present; appear=show up ex) Many old friends turned up at the reunion. 수많은 오랜 친구들이 동창회에 모습을 보였다.
[set] basic definitions (작년 9월 모의 20번)
* put something in a particular space(=place, lay) ex) she sets a table for dinner 차리다, 배열하다
* put into a specified state => set the prisoner at liberty.죄수를 풀어주다.
* become fixed; harden ex) setting his hair with spray
* give some work to someone 일을 맡기다.
* decide ex) set a date for blind meeting =>미팅 날짜를 정하다.
* cause somebody to begin to do something => He set me starting some projects.
* adjust for proper functioning; manipulate; adjust ex) He set an alarm clock at 6 A.M.
* (adj) Ready: We are set to leave early tomorrow morning.
* establish as a model ex) A parent must set a good example for the children
* <해달이> 지다, 저물다, 넘어가다; <세력이> 기울다, 쇠하다 ex) The sun sets in the west. 해는 서쪽으로 진다
★Notice: set to, set about, set up 등의 compound verbs 들은 공통적으로 뭔가를 ‘시작하다’ 즉 starting의 의미를 내포하고 있다
① set about
* begin or start => <일 등에> 착수하다, ․하기 시작하다 (doing); 꾀하다, ․․․하려 하다(doing) ex) set about solving the problem.
② set to => 시작하다. 싸우기 시작하다. ex) begin working energetically; start in or begin fighting.
③ set(=put) apart
* reserve for a specific use. => 몫으로 따로 두다, 보류하다
④ set by (=keep, reserve)
* reserve for future use => (따로) 제쳐놓다, 모아두다; 중히 여기다. 저축해두다.
⑤ set up
* start in (business) => 장사 따위를 시작하다.
* install or assemble 설치, 조립하다.
* establish(=build) or raise someone in power.=> ~를 세우다 or ~를 (높은 지위에) 세우다. 올리다.
⑥ set back => 퇴보시키다. 저해하다.
slow down the progress of; hinder
[pick] basic definitions(see 4월 모의 첫 번째 20번)
① pick up
* become better or improve in condition or activity ⇒ 나아지다. 회복하다. ex) Sales picked up last fall.
* start again or continue after a break
* give somebody a lift(=give somebody a ride)
* take hold of and lift something ⇒집어 들다. 줍다.
* notice something
* buy something
* come down with a disease ⇒병에 걸리다. ex) She picked up a virus at school
② pick on
* tease or bully ⇒괴롭히거나 곯리다.
③ pick out ⇒ 고르다. 선별하다.
* choose or select
* discern from the surroundings ; distinguish ex) picked out their son from the crowed.
④ pick over
* sort out or examine item by item ⇒ 엄밀히 조사하거나 하나씩 자세히 조사하다.
⑤ pick apart ⇒ 단점을 들춰내다. 찾아내다.
* refute or find flaws in by close examination
[take] basic definitions
* get; gain possession by force, skill
* capture physically; seize ex) take an enemy
* grasp with the hands; grip ex) Take your partner's hand.
* understand or interpret ex) May I take your smile as an indication of approval?
* carry, convey, lead, or cause to go along to another place ex) Don't forget to take your umbrella.
* undertake the duties of ex)take the office manager
* consume, drink, eat, ingest, inhale ex) take a breath
* put up with; endure or tolerate ex) This is more than I can take. 이것은 내가 더 이상 참을 수 없는 것이다.
* use (something) as a means of conveyance or transportation ex) take a train to Pittsburgh.
① take in
* deceive or swindle ex) He was taken in by her.
* drink; absorb; load, accommodate =>섭취하다, 흡수하다, 마시다, (배에) 짐을 싣다. 수용하다.
* receive as a guest or an employee. ex) she was taken in as a member.
* understand ex) I couldn't take in the meaning of this.
* reduce in size; make smaller or shorter ex) took in the waist on my pants. =>바지의 허리 치수를 줄이다.
② take on
* undertake or begin to handle; set about; take up ex) took on responsibility => 책임을 떠맡다.
