October 10-14 is Safety Week, and we will be launching student education on the topic of personal safety. Children in the elementary will have a special assembly with a skit and video as we begin teaching the
Child Protection Unit in the individual classrooms. Students in middle and high school will have videos, activities, and discussion time during SAT or homeroom time, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, with a special assembly during chapel on Friday.
If you have any questions about Safety Week, please contact the Child Safety Team at
childsafetyoffice@dalat.org 달랏에서 10월 10-14일까지 안전주간을 갖습니다. 어린이 보호를 위해 촌극이나 비디오를 통해 초등생들을 가르치며 중.고등학생들에게는 비디오, 액티비티, 토론을 통해 교육을 할 예정입니다.