* employ, hire, engage ex) took on more workers during the harvest.
*oppose in competition; conflict with ; battle with; compete ex) a wrestler who took on all comers.
* display violent or passionate emotion ex) Don't take on so! 그렇게 조바심하지 말아라 => 흥분하다, 떠들어대다
* pretend; counterfeit => 가장하다.
④ take off
* remove; undress oneself cf. ☞ 반대말 put on; wear ex) It was hot so I decided to take off my jacket.
* leaving the ground, depart from the ground ex) I'm always nervous when the plane takes off.
* take time off from work; stop working temporarily ex) I'm taking off three days during May.
* deduct as a discount ex) took 20 percent off
* go off; leave => 떠나다 ex) took off in a hurry
[count] basic definitions( 모의 4-2-26번 문제)
* say or name the numbers in order
* be important (= have importance = matter)
* believe or consider to be; deem: judge; think ex)Count yourself lucky .
* The totality of specific items in a particular sample.
* include or take account of => 포함하다. ex) There are six people in my family, counting(=including) my parents.
* find the total number counted ex) Don't forget to count your change.
① count down =>거꾸로 세다.
* recite numbers in descending order.
② count on => 믿다. 의지하다.
* rely on; depend on ex) You can count on my help.
③ count off => 세어서 등분하다. 나누다.
* recite numbers in turn, as when dividing people or things into groups ex) The 24 children counted off by twos, forming a dozen pairs
④ count out ( exclude (one) from consideration)
* Informal use
Include by or as if by counting. ex) Count me in.
Exclude by or as if by counting. ex) Count me out.
[company](5-1-20번 문제)
*회사, 동료, 무리, 단, 친구, 말동무, 교제, 사귐, 중대(군대) ex) A man is known by the company he keeps. (유유상종)
[sense] (6-1-20번 문제)
* the faculty of perceiving by means of sense organs from outside or inside the body are received and felt thorough hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste(오감각)
* A capacity to appreciate or understand (감각) ex) a keen sense of humor.
* the meaning of a word or expression; "the dictionary gave several senses for the word" A meaning that is conveyed, as in speech or writing; signification => 의미
* The power of judging => 사리분별력, 판단력 ex) Every human beings could recognize the truth of knowledge and the morality of actions through the common sense. (대개 common sense는 한국에서 ‘상식’ 으로만 알려져 있음)
* consciousness => 의식 ex) lose one's sense
[carry] (7-20번 문제)
* convey =>을 운반하다, 가지고[들고] 가다; 보내다, 수송하다(transport). ex) carried the baby in my arms
* be pregnant =>《진행형으로》 임신 중 이다. ex) I'm carrying my baby.
* support in a certain manner => 머리․몸 따위〕를 일정한 자세로 유지하다 ex)She carried her head high. 그녀는 머리를 높이 치켜들고 있었다.
* contain or have something within
* support the weight or responsibility of ex) This man should carry a heavy workload. =>이 남자는 과중한 작업량을 견뎌 내야만 한다.
① carry on
* conduct, maintain, continue without halting => 을 영위하다, 경영하다, 관리하다; 〔사무〕를 처리하다. 을 계속하다, 속행하다[with]; 〔절차 따위〕를 밟다. (중단했다가) 다시 시작하다, 재개하다.《구어》 처신하다,
② carry off
*handle with successfully => 상품․명예 따위〕를 획득하다, 쟁취하다 .성공하다.
*cause the death of=> (병 따위가) 의 생명을 빼앗다
③ carry out
* put into practice or effect => 계획 따위〕를 실행에 옮기다, 완성하다, 성취하다; 을 수행하다.
* follow or obey => 에 따르다, 을 지키다.
④ carry through
* accomplish, complete, survive, persist ,sustain => 완성하다 , 성취하다. 일관하다, 지속하다; 〔계획 따위〕를 수행하다, 실현하다.
⑤ carry over => postpone 을 연기하다, 〔상품 따위〕를 이월하다.
[make] basic definitions
* create ex) He made problems ; make a dress
* induce; compel ex) I made him quit his work.
* act; conduct; carry out; perform ex) make a phone call; make reservations(예약하다)
* constitute, make up ex) Ten members make a quorum. => 열 명이 구성원이 정족수(의결에 필요한)를 이룬다.
* earn or gain ex) make money
* arrive at; reach ex) I'm going to make Seattle in two hours 2시간 안에 시애틀에 도착하게 될 꺼야.
* achieve, produce, or attain 성공하다. 이루다 ex) made peace between the two sides;
* pretend; counterfeit 가장하다. ~인 척 하다
① make up
* constitute; form ex)Ten years make up a decade.
* concoct, devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent ex) made up an excuse or a story => 변명거리를 지어내다. 엮어내다.
* settle a dispute or conflict successfully when there are troubles ; resolve a quarrel =>해결하다. 화해하다(with) ex) He has made up his difference with her.
* compensate for => 보상하다. ex) make up for lost time
* set or put in order; arrange => 정돈하다 ex) They made up their room to invite their friends.
* alter one's appearance with a costume and cosmetics => 화장하다
② make out
* comprehend or understand ex) I cannot make out what you're saying.
* pretend or claim that it is so ex) He made out that he was ill. => ~인 척 하다.
* fill in ; write all the required information onto a form ex) make out a form =>쓰다. 작성하다.
* detect with the senses; discern =>알아보다. ex) I couldn't make out the traffic signs through the rain.
* try to establish or prove ex) He made out that he was innocent. =>~라고 주장하다. 증명하다
*manage; success ; come to terms or deal successfully with ex) made out well in business.
③ make over
* redo; renovate; convert; alter 고치다. 새로이 하다.
* change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document 인계하다, 넘겨주다 ex) He made over the property to her son.
[put] basic definitions
* lay (blame, reliance, emphasis, etc) on something.
* set someone to work or apply something to a good
*유의어: place, lay, set, seat, settle; establish, install, fix; deposit, insert, embed, plant, express
* 반의어: take, remove.
① put down
* write down; enter in a list =>기입하다 , 적다. ex) put down in the letter of application
* include someone in a list of participants or subscribers => 신청자(참가자)의 명단에 올리다.
* assign to a category => 분류하다. 구분하다 ex) Just put him down as a playboy.
* criticize; humiliate, or snub someone =>를 탓하다. 비난하다 , 깎아 내리다. ex) Don't put me down for failing the exam.
* cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place =>아래로 내리다. 침대에 누이다 =>착륙하다 or 시키다.
* bring to an end ; repress ex) put down a rebellion => 진압하다, 끝내다.
② put off
* delay; postpone; cancel ex) Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today.
* make someone lose concentration; cause someone to lose enthusiasm or distract ex) Her accident put me off climbing.
* make someone feel disgust for something; cause to feel intense dislike or distaste. ex) Many people were put off by its dirty smell.
* cause to feel embarrassment ex) His indifferent attitude has put us off.
* take off; discard ; remove =>제거하다 (옷 등을) 벗다: ex) Put off your doubts. 의심을 버리시오
③ put on
* put clothing on one's body ex) He put on his best suit for the wedding.
* apply to something on a surface ex) She is putting some make -up on her face.
* produce; perform ; present ; play ex) put on a variety show. => 상연하다.
* add; increase; gain (weight or speed) ex) put on weight.
* pretend; make out ex) she said as if she had been ill but she was putting it on.
④ put away
* put aside ; replace it tidily where it belongs => 치우다. 정리하다.
* deposit; save it for future use => (후일을 위하여) 간직하다, 저축하다
* throw or cast away ; renounce; discard ex) put all negative thoughts away
* eat up; consume (food or drink) readily and quickly ex) Let's put away the dinner in just a few minutes.
* lock up or confine to a mental health facility or jailin a jail ex) 가두다(정신병원, 감옥 등)
* kill ex) The injured cat was put away.
⑤ put out
* extinguish ex ) put out a fire.
* expel, drive away => 쫓아내다 ex) The manager put out a drunken guest
* publish => 출간하다 ex) put out a weekly newsletter.
* offend or irritate ex) I was put out by his attention to the television .
[go] basic definitions
*Thesaurus(유의어): advance, move, operate, continue, function, proceed, happen, match, accord, occur, die
* Antonym(반의어): stop, discontinue
① go off
* release or cause to release energy suddenly and violently with a loud noise; explode, burst, blow => 터지다. 폭발하다.
* make a noise; sound ex)The siren went off at noon.
* leave; run away 떠나다, 도망가다, ․․․을 가지고 도망하다.
* become r로튼 ex) The milk in the bottle went off.
* proceed 일이 되어가다 (badly, well) ex) The project went off smoothly.
② go over
* look at carefully or critically ; check out; examine
* pass off or be received => 받아들여지다 ex) The proposal didn't go over.
③ go through
* go across ex) He went through the road safely.
* experience ex) We went through hell while working on this project.
* examine ex) He went through the students' papers.
* pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful end ex) Did he go through with(complete=finish) all projects? =>완수하다
④ go with
* accompany ; co-exist with it =>․․와 동행[동반]하다, 같이 가다. ex) Goodness doesn't always go with beauty.
* match ; associate => ․․․와 어울리다, 조화하다
* take the side of; be on the side of => 《주로 미》 의견을 같이 하다, 지지하다
* date ; go out => 이성과 교제하다. 만나다.
⑤ go for it (Informal)
*expend all one's strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose (목적을 향해 달려나가자)
[work out] basic definitions
* find the solution for a problem => 해답을 찾다. 풀다 ex) worked out the equations
* accomplish by work or effort; successfully achieved =>성공하다
* do physical exercise => 운동하다
* make a mathematical calculation or computation =>계산하다
[address] basic definitions
* rather formal a speech or lecture ; the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience => 연설, 강연
* written directions or signs for finding some location =>주소
* social skill ;Skill; skillful management => (좋은)솜씨, 사교성
* speak to ex) She addressed me in low tones. => 말을 걸다
* make a formal speech; give a lecture ex) The chairman addressed the board => 연설(설교)하다
*put the name on an envelope => 봉투에 주소를 적다
* give one's attention to a problem; direct the efforts or attention of (oneself) => 마음,주의력,정신력 등을 (․․․에) 쏟아 붓다, 향하게 하다, 집중시키다 ex) She addressed herself to a main task.
* deal with ex) She addressed the issue properly => 일.문제 등을> 다루다, 처리하다
* protest => They addressed a protest to the committee.=> <항의 등을> 제기하다, 제출하다
[cover] basic definitions
* wrap ex) Snow covered the highway.=> 덥다, 싸다. 씌우다
* shield, protect => 감싸주다, 보호하다
* shelter or protection => 피난처(명사)
* be sufficient to meet ex) Is this enough to cover the your condition? => 충족하다. 만족하다. 채우다
* protect by insurance; compensate ex) The insurance won't cover this.
* hide ex) cover a mistake 과오를 숨기다
* travel across or pass over ex) He covered almost 100 miles each day => <어떤 일정한 거리를> 가다
* deal with => <연구주제를> 다루고 있다; 학습하다, 강의하다 ex) The rule covers all cases. 그 법칙은 모든 경우에 적용된다.
[stick] basic definitions
* a long thin piece of anything. 막대기
* a small thin branch of a tree 나뭇가지
* informal terms of the leg
* pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed => (날카로운 것으로) 찌르다, (with, on); 관통시키다
* fix, adhere or stay fixed with an adhesive ; be loyal to => 고수[고집]하다, 충실하다 ex) She sticks to her principles.
* stay put (in a certain place) ․․․한곳에만 집중해 꾸준히 하다 ex) Stick around and you will learn something.
* endure ; persist ex) stick out! 참다; 끝까지 버티다(구어)
* place or put (어떤 장소에) 아무렇게 놓다 ex) sticks papers in a drawer 서류를 서랍에 집어넣다
* attach; fasten with an adhesive material like glue ex) Stick the poster onto the wall => 붙이다